With support from the area’s city councilman and little community opposition, Community Board 7 approved plans on Monday to enlarge the former White House restaurant in Whitestone, that would increase space for a catering facility and parking.
New owner Joe Franco, who formerly operated the popular Caffe on the Green at the Clearview Golf Course in Bayside, bought the Whitestone facility at 10-24 154 St. in December. He needs to change the zoning to R3-1 with a commercial overlay from its current R2A.
The area is now zoned for single- and two-family homes, but the restaurant was grandfathered in prior to the zoning restrictions. At Monday night’s meeting at the Union Plaza Care Center, CB 7 member Frank Macchio noted that a majority of the block is already commercial.
Franco wants to enlarge the parking lot and has purchased vacant property behind the restaurant and the adjacent building. No changes will be made to the facility next door, but the long-neglected yard will be transformed to accommodate up to 120 cars there and on stackers in the cellar. There will be valet parking.
Thirty-three parking spaces are required under the zoning, so developers believe there will be little chance of patrons taking up space on neighborhood streets.
Councilman Dan Halloran (R-Whitestone) spoke in favor of the proposal, noting that Franco has promised to relinquish the restaurant’s cabaret license. “Nobody should stand in the way of responsible development,” the councilman said. “I’ve seen the plan and am comfortable with it.”
He said the restaurant, which has been in operation since 1956, is falling apart. “This is an opportunity,” Halloran added. “It will improve the quality of life in the area.”
But state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside), who used to represent the area when he was a city councilman, sent a statement opposing the project. While in the council, Avella successfully led the campaign to downzone many areas in Queens. “This application would upzone an area the community and I sought to protect,” Avella said.
He also questioned the “questionable business practices” that led to Franco’s loss of the city franchise at Caffe on the Green.
Paul Graziano, an urban planner who worked with Avella on zoning changes, spoke against the proposal Monday night. He questioned why a variance wasn’t sought for the parcel rather than a zoning change.
NY1 has great coverage of this.
All Mobbed up and running amuck unchecked. Where are the feds ?
avella does not care about project
he just trying to do another one of his attention grabing press conferances that lead to nothing
whitestone is sick of your press conferances
please go sit upstate for 2 years
and try to make some money for your puppetmaster evan stavisky
the section is almost all commercial businesses. why is it r-2A ?
franco operated a fine restaurant at Cafe on the Green.
the food was great and service was excellent.
"Halloran should go back to Long Island where is from - he knows nothing about the area.
Avella has Whitestone's best interests at heart.
"Relinquish the cabaret license" - that's the laugh of the day for me - there was never anything more than two person show with bass or a portable piano and a singer. The old owner - a long time resident himself - always had the best interests of the nab at heart.
Valet parking? - think Bell Blvd.!
There have always been small mom and pop businesses there - nothing more - it is VERY residential.
Franco grew up not far from the nab too - Union Streeter - he should be more concerned about the quality of life there - AND if the rumors are true about his organized crime connection - keep the fk OUT.
I have to add that the White House DID have valet parking in the past.
I forgot about that -
also - if Halloran made Franco "promise" to relinquish his cabaret license - does that mean absolutely NO entertainment? It's wonderful to have a little background music - why would anyone be opposed to that?
I think the main issue here is HOW this came about - AND of course Franco's goombas hanging out in a family zone.
Do these super stuffed pockets make my jeans look bulky?
Did I say that out loud??!?!??!??! Uh oh! Guilty conscience? Nah. Indigestion.
PS Hey Babs...busy later? Wanna snow job?
H-m-m-m....Joey "Doors"?
Kelty, Apelian, and Bitterman were staunch supporters of Known Mob Associate Franco, they actually criticized the Mayor when he chose not to renew Francos contract. Stefano Sinacori, Francos lawyer worked for the Giulliani administration who "tried" to put Franco away several times. Now he is representing him.
Kelty, Apelian, and Bitterman had a standing table like the Raos fame at Francos restaurant.
