Thursday, April 7, 2011

Don't dare call her ma'am!

From the NY Times:

The City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn, on Wednesday lashed out at a reporter for The Daily News who did not invoke Ms. Quinn’s proper title when asking her a question.

The reporter, Erin Einhorn, referred to Ms. Quinn as “Ma’am” in asking the speaker about her efforts to improve the city’s response to snowstorms.

But Ms. Quinn was none too pleased with Ms. Einhorn, who earned the speaker’s scorn recently with a series of articles that were critical of the Council.

“You can call me Speaker,” Ms. Quinn said in a testy tone. “It’s my press conference. I actually decide what words are necessary.”

Ms. Quinn quickly apologized to Ms. Einhorn on Wednesday, saying that she should not have used a public forum to express her anger over a personal issue.

“I was nasty to you,” Ms. Quinn said. “I apologize.”


Anonymous said...

Great photo

Helen said...

Since when is Ma'am an insult? It's a term of respect. Miss Quinn is supposed to be a public servant working on behalf of the people.

Anonymous said...

“It’s my press conference. I actually decide what words are necessary.”

SPEAKER Quinn doing her Leslie Gore imitation.

Anonymous said...

Dyke bitch

Anonymous said...

@Helen. you would be surprised. I was once in a meeting with my Professor who got really heated by my calling him "sir" as in "yes, sir."
He actually yelled at me.
I replyed with, my father is in the Army and taught me Sir was a term of respect. Since you don't like it I can call you other things"
He flew into a rage and I dropped his class.

Kevin Walsh said...

The pettiness of these people is in a way fascinating to witness.

Kevin Walsh said...

I usually hear the word 'sir' said to me sharply, as a euphemism for 'what are you doing here, asshole?' That's why I personally don't like the word.

Helen said...

Anonymous # 4 ~

Well done! And please thank your Dad for his service. It's gentlemen like him that give these dolts the very freedom that they have to be insulted by respectful terms. Happy that you switched to another class :-)

Helen said...

Kevin Walsh ~

OK then ... hope that you won't mind my calling you Mr. Walsh. It's fun to be polite and am hoping that that won't be "forgotten" in New York :-)

Anonymous said...

"ma'am" is an insult when you want to be called "sir".

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till she runs for Mayor. This will be a great commercial for NOT VOTING for Ma'am, I mean Madame Quinn.

Anonymous said...

She's absolutely correct. Quinn should be addressed as GOD., not Ma'am or Madame Speaker.

Anonymous said...

Kevin is the only one allowed to spam the QC comments section.

Anonymous said...

She is a fat pig.

Kevin Walsh said...

Not God.


georgetheatheist said...

You can call her anything you want, but never ever call herJohnson.

Anonymous said...

she recognized her error and apologized.

Queens Crapper said...

Yeah because she realized mouthing off to a reporter was a stupid thing to do. Why was she offended in the first place? Because she thinks her crap don't stink.

Anonymous said...

So, is it between her and Liu for Mayor? They both have salutaion issues (self-esteem, much?). One can't stand being called "Ma'am," and the other needs to be called "Mr. Comptroller." Wonder what we'll have to call them if either becomes mayor....

Anonymous said...

She was insulted because she's no ma'am. There isn't a feminine bone in her fat body. She's the husband and she wears the pants in her family. She'd love to be the king of the castle, but Mayor Mike has that title. Not to worry, she has her eye on Mayor Mike's throne and when all New Yorkers vote her in (and they will), reporters can refer to her as Sir.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the Queens Crap homophobes are out and about today.

Suzannah B. Troy said... This is new tube Cathie Black -- BLACK OUT! (Bloombucks lame duck.)
Christine Quinn exposed approving hiring lawyers from Sullivan and Cromwell same firm goldman sachs uses as well as her own lawyer 600 dollars and hour. In the meantime she was exposed by NYDN’s for being sued for times for not paying her rent so that is why she acted like Mike and mini-me abused Erin from NYDN. How can she be mayor if she can’t even figure out how to pay her own rent and she thinks the tax payer money is a bottom less pit for her.

Suzannah B. Troy said...

She thinks she is Mike Bloomberg -- both think they are emperor of NYC and they both belong in jail.

Anonymous said...

Cathie Black

The hits just keep on coming Bloomturd

Anonymous said...

"Don't dare call her ma'am!"

But I will call her butch er bitch!

Anonymous said...

Imagine the yeast infection on this beast of a dyke. We're gonna need a biggie chainsaw to cut thru it.

Anonymous said...

How about rug munching crook bitch? Can I call her that?

Anonymous said...

While Quinn and Weiner continue to make fools of themselves, Liu continue to quietly shore up support.
Now that he's got the Asian and Black votes, Liu is lining up Jewish votes: Temple of worships have been receiving from Liu letters urging them to submit two nominations for the "Older Americans of the Month" awards to the Comptroller's Public Affairs Dept. He's also making the rounds of Jewish temples.

Anonymous said...

Watch out!
That shrill dyke will strap on a dildo and ream you out good!

Anonymous said...

If you're a bull dike lesbian..."Ma'am" is an insult.

And here's lookin' at you Moby Stavisky!

