Friday, April 29, 2011

Bloomberg introduces city to Ben Dover

From the NY Post:

After weeks of issuing dire warnings that large-scale layoffs are coming, Mayor Bloomberg declared yesterday that when the numbers are finally released next week they'll be "very painful."

He offered no specifics, but indicated there's not much hope of a reprieve once his $65.6 billion executive budget for fiscal 2012 is made public May 5.

The mayor laid the blame on Albany and Washington, which he asserted had left the city with about $3 billion less in aid than it needs and was counting on.

He suggested that demonstrators planning a massive rally on Wall Street May 12 to protest his budgets cuts would be better suited directing their anger at the state and federal governments.

"New York City has to balance its budget by law," he said. "We will go ahead and do that, you can rest assured. And it will be very painful because we have a lot less money, which means a lot fewer people."

Hizzoner added, "What we have to do is decide will it be fewer cops, fewer firefighters, fewer teachers, fewer this, fewer that."

How about fewer tax breaks for developers? Why are people up in arms about GE not paying taxes, but seemingly have no problem with Forest City Ratner or the Related Company getting free land and sweetheart tax deals like this one?


Anonymous said...

Didn't Jewmberg gain 4.9 Billion dollars of net worth in 2009. The most of anyone in America.

Anonymous said...

1. Every time this guy does something, remember, its your city council that put him there. ya gatta problem which de maya? go after them.

2. why are EDC and City Planning budgets untouched while your Albany rep and your councilman do nothing to stop seniors, youth and communities from getting tossed under the bus?

a hurting taxpayer said...

My ass is so sore and stretched after bending over for Bloomberg for so long a time, that I'm scheduled to have a "balloon knot" transplant at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.

In the meantime I will not be giving hizzoner any "rusty trombone" BJs.

Don't even ask me to explain.

Anonymous said...

Anon no. 1:

And his religion is relevant in what way here?

Anonymous said...

How 'bout fewer consultants,fewer no-bid "privatized" contracts,fewer outside hires like "Blood on his hands" Goldsmith, and fewer trips tp Bermuda to check on the offshore kickbacks account?

Anonymous said...

I was raised believing that one should treat others with respect until the other is proven to be worthy of otherwise by their conduct. It's preeeminently clear in which manner Bloomberg has proven himself to be worthy of...Let's get to it folks- Do the right thing!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this guy supposed to be a financial wizard. Oh, that's right, only when it comes to his personal wealth.

Anonymous said...

Hurting taxpayer sounds like an opie and anthony fan.

Anonymous said...

Anon #1, "Jewmberg" is totally anti semitic and offensive. WTF does this have to do with anything unless you are trying to connect old anti semitic stereotypes to Bloomberg? He is barely a human, never mind a Jew. All our NYC legislators are corrupt assholes. He's just the head asshole.

Anonymous said...

If a jew does something amazing YOU BET YOUR ASS that it will be mentioned about his Jewishness, but when a jew does bad his jewishness must NEVER be brought up.

Just as young people are notoriously known for being bad drivers, jews are known for having an INSATIABLE lust for money/wealth/capital/lucre/ etc etc ETC!

Bloomberg is a fine example of jewish money hoarding.

Anonymous said...

And what ethnic group do you belong to, bub? I'd just love to focus in on your stereotypes.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Ed Koch bend over for (his late lover) Bob Wagner Junior for years?

Does that make the old queen an opie and anthony fan too?

Or is Eddie a top man?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #9, you are a virulent anti semite focusing on "jews". Plenty of "jews" have a hell of a lot less money than bloomberg, but this is what you focus on instead of all the corruption. He's giving "Jews" a bad name but haters like you focus on the fact that he is a "jew" rather than a corrupt bitch of a mayor. You are a POS if you know what I mean. I'm a non rich Jew who grew up with POS's like you so I know what anti semitic assholes like you are: stupid troll!!!!!!! I hope you have a Jew for a doctor, lawyer, social worker, teacher, dentist, boss, wife, husband, or mayor. You will sow what ever hate you reap.

georgetheatheist said...

Historically Jews were forced into finance because of the anti-capitalist mentality of the medieval Church. The Church reaped what it sowed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, GTA. The Holy Roman Empire might have been anti capitalist but they were more than greedy. The whole idea of priests not marrying was engendered not by religious fervor but greed. The Church took priests' land after they died. The lack of family enabled it to do just that...steal land from dead priests.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, GTA. The Holy Roman Empire might have been anti capitalist but they were more than greedy. The whole idea of priests not marrying was engendered not by religious fervor but greed. The Church took priests' land after they died. The lack of family enabled it to do just that...steal land from dead priests.


What does the Roman Empire have to do with the Church??????


Why do you allow one ignorant schmuck take away from the topic?

Anonymous said...

Last Anon, you need to go back and study early European history. Be enlightened....we're NOT talking about the "Roman Empire" which existed B.C.

Anonymous said...

Wow, a post we should all be incensed about as New Yorkers regardless of ethincity comes down to anti-semetic name calling. No wonder people aren't focusing on companies like GE paying no taxes or tax cuts for developers like Ratner. They are too busy slinging mud at each other. Not that it matters but I believe our mayor identifies as agnostic and his religion has absolutely NOTHING to do with his inability to even remotely give a crap about the middle class or poor people of the people of this city.

Emma Goldman's Ghost said...

Isn't that the problem? The media reports whatever its masters, such as Bloomberg, want them to. A democracy wrests upon an informed populace. We are not informed, and yes, the trolls and hate slingers are out in force. The least able in our society get thrown under a bus, and women's rights are again under attack in states like Indiana. Therefore, we get 10 pages of royal wedding reports in the Daily News, and then the 15 pages of sports reporting. The NYT caves in to the oligarchs all the timme. They just reported on the horrors of being Dennis Walcott and the nerve of those policemen in pulling his car over. The race card is pulled out, and there goes another stupid distracting controversy. You are so right, last Anon.

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