Halloran will do whatever CB7 tells him to do and that is that. A Variance to add a large catering hall in a neighborhood strip that yes is commercial for small stores such as deli, beauty salon, laundromat, not a full service Banquet hall.
Whitestone needs to go to Hallorans office and protest in front of his office. What about all of Hallorans supporters from the Beechhurst area that will be negatively affected by this move, why arent they up in arms protesting this idiot and his selling out of our community.
Has it now time for "doofy" Dan Holler-an to bay back his debts to his "don"?
Wonder why his wife left him?
Was it Dan donning his Theod dresses and pushing his mid life crisis Jaguar around town that finally got to her?
Great...so we didn't get Ackerman's stooge Kevin (Dukun) Kim...but we got an adolescent comic in his place!
We are now a district without representation in the City Council!
Dump Dan now!
I'll bet that Gene and Chuck and Marilyn got plenty of free dinners at Caffe On The Green...no?
Her hubby Jack sure puts away food like he's got 4 assholes.
Didn't a member of CB#7 announce that, "It's (already)a done deal"?
Well done...apparently...those suck-offs!
Maybe the Chuck & Gene crew are still holding private meetings at an undisclosed tree house somewhere in Malba/Beechurst/Whitestone (?) with the "boys" from Brooklyn.
Wasn't someone murdered in front of Caffe On The Green a few years ago?
Did their security cameras capture an image of the perp?
Still...they served the best calamari in New York.
If you're pushing for up-zoning the whole block instead of going for a variance...it kind of looks like Franco intends on controlling (buying out, muscling?) the whole piece of real estate sometime in the future.
Thanks CB#7 for greasing this possibility through...YOU FUCKING GANGSTERS!
Does Chuck belong to an Armenian gang?
We already know that Gene belongs to the brotherhood of the biggest looters in the history of New York...the FDNY!
Is that money in your pocket or my grandfathers gold watch?
One of the purpo$e$ behind running the$e changeS through i$ to increa$e the value $o it can be $old at a good price.That i$ the endgame. Pol$ and civic leader$ often help in thi$ kind of thing beau$e there i$ big money to be made and it will be spread around among friend$.
i guess tony avella and parkside are going to send out deceptive robo calls that say
the republicans stole my canolis
“Nobody should stand in the way of responsible development,” the councilman said. “I’ve seen the plan and am comfortable with it.”
So who the f*k cares? Do you live next door? Are you paying taxes for the infrastructure.
Its not about you a*hole, but the people you represent.
BTW, Frank Macchio is in construction - sorry the newspaper did not site that little conflict,eh?
Question: What is 'responsible development'?
Answer: Infrastructure in place already and clear indication that public taxes will not be used to pay for it.
avella must GO AWAY
So the people that live in the area do not have a say. The place gets a variance without neighbors knowing. The community board and the Councilman that are responsible for "Representing the community" stand up and defend the rights of the development as a property owner. What happened to the ideal of a government for the people by the people?
Did the councilman consult with the community that will be impacted? Did our councilman suddenly become an urban planner? responsible development? What are his credentials? Is he an Architect? Engineer?
This is a constant problem in our community, we do not get to have a say in what impacts us.
So the people that live in the area do not have a say. The place gets a variance without neighbors knowing. The community board and the Councilman that are responsible for "Representing the community" stand up and defend the rights of the development as a property owner. What happened to the ideal of a government for the people by the people?
Did the councilman consult with the community that will be impacted? Did our councilman suddenly become an urban planner? responsible development? What are his credentials? Is he an Architect? Engineer?
This is a constant problem in our community, we do not get to have a say in what impacts us.
Does Chuck belong to an Armenian gang?
Ans: The Magic Carpets!
There is a vacant piece of land behind the White House? Franco purchased it? and the building next to it?
Who owned that property?
There is a vacant piece of land behind the White House? Franco purchased it? and the building next to it?