Anonymous said...

You can call her "Johnson"...George.

She sleeps with her stainless steel male prosthetic on...never takes it off even when showering!

Her club name is Christopher!

She works all the "glory holes" in NYC.

georgetheatheist said...

From the Urban Dictionary:

Anita Johnson = "I need a johnson", ie, a woman who needs to get laid really bad.

Annie Johnson = "Any Johnson" = I'll take any johnson I can get.

Emma Johnson = "I'm a johnson" = a "woman" who is REALLY a man.

Harry Johnson = "hairy johnson" = a guy who doesn't trim his bush.

Johnson & Johnson = 2 guys hunting for pussy or 2 gay guys, depending on the context.

Lisa Johnson = "lease a johnson" = a woman who hires male prostitutes.

Max Johnson = super huge penis, or man who has one.

Sarah Johnson = "Is there Johnson (around here)?" = a woman hunting for cock.

Sharon Johnson = "sharin' johnson" = a chick who likes to have more than one penis in her at the same time. Alias Sharon Cox or Sharon Peters.

This site is indeed so-o-o educational said...

Hahr-hahr-hahr. Eefen more gud vons. I'm larfing mein Johansson orf. Hahr-hahr!

Anonymous said...

nice to see that the Q.C.heterosexuals are out and about today.

cathy black,a heterosexual married to a man, did not belong in the D.O.E. homosexual cesspool. good luck to her.

she ran Hearst Publications for many years ,in the black.
her resignation is a loss to children who are the losers in n.y.c.

Anonymous said...

If Ms. Queen, er, Quinn doesn't like ma'am, how about Your Highness, Your Excellency or Sir. After all, she is the Slush Fund Queen, so your highness is appropriate. Suggestions?

Anonymous said...

The general suggestion is to keep the hate and prejudice to a dull roar...if you want to be listened to at all.

Anonymous said...

Abolish the city council, they are overpaid & dont do anything!!! when is the revolution??!?! we need a coup!!! get out the guillotine!!!!! when are we going to rise up!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Anon. No. 34:

You and Bloomberg are the only two people who feel Cathie Black being Chancellor was a good thing for this city.

Anonymous said...

with a failed progressive d.o.e. policy for fifty years,the n.y.c.children have been the losers.

no human being "chancellor" will turn around the damage that public unionisn (u.f.t.) has done to

Anonymous said...

No hate intended. Just speaking the truth. Quinn, like all politicians, thinks she is superior and is above the law and demands that the public treat her like royalty. She thinks she is better than all the little people. Politicians are not like us little people. They don't obey laws and when caught doing something illegal, are let off with a slap on the wrist so they can continue to do whatever they please. Like I said -- No hate here -- just speaking the truth.

Chris said...

didnt barbara boxer do the same ish.

Suzannah B. Troy said...

Quinn resign!
I show you email I wrote Bloomberg demanding Quinn resign and John Liu put her and her staffs legal bills on nycgov web site

Helen Marshill said...

Chris is very enigmatic. I just can't quite finger her out.

Anonymous said...

I Love how all the kiss dem hacks in the queens dem party kiss her ass and pretend she's a cool person. She is so wretched she makes toby seem like a sweet cupcake.

Anonymous said...

Cathie Black

The hits just keep on coming Bloomturd

Deputy Chancellor resigns last week,

Deputy Chancellor Sandy Tavares resigns yesterday.

Black resigns toay and within hours, the guy who gave her the waiver resigns.

Something really stinks why isnt anyone putting the pieces together?

Anonymous said...

Who does Quinn the SLUSH FUND QUEEN think she is, anyway? The Red Queen? She has the same bitchy abrasive style that her bitchy boss Bloomberg has. Who needs another princess bitch as mayor? We already have one!!

Anonymous said...


georgetheatheist said...

First they name the bridge after him, then the Bayside turd.

Now these?

Anonymous said...

When in doubt, crank up the eugenics! Genius. You guys should be in charge of the whole world!

Anonymous said...

She doesn't like Ma'am, then call her SIR!

Anonymous said...

What is the proper way to address a trans-gender or cross-dresser?

Anonymous said... looks like Danny Dromm and his minions are posting incognito...the lords of Vaseline Alley.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg (nasal whiny fag); Quinn (bull dyke); Katz (bottom girl); Sabini (closet queen); etc.

Just some of our "alternative life styles" past and present elected officials.

Maybe that's why we've all been getting the royal screw!

But I'm still a "cock-eyed" (LOL) optimist and think we can improve our lot.

linda said...

let her keep running her dyke mouth and everyone will see her true colors.. only in her head does she think she has a shot to become mayor.. everyone is sick of bloomturd and she stands up his ass. time for change is coming!

Anonymous said... looks like Danny Dromm and his minions are posting incognito...the lords of Vaseline Alley.



Anonymous said...

I just spent one on the KeyBoard...
Thanks Suzzie...Let's work on those Abs though.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says....

Yeah, the hits might keep coming on Bloomberg... but who is really suffering....

Obviously, Christine Quinn is another individual that doesnt think before she speaks. One would ave thought whe would have gotten that part of it by now.

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