Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Unhappy at Costco

"COSTCO at Rego Park is situated in a place where house space is scarce. People don't buy items in bulk that don't fit in their apartments. Employee hours are being squeezed. No seasonal workers have been hired.

It is too important for Costco NOT to close, but the Rego Park location is dying. Workers have had hours stolen. Their schedules are changed randomly and they are being written up for little or no reason.

Workers have had positive feedback from major unions.

Crapper, if u are interested, I will keep u up with details.


- Anonymous

"I set up a blog about the store. I am not a big fan of unions but I resent the attempts of Costco to demoralize employees to get them to quit to cut payroll. Just keeping you informed.

Thank you."

- Anonymous

Wait, you mean it sucks to work at Costco and there's no union? Weren't the politicians lining up to cut the ribbon here? The same characters that opposed Walmart at the same location. A bit of a double standard, don't you think?

“This is a great thing for my district,” said Councilman Danny Dromm (D-Jackson Heights). “It brings in much-needed jobs.”


Anonymous said...

WalMart would have been a much better fit for that community.

You couldn't pay me to shop there no matter what. I don't pay to park.

Anonymous said...

that mall is hell on earth never
will i go there

and you do not pay to park?

you will be the 1st one to bitch when you get a parking ticket

fucking tool

Anonymous said...

Hey dromm, get some of those illegal aliens you stand up for from your district to work there.

Anonymous said...

LOL, the store is not doing well... making less money than they thought... how to fix this???

I know! Lets unionize the workers forcing the company to spend EVEN MORE!!! Yeah, that will be fantastic!!!

"Gee boss, i know times are tough, but im sure if you gave us more money and more time off and bigger benefits, sales would pick right up!!!"

Great move.

Anonymous said...

COSTCO has a reputation for treating its workers decently, especially in comparison to WalMart. The problem is the lousy labor pool in Queens -- lazy, slovenly, third-world types who speak a barely recognizable form of English. Go to any retail establishment in the boro and it will dawn on you how indifferent and unmotivated this cohort is. Garbage and debris on the sales floor and they walk by it. Never any offer to help customers. Little to zero knowledge of the products the store offers. The types who clearly "just there for the paycheck." I will never shop in Queens (or Brooklyn) if I can avoid it. IKEA is a great example -- a fanatastic concept and a well-run chain that is successful all over the world, but when you see the cretins and retrogressive morons working at the place, it is a wonder that they manage to keep the doors open. The slobs working in retail are only marginally better than the creatures working at the fast food counter in this city. The filthy conditions prevailing at most McDonald's establishments in this city are an abominable disgrace. When I see a place in that condition, I have to presume that the swine are no more capable of preparing my food in a sanitary manner than they apparently are at sweeping a floor or keeping a bathroom clean.
A union cannot save losers like this.
Parking fees are definitely counterproductive for a place like COSTCO. The location is less than ideal for cars, which is a problem because you really need a car to take advantage of what COSTCO has to offer. I wish them well, but I guarantee you that unionization will result in closure, and those people will all be out of a job.

Anonymous said...

my comment refers to IKEA in Red Hook, btw. Compare that store to, say, Paramus and you will get the picture -- all things being equal but for the labor pool...

Anonymous said...

"The problem is the lousy labor pool in Queens -- lazy, slovenly, third-world types who speak a barely recognizable form of English. Go to any retail establishment in the boro and it will dawn on you how indifferent and unmotivated this cohort is."

Completely agree with you. EXCEPT for Trader Joe's on Woodhaven Blvd. Amazing, smart, helpful staff who speak English and actually care. Where do they find them? I assume they pay them above minimum wage?

Anonymous said...

Yes, TJ's is the exception, and they do indeed pay a living wage with full benefits. But because those jobs are desirable, they have the freedom to can the useless, the moronic, the incompetent, i.e. the average retail worker in Queens (or NYC) in 2010.

Anonymous said...

It's a free country you crybabies:

If you don't want to work there, don't work there. They don't owe you a job.

If you don't want to shop there, don't shop there. There's no one requiring that you shop there.

If it fails, it fails, and a new business takes over in that location.

Anonymous said...

Much needed jobs for the anchor children earning little pay. The same jobs that went to natural born Americans 20 years ago with union benefits.


Yeah, jobs Americans don't want MY ASS.

Pay a decent wage and get this country out of the third world status Reagan & Bush & their Republican controlled Congress & Senate put us in.

Let's outsource our politicians.

Anonymous said...

the Rego Park Costco parking lot has a fee. The Astoria Costco parking lot is free. Guess where I prefer to shop?

Babs said...

"Pay a decent wage and get this country out of the third world status Reagan & Bush & their Republican controlled Congress & Senate put us in."

Great comment.

Anonymous said...

"Completely agree with you. EXCEPT for Trader Joe's on Woodhaven Blvd. Amazing, smart, helpful staff who speak English and actually care. Where do they find them? I assume they pay them above minimum wage?"

And guess what? TJ's is a NON-union shop! Who'da thunk it?

Anonymous said...

Yep, the labor pool there is the cause - I think it's improving and Costco is ramping up a new store, always takes time to draw folks. They would have done much better at the Atlas Mall, if there was a large enough space to accommodate them there,oh well.

I don't like the Rego Park Mall setup and hate the 2-3 $ parking. But now I don't have a long ride, spend for gas etc and I do like Costco and no I don't bulk up as much as you think folks do.

Anonymous said...

TJ's pays a living wage and treats its employees like humans instead of skells. They seem like they want to work there. Why the hell would TJ workers WANT to unionize?

Treat employees like crap long enough, however, and union dues become more bearable. Its not the employees' concern whether an outfit is profitable. Pay and conditions are paramount.

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