Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Queensboro Bridge to be renamed for Koch!?!

From CBS 2:

The Bloomberg Administration wants to rename the span over the East River after former Mayor Ed Koch.

The name change requires approval by the City Council and Speaker Christine Quinn told the New York Times that she supports it.

The Brooklyn Battery Tunnel will also get a new name. State lawmakers voted Tuesday to rename it after former Governor Hugh Carey.


Anonymous said...




P.S. It's still SHEA Stadium to me.

Anonymous said...

Going to be a hell of a time explaining directions to people. Soon it'll be "take the derek jeter parkway to the mayor koch bridge, make your west and turn right at the rudolph giuliani highway and go straight until you reach david dinkins St."

Anonymous said...

Figures ...more monuments to themselves.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember, or care, that in Koch's final term in office his administration was the most corrupt that this city has seen in years? Next it will be Matty Troy Boulevard, Geoffrey Lindenauer Way, Stanley Friedman Road, Michael Lazar Lane, Meade Esposito Causeway and the Donald Manes Marina. Get real, Koch was not a great Mayor. He was a flamboyant one.

Anonymous said...

What a disgrace, it's bad enough that they call it the 59th street bridge. The Queens Borough Bridge is as important to Queens history as the Brooklyn Bridge was to Brooklyn, how dare they consider disassociating the bridge from Queens.

Ed Koch said...

How'm I doin'?

Anonymous said...

WFT? Enough political renamings! I already forgot who Guy R. Brewer was.

Ed said...

Koch suckers!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, just call it the sanctuary city bridge

Anonymous said...

And how much is it going to cost to change all NYC signs to reflect the name change? These STUPID, MORONIC politicians have absolutely nothing better to do than to sit around and come up with these frivolous crappy ideas in which to throw away money while New Yorkers continue to suffer. IF Koch was a better individual he'd decline.

Anonymous said...

Real question is, who's paying for it?

Anonymous said...

Ed Koch said...
How'm I doin'?

Lousy, asswipe!

Anonymous said...

Don't you have to be dead before they name a bridge or a public building or an airport after you? isn't Koch still alive?

Loose Lips Koch said...

It's not who you know. It's who you blow!

Anonymous said...

goodbye 5 million bucks!

Anonymous said...

I call it the 59th street bridge.
Still use the triboro bridge and the interboro parkway.

velvethead said...

Renaming the Triborough to that guy who's name I refuse to acknowledge, that cost some
$4 million to get done.
How much this go for?

Anonymous said...

So, when are they renaming the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridge?

Oh, i get it, BK and M are more important than Queens and therefore have the right to command their own bridges. Sorry, i forgot!

Anonymous said...

the limo drivers call it "the bridge to bloomingdales"read "CITY FOR SALE" BY WAYNE BARRETT. the ed.koch years of n.y.c.crime as we never knew before......fifty commissioners indicted or convicted or had to resign while koch was the mayor of n.y.c.

Anonymous said...

Please do not

Anonymous said...

Why are these assholes so keen on naming bridges after themselves? How arrogant are they? Koch, like all the other politicians was paid a salary. That should be it. All this does is confuse people. The Triboro Bridge will always be known as the Triboro Bridge -- not the RFK Bridge. By the way, he was from Boston, not New York. Why did we have to name our bridge after him? Leave all the bridges, avenues, etc alone. Stop confusing people.

Anonymous said...

I thought the city had no money. If Koch want to name a bridge after himself, I suggest he foot the bill and pay for all the sineage.

Anonymous said...

Here in Queens, the 2001 City Councilmembers class put their names on public trash cans. Thus we have garbage cans with the names of Genaro, Weprin, Liu, Katz, etc.

Wouldn't Koch's name on trash cans or sanitation trucks be more appropriate than the bridge?

Anonymous said...

I was hoping that in 50 years, the Queensboro would become the Hillary Rodham Clinton Bridge.

Like RFK, Hillary is a carpetbagger who got elected in New York and tried to run for president, and had a family member in the White House.

We have a 40 minute delay on The Bobby and 20 minutes on The Bitch!

Anonymous said...

Nothing has been named after Bella Abzug or Geraldine Ferraro - and don't make any wisecracks about the lower level of the GW Bridge being the Martha Washington Bridge.

Anonymous said...

There's a post office in Queens named after Ferraro. As for Abzug, I propose we name a hat store after her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

am I the only one who see the irony here? Naming the **QUEENS** boro Bridge after one of the most famous closeted gay men in the nation!

