From WNYC:
The Queens Library, one of the city's public libraries experiencing the budget squeeze, is taking an unprecedented step in its 104-year history and has stopped buying books.
Queens Public Library CEO Tom Galante said he doesn't want to upset bookworms, but late last year, Mayor Bloomberg asked the library to cut $4.5 million from its spending. As Galante saw it, the library board faced a choice: trim hours and staff as it had been doing for the past two years, or do something that goes against the very idea of a lending library and stop buying books.
Queens has consistently received less money per visitor than the other two library systems. From 2007-2010, the city spent on average $5.89 per patron in Queens, and $6.76 and $7.86 per patron in the Brooklyn and New York systems, respectively. A third more was spent per New York user than per user in Queens, on average.
Response to this Daily News article:

I think the equation should include all sources of operating funds: donations, late fees, etc.
Vat is dis?
Cutting library purchases?
But where vill I get my Russian soap opera DVDs from now?
I'm not paying for those!
Let the stupid taxpayers pay for my Russian soap opera DVDs!!
Step one: eliminate all non-English programs in the Queens Library system.
Problem solved.
It's not our problem that you're too lazy to learn English.
Step one: eliminate all non-English programs in the Queens Library system.
Oh no! what would happen to our vibrant and diverse community then?
"Oh no! what would happen to our vibrant and diverse community then?"
Well, you can tell the clubhouse to take their diversity and shove it up their collective asses!
Well, you can tell the clubhouse to take their diversity and shove it up their collective asses!
A M E N ! ! !
Step one: eliminate all non-English programs in the Queens Library system.
Problem solved.
It's not our problem that you're too lazy to learn English.
The problem is more than just being 'lazy'
Its people who step off the boat and from day one expect full access to everything and that they should be pandered to. They dont want to work at it or earn anything. They just expect it to be handed to them right at the start.
And where do they get such an idea from? From their aunts/uncle/brother/cousin who calls them up and says "hey, come on up to America. Its so easy to get stuff!"
Its people who step off the boat and from day one expect full access to everything and that they should be pandered to.
Well, actually I flew here on Air India. But I still expect that you Americans pander to me!
They dont want to work at it or earn anything. They just expect it to be handed to them right at the start.
And rightfully so! Why should I have to work? You white people owe ME!
And where do they get such an idea from? From their aunts/uncle/brother/cousin who calls them up and says "hey, come on up to America. Its so easy to get stuff!"
I actually live in a giant "McMansion" in Queens! I applied and qualify for: Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare benefits, and Affirmative Action!
I'm also bringing over 4 of my 2nd cousins from Uttar Pradesh! I'm going to sign them up for welfare the moment they get here, and then I'm going to buy a new Lexus!
Is this a great country, or what?
are you aware that if you have a telephone ,you are paying a monthly INTERNET CONNECTIVITY FEE for all the computers ,in every library and public school in the United States ?
the clinton/gore administration passed this directive and AT&T was told not to explain this charge on the publics phone bill. AT&T did not comply and gore/clinton were furious that they were exposed.
clinton/gore received tremendous campaign contributions from the internet companies. and you paid for a public free service, that you did not order....
check your bill ....UNIVERSAL CONNECTION....and multiply that monthly number X 300,000,000. people's bills. what a tax that you never voted for....
"are you aware that if you have a telephone ,you are paying a monthly INTERNET CONNECTIVITY FEE for all the computers ,in every library and public school in the United States ?"
That's it. From now on I'm living off the grid!
Terminate the QBPL's
the progrom against American citizens in our publicly funded library.
the QBPL NEW AMERICAN PROGRAM is a slush fund for Russians and Chinese immigrants.
hire American citizens, QBPL, what a concept that would be. the liberal supervisors wouldn't think of hiring Americans.
Stop buying the propaganda books written by third world, third rate authors.
QBPL, hire Crappy as your communications director.
Anonymous said...
are you aware that if you have a telephone ,you are paying a monthly INTERNET CONNECTIVITY FEE for all the computers ,in every library and public school in the United States ?"
What a bitter, vindictive old asshole you are.
We are a great country and offering a simple but essential service as internet access to our citizens, especially young people is exactly what a great country is expected to do.
Thankfully, people like you have little power and are dying off.
What a bitter, vindictive old asshole you are.
You should know....
We are a great country and offering a simple but essential service as internet access to our citizens, especially young people is exactly what a great country is expected to do.
Really? Since when is internet access an "essential service"? Is that written in the Constitution? What other countries subsidize internet service to their citizens? Does Singapore? South Korea? China?
Why stop with internet service? Maybe government should start providing free mobile phone service?
Why stop there? Why not provide free Viagra? I'm sure a limp prick such as you would gladly accept that....
Thankfully, people like you have little power and are dying off.
It's a shame that you weren't working at that Wendy's in Queens the other day, instead of the unfortunate person that was.....
Deke DaSilva said...Really? Since when is internet access an "essential service"
Take your sad case, the internet gives people like you the ability to vent their frustrations (and showcase their stupidity) rather than getting their teeth knocked-in for trying in person.