Who owned that property?
the operative words are"little community opposition", "restaurant was grandfathered in prior to rezoning",avella said ,we downzoned this area to protect it".
my c.p.b. sends monthly bulletins to concerned property owners and those living around a property in debate. was this done by c.p.b.7 ?
is that tony avella ,with his back to the camera? that has got to be a first for him? why?
when he was cm,why did he allow the nursing home,OZANAM HALL to outbid families who wanted to purchase 1to 2 family homes on 42 avenue at 203 &202 streets? the area is zoned R-2A. Ozanam hall now owns three properties,being used for parking cars, and mostly empty for years.
why is medicaid money being used to purchase private properties?
how long before they outbid and own the entire block of private homes? does avella and rocky graziano have a clue?
how did kon wah daycare center from flushing manage to squeeze a four level building(two undergound,two above) without drop/off and pick/up and parking for 250-300, 2-5 year olds?
the location is in a mapped street at 196-29 42 avenue,across from P.S.130 on F.L.BLVD @42avenue.
did john liu and peter koo pocket some campaign money on this one?
did tony a. turn his back on this one? where was rocky graziano?
good point
why doesnt tony avella downsize the parkside consulting revenues
and put the people first
dan cares for the people
Why did they EVER allow Italians entrance into the United States of AMERICA. Franco... Oh god. It only gets worse.
So theres going to be a nice restaurant in a spot where there used to be a..... restaurant? Whoopie Doo.
Perhaps the "neighbors" prefer the Bell Blvd look, where every other store front is empty.
Theres a shopping center across the street, and a bank on the other end of the block. Not to mention the pharmaceutical company around the corner.
Oh and the residents whose property was also rezoned, just came into a windfall. Their property value probably went up 50%.
oh stop with the "Italian" crap - no one cares WHAT anyone's background is - what people DO care about is organized crime - specifically what ethnic group(s) the criminals are is immaterial - I personally do not like drug pushers hanging out in the nab - sorry.
BTW - It's the rezoning that has people very concerned. There was another great restaurant a few blocks from there once as well - Cooking with Jazz - very hip place.
Does Chuck belong to an Armenian gang?
More like a traveling rug maker. Checkout his early work on his head.
Macchio or Jabba the hutt?
Babs---She moves her lips but nothing comes out!!??!!?!
Goombas hanging out in a family area is the best thing you can have. That will be the safest street in Queens.
People don't know a good thing when they see it---Franco's making parking spaces, his clients don't like walking.
Consider the alternative's, Paki noodles, an Irish or Mex bar with people fighting and throwing up every night till 4AM ?
BTW: Relinquishing a cabaret license is suicide. You need that for weddings and things that involve dancing.
Without it the cops and city can walk in and bootjack a $30,000+ wedding reception or big ticket event at any time of the day.
I hear Whitestone Taxpayers was totaly in favor of this rezonining for Franco. Nice to see they are selling out as well. Its former president is apparently involved in several real estate deals in the neighborhood, all of them hush hush of course. He is a silent partner in a holding co.
Why would Whitestone Taxpayers be for this?
"Goombas hanging out in a family area is the best thing you can have. That will be the safest street in Queens."
Somebody had to say this - somebody always does - and it's the friggin' FURTHEST thing from the truth! you wanna' to believe that fairy tale, go right ahead.
"BTW: Relinquishing a cabaret license is suicide. You need that for weddings and things that involve dancing. "
I can't figure that out myself either.
"Franco's making parking spaces, his clients don't like walking."
The neighbors wouldn't like patrons taking their spots either.
It's not about the restaurant Joe - it's about HOW he was able to rezone - AND of course the clientele.
Babs "don't understand that one
To get entertainment insurance the "house" has to have a proper dance area and a place to put the band, speakers, lights, safe sound proofing etc.
A Cabaret license satisfy's this requirement for both the local laws and insurance.
Its 1 million dollars minimum liability with a band or DJ in NYC.
More $$ and restrictions if the event is in a public park (Unless your the USTA or a politition)
Anonymous said...
Babs---She moves her lips but nothing comes out!!??!!?!
