Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wake me up when he stops hallucinating!!!

From the Queens Tribune:

...allow me the privilege of dreaming and predicting for the New Year and future.

• Queens DA Richard Brown will announce that he will not seek a fifth term and retire after 20-plus years as DA and a 50-plus year career of public service. Brown will be saluted by the entire community, for his exemplary service with recognition from the Mayor, the Governor, Congress and more.

Contrary to speculation, Brown will not step down early to permit the appointment of an insider to replace him. Instead September 2011 will witness an exciting political mad scramble for this coveted position.

The speculation will include: Peter Vallone Jr, Mark Weprin, Mike Gianaris, Melinda Katz, Eric Gioia, and Grace Meng; on the Republican side, Dan Halloran will be the GOP’s clear choice.

The Dem Primary will be between Vallone Jr., Katz, and Gioia.

Vallone, campaigning as “The People’s Lawyer,” will win and go on to beat an energized effort by Dan Halloran to be elected as Queens DA.

Funny he should focus on this. Check out part of a recent chat between an insider and yours truly:

me: I wonder if that tire theft was a "message" to Vallone since it happened on his block. Maybe next time it will be his car.

insider: no way, the one thing about vallone is he's a gym rat...dude is a fucking ninja, and you know he probably has a gun instead of a pillow...fires off a warning shot every night before bed so every criminal within a 4 block radius knows what's up

me: so what happened last night?

insider: was probably at a fundraiser, or too busy begging dick brown to retire when his council term is up

me: HA HA HA

(Rest of conversation is classified for now.)

Now let's get back to Schenkler:

A heroic Andrew Cuomo will be mentioned as a possible 2012 Obama running mate.

Good lord, this is sounding less like a dream and more like a nightmare!


Tribune Mike said...

Say what you want about me, butt just be "nice" to my girls.

Anonymous said...

Funny that DA Brown has never, never gone after any elected Queens politicians. All the pols that were indicted for being crooks (Alan Hevesy, Brian McLaughlin, etc., etc.) were caught and prosecuted by the Feds, not DA Brown.

Anonymous said...

"Funny that DA Brown has never, never gone after any elected Queens politicians. "

Gallagher (With a vengeance I might add)

Queens Crapper said...

Gallagher's indictment was thrown out and he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor, remember? That's going after someone with a vengeance? Now he's working for Peter Koo.

Anonymous said...

But the only pol Brown indicted was Gallagher, and never a Dem. And the judge threw it out, not Brown.

Queens Crapper said...

Corruption investigations generally are handled by the Feds in order to prevent conflict of interest. Gallagher's case was not a corruption case.

And Brown also indicted Hiram.

Anonymous said...

Hiram was NOT a Dem party favorite, not supported by Crowley. His case was of domestic violence, not corruption. The facts remain that Brown has never gone after any of Crowley's Queens Dem machine. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Anonymous said...

are there going to be city council elections in september 2011 because of the census???

Anonymous said...

The facts remain that Brown has never gone after any of Crowley's Queens Dem machine. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Yea, Crappy, now you have gone public with your new 'insider' status with the 'boys', how do we know that you will stay pure and uncorrupted?


Queens Crapper said...

I didn't say it was a political insider, because it wasn't. Joke's on you.

Tribune Mike said...

My favorite song? "Somewhere Under The Radar" of course!

Anonymous said...

was it not Brown who prosecuted the Fresh Meadow LANE community residents ,driven insane by the city authorities, who set the empty basement of the proposed "BORDER BABY" cape cod house on fire in the 1980's?

Ed Koch spearheaded the installation of H.I.V. babies ,born to prisoners at Rikers Island ,in a 1-2 family residential community .

i think that the property is now occupied by homeowners.

another Koch plan that failed. but taxpayers were driven nuts and went to jail.why was this crap permitted?

Anonymous said...

"...was it not Brown who prosecuted the Fresh Meadow LANE community residents ,driven insane by the city authorities, who set the empty basement of the proposed "BORDER BABY" cape cod house on fire in the 1980's?"

Probably, not. Brown became DA in 1991, when John Santucci retired. I know, I was there.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a grandchild of the Queens aristocracy ready to take the reins of power? No Delaney's, no Ferraro's, no Rosenthals's, no Vallone's, no Manton's? An extra Crowley or Cuomo should be lying around as well. Keep it in the family.

Anonymous said...

Peter and Paul are ready will and ........., ok so I am at a loss, what comes next?

Peter and Paul keys to the city? One of them should hold all the keys after all , the Biblical connotations and all in their names.

Queens ripe for the taking.

Anonymous said...

Schenkler's prediction about Charles Rangel resigning from Congress to pave the way for David Paterson to run for his seat was actually quoted in the Daily News' gossip column yesterday. Have people started to take Schenkler seriously as a journalist - or maybe just for his gossip?

Anonymous said...

which terrorist group is really responsible for the December 27 ,1975 T.W.A. bombing at the La Guardia luggage carousel. the bomb was placed in a luggage locker. 30-40 travelers were killed and many were injured.no terrorists were ever identified.

i was meeting relatives ,in the terminal before and leaving after the tragedy ,visiting for a family funeral in Queens.
we were lucky....

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