Senate Democrats didn't take kindly to Mayor Bloomberg calling their time in the majority "a disgrace" earlier today.
"The actual disgrace is failing to manage a fatal blizzard because you and all of your top aides were on vacation and nobody was left in charge," a Senate Democratic source told our Ken Lovett.
Yeah, baby! I think he looks good in orange...
Where were you? Visiting a drug cartel, having an illicit affair, Bermuda? I really don't care but for legal reasons we have a right to know who was in charge of the City while you were indisposed!
What does the Commissioner of Health have to say about the piles of garbage and rat fest?
I hope Mayor Adolph Bloomturd freezes his little political pea pods off this year!
Sieg heil to Der Fuhrer in hiz bunker!
It's better for him to stay hunkered down there and not dare to leave it.
Show his flat ugly ass in Queens and he'll be booed out of the borough.
can't wait till this little jerk gets Das Boot...
Is that an orange jump suit the Mayor has on? in sympathy with Seminerio?
Mayor Reubens proclaimed that he is entitled to a private life, ah noo
the job of NYC mayor is to be on call 24/7.
His aides are even more clueless then he is.
Truth hurts, doesn't it? By the way, what if this was an announced terrorist attack instead of a blizzard?
I can't stand that little troll and I am loving all the negative press he is finally recieveing!
And his staff are a bunch of stupid people. For one thing they love him, kiss his ass and jump to his every whim. Too bad the troll left a bunch of idiots in charge while he was away....
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