Oh and the residents whose property was also rezoned, just came into a windfall. Their property value probably went up 50%.
Yea, thats the way they talk in Astoria - you want Whitestone to look like that?
If you poll every person in Halloran's council district and every person in Avella's senate district, I suspect that this proposal would pass overwhelmingly.
So really, whose on the "wrong" side of this issue.
It doesn't matter what every person in their district thinks, just the people whose homes are being rezoned without their consent.
Joe "To get entertainment insurance the "house" has to have a proper dance area and a place to put the band, speakers, lights, safe sound proofing etc.
A Cabaret license satisfy's this requirement for both the local laws and insurance."
Thank you - but, you did know that I was agreeing with you on this one point - the restaurant NEEDS a cabaret license . . . I don't understand why HALLORAN thinks they don't or why the nab would object.
"Oh and the residents whose property was also rezoned, just came into a windfall. Their property value probably went up 50%"
I'm sorry but Whitestone's property values are one of the highest in the boroughs - we don't need "help" from anyone. We need to MAINTAIN what we have - nothing more.
I should have known Blabs would be all up in here.
That street is a shithole, and has been for a while. There's an abandoned market on the same block, and every business on the block that's still operating looks derelict.
The White House was a shithole, too. My boyfriend's mother choose to go there for dinner to celebrate her birthday last summer, and the place smelled like a dirty diaper doused in Pine Sol.
A thriving business is the best thing that could happen in the area, despite what Blabs thinks. If you geniuses keep voting for your crooked politicians, you get what you deserve.
There was another great restaurant a few blocks from there once as well - Cooking with Jazz - very hip place.
Blabs, you dummy, that place has been closed forever. They reopened recently in a much nicer neighborhood than yours.
I'm sorry but Whitestone's property values are one of the highest in the boroughs - we don't need "help" from anyone. We need to MAINTAIN what we have - nothing more.
Maintain WHAT, Blabs? Empty stores, vile restaurants, brown people looking for trabajo so they can pay the rent at their illegal rooming house in the neighborhood. Maybe the local brothel needs to be maintained. Sounds fabulous!
Halloran...bought and paid for!
H-m-m-m....now what about Chuck & Gene?
Don't they deserve an agent's fee at least for their part in this?
Don't you Whitestoners know that you've got to bribe your elected officials with campaign donations otherwise you've got no voice.
We heard that Congressman Ackerman once actually put a price for helping out a constituent from getting taken on their "Vista Towers" apartment purchase scam.
As the story goest Gary's boy, Alan Geshuny, (formerly one of Manes' top aides) "suggested" that she write a check for a $1,000 donation to Gary's re-election fund when she asked the congrssman for help.
"Maintain WHAT, Blabs? Empty stores, vile restaurants, brown people looking for trabajo so they can pay the rent at their illegal rooming house in the neighborhood. Maybe the local brothel needs to be maintained. Sounds fabulous!"
Not there id - you got the wrong nab - sorry - you're talking about your own nab or yo mamma's maybe.
There are a couple of empty stores - yes - but, it's certainly not the way you describe it. Don't worry about Franco - I'm sure he don't give a flyin' fk about you . . .
You're all excited I guess you want to put a Walmart there right?
"The White House was a shithole, too. My boyfriend's mother choose to go there for dinner to celebrate her birthday last summer, and the place smelled like a dirty diaper doused in Pine Sol."
I hadn't eaten there myself in years - all I know is the prior owners were good people.
Whitestone's not good enough for a piece of sh*t like you?
You're not worth talking to at all -
Babs, you are a delusional old knob. Should I drive over to 154th Street today and take pictures of the shithole it is to show everyone here how utterly crappy it is?
"Blabs, you dummy, that place has been closed forever."
no sh*t Sherlock . . .
mentally ill jackass that you are - genetic? does your boyfriend's mother know her gene's MAY mix with yours one day? That's pretty scary . . .
"Babs, you are a delusional old knob. Should I drive over to 154th Street today and take pictures of the shithole it is to show everyone here how utterly crappy it is?"
you mentally ill idiot - most in the nab WELCOME Franco - its the fact that people were rezoned and HOW that people are MOST concerned about.
