Saturday, December 11, 2010

That was fast...

Well, the city cleaned up that tree stump and broken sidewalk that Mocker had pointed out.

(Further proof that if you want results, embarrassing them through the press is more effective than calling 311.)


Anonymous said...

Hey they went to St. Saviour's based on a comment here? That's cool. They should do a full story on that. What is it now? 5 years in that condition? And they dumped construction debris inside the lot, too... THAT SITE IS NOT A TRANSFER STATION!!

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

I doubt anything will happen... how long did it take for the city to complete and then re-do Gas Tank Park.... and its still not open to the public... guess their waiting for the winter weather to ruin it again. Unfortunatley it will take many more years for anything to happen at the St. Saviours site. Shame on Bloomberg and shame on our local politicians, becuase when they want something to happen fast they can make it happen.

fed up in queens said...

Hey Mocker... continue to chip away at Bloomberg. Great job! Keep giving the Mayor a taste of his own medicine.

Start focusing on city property that is littered with debris yet the Bloomberg nanny police keeps pounding on residents and businesses for even the most minor violations.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mocker for listening to the people and getting things done. Keep up the good work!

georgetheatheist said...

Mocker sweats the small stuff. He gets his inspiration from Queens Crap. Potholes, curbcuts. Has the camera guy put the lens at ground-level - ant's-eye view. (That shot, Mocker, is getting boring. For variety's sake, have the video guy shoot down at you from a tree - bird's-eye view.) Poor Arnold Diaz has to watch his back with this nouveau arrivé. Mocker how long can and will you keep this up before you run outta gas?

Anonymous said...

No he does not get his inspiration from Queens Crap. Blogs tend to know very little about political science when many actually borrow always on other sources.

If your against his personality well Diaz is a TV "reporter" also. A step up from a talking head.

Anonymous said...

Well when he cites the blog in his stories, it means he gets his inspiration from it. Duh. Also, he is not a political reporter, so your comment it just plain retarded.

Anonymous said...

Well when he cites the blog in his stories, it means he gets his inspiration from it. Duh. Also, he is not a political reporter, so your comment it just plain retarded.

Monday, December 13, 2010

I think he's trying to be kind when the info comes from many different sources.
His information on the MTA is from him doing research.
By the way it falls into local politics by the way the problem is addressed whether it's a private company or not.

He has done more research than a TV reporter that regurgitates what's written before them.

For example Fox news is commentary, not researched political reporting or journalism in any way. That is a bad trend they set when they cite nothing and never correct themselves when they are wrong.

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