Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Channel 11 enters Triangle hell


Anonymous said...

The work probably went to the lowest bidder. You expect quality too?

Anonymous said...

slow news day.

Anonymous said...

To bad this coverage was on CH 11.
No one watches ch 11, it's the lowest rated news. Also It has a bad reputation, they have a penthouse centerfold for a news caster. Wow, that's some great casting.

Anonymous said...

they have a penthouse centerfold for a news caster.

Probably the only thing worth watching on their newscast. TV news is garbage.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of Channel 11, but let's give some credit to Monica Morales for cleaning up all the abandoned cars on Flushing Avenue. If Channel 11 can help rectify a problem that our local politicians turn a blind eye to, that's fine with me.

Anonymous said...

Yes they do , you can look it up. She's on in the a.m slot 5-7.
You can figure it out by her looks.

Anonymous said...

That would be Jill Nicolini, the traffic reporter.
You don't need much intelligence for a gig like that.

Anonymous said...

Monica Morales is giving attention to problems in Queens, that's more than all of the stations combined. Keep up the good work Monica!

Anonymous said...

Monica gives back to the community, she also teaches at CUNY when she's not reporting news.

But generally I can't stand CW11, it tries too hard to look hip at the expense of professionalism.

Its Lionel is annoying and it's half-dressed anchors are a joke. Only Greg Mocker, Howard Thompson, Monica Morales, and the timeless Kaity Tong keep this station going.

Kevin Walsh said...

I miss Lynne White. Halloween one year, she read the news dressed as a playboy bunny.

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