On his Friday radio show, [Bloomberg] was asked about a new shift in city policy that had been in the newspaper for two days running - and didn't seem to know it had happened.
It's a shift on something that had been a sore point for Bloomberg's critics - outside contractors paid six-figure salaries for tech projects that blow deadlines and budgets, like the scandal-ridden CityTime system.
...it was news last week when one of Bloomberg's deputy mayors, Stephen Goldsmith, agreed with critics and said New York will save tens of millions of dollars by bringing the work in-house.
On the radio, WOR-AM host John Gambling tossed Bloomberg a softball about it. But instead of explaining the new company line on insourcing, the mayor defended outsourcing.
If the Bloomberg administration has a new message on contracts, why did Bloomberg himself go off-message?
...perhaps it's a sign of...a third-term mayor who has delegated the nuts and bolts of government to new aides like Goldsmith but isn't paying enough attention to what they're doing.
Those who work closely with City Hall - even Bloomberg's allies - have seen signs of third-term drift. His attention is on national and world issues, not day-to-day business like plowing snow or rewriting tech contracts.
There are a lot of people in this City who are now reaping the benefits of having their votes bought.
He's out of touch & he has no respect for others in his administration or the people he represents.
Marbles? I thought they were testicles!
He has no marbles and no testicles. He doesn't have a brain or common sense or compassion either. The only thing he does have is money to buy everything and everyone he needs.
The only thing he does have is money to buy everything and everyone he needs.
Zatz all I'll ever need!
PS I'm b-a-a-a-c-k! Did you mizz me?
And you voted for them!
Anonymous said...
And you voted for them!
Perzonally I voted for der right tezticle!!!
Of courze, dere all right to me!
Maspeth Mom says...
He is too busy trying to create street malls and beautify and ugly city (I mean in terms of poor public schools, closing Fire Houses, less NYPD etc....) with a smoke and mirrors tactic. He is so far removed from the people of NYC and he has become a burden to the people.
It doesn't really matter if Bloomfuck lost his marbles.
He's so wealthy that he can buy a shipload of new ones.
In fact, he can buy the factories, toy stores and shipping vessels that transport them from China!
Fuck Bloomberg.
Mapeth Mom say....
Or from radioactive Japan!!!!
Der Mayor continues to run NYC from his Bermuda compound via Blackberry, similar to Der Fuhrer running the 3rd Reich from his remote mountaintop castle retreat during the latter days of WW II.
Mike's "generals" are making his decisions!
Sieg heil....Bloom-hitler!
He has lost his mind, but he's using his money to win the laws the way he wants them, to hell with us the people that live here in CO. We should have gotten to vote on the gun regs. and the gay marriage bill.- I mean I don't really care if gays get married-should be up to the families and who ever marries them, but the people voted against it 2-3 times so they pull the Obama thing and just pass it not caring what THE People want. It's going to be a sad and extremely hard 3 years for America and harder if the Dems take the Senate He's already spending our money getting votes, isn't that how he won - only cost us 4 trillion for all the free stuff for people, think we are F.
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