I T ' S
M E ! ! !
Bottom line is: it matters not what the entire neighborhood wants. The people who will be directly affected by traffic, parking and noise should be involved in the process.
If I am not mistaken we are looking at a 200 person room catering hall with 37 parking spaces that is in the middle of a residential neighborhood. Yes, I know it is in a commercial strip but the neighbohood needs to be included in the process. When I say neighborhood I DO NOT MEAN CB 7! They approve every development, I mean the people that live where the traffic and noise will most likely be.
You talk of Valet parking, where will they be parking these cars?
I happen to think Franco ran a good restaurant at Cafe and should never have been penalized for throwing out that rude woman (real cause for loss of lease), and Sinacori is a good guy who knows the area.
So let us focus on the neighborhood, not do a CB7 Survey of area, for they can be worded in a biased way and the entire neighborhood will not be affected so lets localize it and be honest for a change.
Regarding that empty store that has not be available up till recently, last story was that the owner (one of the largest commercial real estate firms in Manhattan)was looking to get a variance for a large scale medical office, and was marketing it to a group of Russian Doctors out of brooklyn who specialize in Medicare, medicaide.
So please before any thing happens call Halloran, Avella and CB7 and demand that it be put on hold until the community has a say. Be wary of Community board meetings that may be stacked against the community. Our councilman should take the initiative and canvass the area that will be impacted, and genuinely listen to our concerns before making any decision.
Right on, Alfredo!
But what about
M E ? ? ?
thank you Alfredo - you're the voice of reason here.
Babs said...
thank you Alfredo - you're the voice of reason here.
Babs---You certainly AREN'T!!!
Uh, Excuse me. I'm standing right here!!!!!!!!!
Vaffanculo a Lei, la sua moglie, e' la sua madre. Lei e' un cafone stronzo. Io non mangio in questo merdaio! Vada via in culo!
Siamo qui, con un vulgare che non sa ne menno scrive quello che vuole dire.
Here we are with a vulgarist who can not even write what he/she is trying to say.
Thank you,
We should focus on protecting our negihborhood.
Vaffanculo a Lei, la sua moglie, e' la sua madre. Lei e' un cafone stronzo. Io non mangio in questo merdaio! Vada via in culo!
You're like Michigan...uppa U.S.
Oh wait. Judging from your lack of mental prowess, you won't get it...as if you ever did!
Nessuno me lo ficca in culo!
So there!
for the uninformed ,who do not attend c.p.b. meetings, let it be known that they "only " vote and advise. the N.Y.C. Board of Standards and Appeals actually makes the final decision.
if you don't like the system ,vote for other cm's,that will vote your way. but i doubt that you will get rid of your "chosen liberals" on the city council.
drinking the koolaid is a habit with liberal/democrats.
for the uninformed ,who do not attend c.p.b. meetings, let it be known that they "only " vote and advise. the N.Y.C. Board of Standards and Appeals actually makes the final decision.
However when our councilman calls it "responsible development" and CPB 7 votes to approve, chances are it will be so.
We need to let these criminals know that they will be held accountable.
If it werent for Beechurst and the rest of Whitestone Dan would not be sleeping with his 20 something interns. Time to let this clown know that we will not be sold out!!
I love speaking Eyetalian. Here's how they spell "M-I-SS-I-SS-I-PP-I" IN Eyetalee:
Emma, she's a comma foist.
Then I comma.
Then da 2 of esses comma togedda.
Then I comma anudder time-a.
Hey, wadda you know?, the 2 of esses come togedda anudder time-a.
I come for the turd time-a.
Then-a we haffa to pee. And for da last-a time-a I comma.
Boy-o-boya. Dissa make-a me tired.
But this site is so-o-o educational.
dirty pool from a dirty minded commenter. you have no defense in the debate.
you are disqualified and do not exist to the well informed citizens.
take a hike!!!
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