Former Bronx Sen. Pedro Espada was a one-man employment agency while in office, racking up a $1 million payroll over his final six months at the State Capitol.
Our Glenn Blain reports:
The scandal-scorched Espada, who was tossed by voters last September, spent more on staffers than any other senator -- by far.
"That is such a waste of taxpayer money," said Citizen's Union Executive Director Dick Dadey. "And for the Democratic leadership to be complicit in giving him that amount of staff is just outrageous."
Espada's 50-person staff included more than 20 "community outreach" and constituent liaison workers who made as much as $60,000 a year, new disclosure forms show.
It also included former Erie County Democratic Chairman Steve Pigeon, who earned $150,000 a year.
Espada's staffers thought they were in their own personal welfare office and did the absolute minimum for constituents. All of Espada's staff members should be investigated as to what they accomplished and who they served. Jerry G. Love was a housing specialist in Espada's Bronx office. His mother, Sondra Love, was Espada's former co defendant. That's all he had to do to get the job -to be born to Sondra. Jerry G. Love knows nothing about housing advocacy, tenants rights and had no interest in working to help tenants or prevent eviction and homelessness.
those who did get any assistance should be investigated as well, why did Espada go out of his way to assist them and let the rest of his constituents become homeless and remain in unsafe housing conditions?
What would be very interesting to look into is Espada's relationship with Bronx gangs and the illegal drug industry that not only continues to flourish in his districts but is a growing economic activity.
Espada's 50-person staff should be investigated & prosecuted for stealing funds along with Espada. Let's export him to PR>
Espada didn't do it on his own, his underlings did the dirty work.
Anon #2, I'm sure Pedro has real estate in PR
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