Anonymous said...

If Bloomburg wants to give his pal a Chaunnakah gift, he should pay for all the sign changes with HIS Bloombucks, not the taxpayers. We pay too much for everything in this city.

Anonymous said...

Just more waste and inefficiency in city government. Koch is a Manhattan resident. Why put his name on the QUEENSBOROUGH Bridge?

Anonymous said...

The way I see it is that one old queen wants to rename the Queensboro Bridge after another old queen. Pretty sad

Anonymous said...

"am I the only one who see the irony here? Naming the **QUEENS** boro Bridge after one of the most famous closeted gay men in the nation!"

Perhaps a tunnel would be more appropriate.

Canchita said...

I will have to stay home now since I no longer know how to get anyplace. Can't they understand the concept 'if it's not broken, don't fix it'?

Anonymous said...

Arrogance! Spend millions on a bridge renaming and close firehouses at night. Genius! Did I hear impeachment?

GL said...

kleenex must be making a killing from all this city council masturbation.

Anonymous said...

Why don't they rename the Sewer treatment plant in Brooklyn after Koch.

georgetheatheist said...

It's over 2 years since the ceremony at the Astoria Park renaming the Triborough Bridge the RFK. In attendance, Bill Clinton, David Patterson, Ed Koch, Ethel Kennedy, etc. etc. How many overhead highway signs STILL have "Triborough" Bridge on them?

Anonymous said...

I predict the RFK Bridge will be un-renamed. "Cape Kennedy" was un-renamed back to "Cape Canaveral" in 1973.

Who is/was "Harry Van Arsdale Jr"? Who is/was "Horace Harding"?

Anonymous said...

Arrogance! Spend millions on a bridge renaming and close firehouses at night. Genius! Did I hear impeachment?
What a disgrace, it's bad enough that they call it the 59th street bridge. The Queens Borough Bridge is as important to Queens history as the Brooklyn Bridge was to Brooklyn, how dare they consider disassociating the bridge from Queens.


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't city government spend money on important things? There is so much waste and inefficiency in Bloomburg Land. I thought he was supposed to be a financial genius. End all this useless spending and keep our fire houses open and put more cops on the streets. Who cares if some old geezer politician has a bridge named for him. If we really want to save some money, why don't we disband the City Council and get rid of their huge staffs? I bet that would save a ton of money. The are useless and ineffective anyway.

Anonymous said...


Must have a lot of room in your anus for that party. Learn English much?

Anonymous said...

It's not who you know. It's who you blow!

Its funny because its true, atleast in kochs'

Anonymous said...

Going over the Koch Bridge would be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway

Anonymous said...

They should rename the gowanus canal or newtown creek after bloomturd. Cause he stinks!

Anonymous said...

queensbound ,58th street is filled with male/female homosexual bars and restaurants.
bloomberg's new building is there between lexington and third avenue.
they now will requisition the new gay bridge....

Anonymous said...

Let's ask the ghost of Robert F. Wagner Junior....purported to have been Koch's long time lover.....what he thinks about the renaming.

Anybody got a Ougi board?

Hey....let's name the old water shed tunnels the "69 holes" in honor or these two.

Good Lord....just the thought of two of the ugliest men in creation having mutual oral sex with each other gives me the chills.

Ed Kroch said...

Good Lord....just the thought of two of the ugliest men in creation having mutual oral sex with each other gives me the chills.


It weren't for Wagner, my mouth would STILL be square!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon no 46--

You know this from first-hand experience?

Anonymous said...

Anon no 46--

You know this from first-hand experience?
Looks like someone needs a tongue lashing! Or perhaps you would like to use your hand...first!

dp said...

To Anon# whatever; Harry VanArsdale was a labor leader & very brief resident of Queens (on Jewel Ave., hence the name change)-- Horace Harding was a rapacious real estate developer, the Trump of his day, who lived in NYC & L.I. and was a booster of Moses & the L.I.E.
so the name game of people who have little/no connection to Queens isn't exactly new
(hey at least Francis Lewis did live here!)

Anonymous said...

Queensboro should not be renamed for Koch, but for all the anonymous weasels -- homophobia just blows your argument (pun intended)

Anonymous said...

How about The Christine Quinn Bridge?

Anonymous said...

homophobia just blows your argument (pun intended)


Hey queenie, get your feathers ruffled? Blow this!

Unknown said...

Hey guys, if you don't like the fact that the bridge is going to be renamed, join my petition and help me stop it.

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