Friday, April 8, 2011

Fate of St. John's Queens Hospital is sealed

SJQH Proposed Certificate of Occupancy
75 units plus a mall and diagnostic facility but parking for only 18 cars? Sounds about right...

Thank goodness. I was concerned they may put another hospital here! Our poor showing in the census proves that we need more people, not more health care.


Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

Thats a terrible situation for the residents of Queens. If you have a stroke in Sunnyside - the ambulance has to travel all the way to Forest Hills or Elmhurst before you can reach medical help.

We have have only our local politicians to thank for this... they are asleep at the wheel!

What is going to happen to the parking structure behind the former hospital??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Sunnyside patients would go to
Astoria, a lot closer.

Queens Crapper said...

Straight down QB? I think they'd go to St. John's.

Anonymous said...

That site should have been the site of the Maspeth High School. Convenient to all modes of transportation and a parking lot for all the teachers. Instead they built where it is accessible by a two way street with three schools in a six block area. The Queens Boulevard site should be a hopsital, since the High School is already being built. Too many people and not enough hospitals.

Chris said...

a mall?? isnt there a couple of malls already over there?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we need another mall. It's hard to shop these days, since people don't have money. How many storefronts are vacant in Queens?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Every hospital that is closed is going to be turned into more luxury housing on top of a mall on top of another Duane Reade. Too bad Cathie Black resigned and not Christine Quinn. :,(

Anonymous said...

Wetsons and Fairy Land!

Anonymous said...

The hospital was one of the worst I have ever had to go to. Was the Diocese of BK the ones who ran/owned it.
Just curious who ran it before it was shut down.

Queens Crapper said...

Really when did you go to it? Because it was run by Wyckoff Hospital, before that St. Vincent's Hospital, and hadn't been run by the Diocese of Brooklyn since the 1990s.

So you came here to badmouth a closed hospital because you didn't like the care there 2 decades ago?

Anonymous said...

Yes I am bad mouthing it.
I used to live in the area and had to go when I was ill as well as having sport injuries taken care off.
I recall taking my brother there as well after he had a sports related injury.
He had serious head injuries,as well as other cuts .
I actually had to assist the PA in giving stitches, and had to remind them he also needed a CatScan.
They were pathetic.
This was in the late 90's. More people are alive now that it is closed.

Queens Crapper said...

Perhaps you should have taken him to a trauma hospital, which St. John's was not. Nor did it specialize in sports medicine. It was a community hospital. Duh.

Anonymous said...

How funny that you kept going there despite the poor care. What a moron.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you go to Elmhurst if care was as poor as you say? It's not that much further away. And St. John's saved plenty of lives. They were a certified cardiac care hospital.

Anonymous said...

Note that Crapper told said moron that 2 other entities owned the hospital after his experiences, yet he still says that the closing of the hospital saved lives because he had to assist with stitches 12 years ago. Amazing how dumb some commenters are.

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