"It's a shame that you weren't working at that Wendy's in Queens the other day"
HA! Getting a little frustrated..are ya?
Your lack of mental acumen is showing..Back to your Stallone tapes.
the internet gives people like you the ability to vent their frustrations (and showcase their stupidity) rather than getting their teeth knocked-in for trying in person.
Yes, but the difference is that I don't expect the government to subsidize my wonderful ability to intellecually rip little a-holes like you to shreds.
And I can take care of myself, thank you. You wouldn't be the one "knocking my teeth out", I can ASSure you that!
HA! Getting a little frustrated..are ya?
The psychological term for you is - PROJECTION.
Your lack of mental acumen is showing..Back to your Stallone tapes.
You wouldn't happpen to be a certain little beta boy named Lino Tristan, would you?
Here's KaTOOey YA!
"Yes, but the difference is that I don't expect the government to subsidize my wonderful ability to intellecually rip little a-holes like you to shreds."
You couldn't fight your way out of a garbage bag..intellectually, or physically.
That's why you troll these pages trying to assuage your inferiority complex..if you want to get psychological about it.
BTW: It is spelled "intellectually". At least use a spell checker. Idiot.
Fuck 'em - one horse-faced ho of a librarian at Court Square tried to charge me $1 for a lost CD case when I know I returned that CD with its damn case!
I know I returned that CD with its damn case!
You got some case. Now give it back.
mohammed atta and his band of 911 islamo/facist terrorist bombers communicated via U.S. library computers and internet connection ,that you liberal/democrat /progressives forced the rest of us to pay for....
have you bought accident insurance for your restaurant,bike delivery boys ,who you command????
on the U.E.S.
"mohammed atta and his band of 911 islamo/facist terrorist bombers communicated via U.S. library computers and internet connection ,that you liberal/democrat /progressives forced the rest of us to pay for...."
--And millions of kids whose parents can't afford machines+ISP use them for their education.
The terrorists also used roads that we pay for. They entered through airports that are generally owned by cities and states....
As I said before....Vindictive, old asshole.
Go play Bingo old're in over your head.
Why can the library move the Dutch Kills Millstones to a branch and let go dozens of staffers?
What is their priorities and who sets them?
BTW: It is spelled "intellectually". At least use a spell checker. Idiot.
That's the best you can come up with?
Correcting spelling errors?
You must have WAY too much time on your hands.
What else do you do in your spare time?
Gaze at your navel? Pluck lint out of your bellybutton? Choke your chicken? Have sword fights with your Katooeys?
Get a life, Tristan....
wonder what happened to ridgewoodian.
wonder what happened to ridgewoodian.
It might not be so
Divisive. Some may
Embrace such a
Wide reaching,
Noxious government intrusion into our lives.....
Lovers of liberty,
Want the
State out of our damn lives!
1. Cut the internet access.
2. Cut the computers.
3. Cut the DVD's.
3. Cut all the foreign language acquisitions.
Do a public solicitation for those cut programs and see how much they get funded.
The mission of the QL should be literacy in English, the language of the United States.
A long time ago I walked into the local library and I saw..
drum roll please!!!!
B O O K S ! ! !
A long time ago I walked into the local library and I saw
So a rabbi, a priest, an Englishman, a Scotsman, a Welshman, and A. Reader all walk into a bar.........
in november 2010,63 liberal/democrat/progressive members of the U.S House of Representatives were replaced ,by the U.S. electorate.
why? because they were voting for bills that they never read. and voting against the electorates wishes.
remember in november 2012.
when will the left coast and moscow on the hudson voters, get smart and vote the tax and spenders out of office ?
"you must vote for the bill,to see what is in it " said former democrat speaker of the house,nancy pelosi.
very crazy,crazy ,crazy....
So a rabbi, a priest, an Englishman, a Scotsman, a Welshman, and A. Reader all walk into a bar.........
And spotted Ricky Gervais so they left!
Wow. After reading all of the hate and spite here I feel like wiping down my entire computer with disinfectant.
Be careful. You don't want to be accused of demonizing anyone by the demonizer.
After reading all of the hate and spite here I feel like wiping down my entire computer with disinfectant.
No, that foul odor is the smugness and sanctimoniousness emanating from YOU!
Simply take a bath in Purell, you should get better!
No amount of disinfectant will get rid of the stench of Gervais.
All you chumps railing against immigrants waste time getting your panties in a bunch about nickel and dime stuff but remain silent about billionaires ripping you off for the real big money.
are some of these billionaires named, george soros, who finances most of the left wing agents who hate America.
is al gore in that group yet ?
No. Are you?
I'm driving to the mainland today to visit the public library. I'll have my grandchildren with me. We're going to Dairy Queen then to our church group. The Queens library is a precious resource. I hope you all utilize it on a regular basis. Meanwhile enjoy your NYC lives! Long live Israel! Long live Sarah Palin! Long live my INCREDIBLE NYC teacher's pension! Death to people who collect welfare! BIG HAIRY BALLS: USAF combat, Viet Nam.
Anyone can have big, hairy balls if their cock is only an inch long! Just sayin'!
Somehow, I have the feeling that Crapper went through a lot of Advil today.
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