Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Powell's Cove crap

So I was in G-mail the other day, minding my own business, when I noticed an ad for Powell Cove Estates in College Point at the top of my screen. Couldn't resist...

Yeah, now that's estate living!

"About College Point" is very entertaining, starting with the first line.

And check this Queens Chronicle article out:

On the other side of Riverview is another condo project under construction called Powells Cove Estates, which was ordered by the state to clean up a spill last year. It consisted of a floating oil mix found underground.

Steve Achille, Powells Cove project manager, said the state is monitoring wells they have installed. “So far, we’re okay,” Achille said. “We’ve done what they asked us to do.”

But he admitted the problems at Riverview do concern him because of possible migration of the contamination.

I noticed this tidbit is missing from the website.


Joe said...

This is the exact same slap-up CAD cookie cutter crapola they built on the sight of Roosevelt Stadium on Newark bay.
It may even be the same drawing only with that elevated viaduct. ...for people to jump ?

Anonymous said...

Its noisy with commercial marine and air over there.
I'm sure the passing 1/4 mile long double garbage barges from Bridgeport & New England slowing down to cut the turn south at N Brother will smell lovely especially during peak summer.

Anonymous said...

But it got a "glowing" report!

Anonymous said...

Looks like 340K for 700sq feet one bedroom + perhaps a slamming $1200 a month mainanience.
Condos are for jackasses

ew-3 said...

"Condos are for jackasses"

Perhaps in NYC.

Got 700 sq feet (bachelor) for 90K and 180/mo in condo fees. Commute to most job locations under 30 minutes. Boston is about 25 miles away and I'm 2 miles from the commuter rail.

Salaries are about the same as NYC.

Anonymous said...

I see there is a new street planned for this development. Will it allow for public parking, or "residents only?"

Also, not one store here. This will force residents to drive to nearby malls and stores, increasing traffic.

Will the waterfront be open to the public or "residents only?"

Anonymous said...

The building are indeed crap - the city should set some guidelines as to structures that conform to traditional architecture in NYC. The stuff thrown up today would not be seen or built in China it's so ugly and cheapie materials looking!

Anonymous said...

Ugly buildings. A long flight of steps to the front entrances. Whatever happened to one family homes?

Anonymous said...

Ha! They look like the 1950s-era garden apartments in Bayside I grew up in. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Anonymous said...

Will the waterfront be open to the public or "residents only?"

Why would anyone want to walk along that waterfront, anyway? There's nothing to see other than an equally ugly development across the river, and lots of air traffic. Walk in the park right next door for the same thrill.

Anonymous said...

Is this development built over a plastic sheet as well? You know, to protect residents from the DECADES of illegal dumping of toxic debris and chemicals along the waterfront in this area. I wouln't live there if you paid me, yet some suckers, probably immigrants, will pay big bucks top live in the ghetto that is College Point with prime views of LaGuardia and Rikers. And don['t forget the deliciousness that is the Tallman Island sewer treatment plant nearby.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want to walk along that waterfront, anyway? There's nothing to see other than an equally ugly development across the river, and lots of air traffic.

And lots of mosquitoes flying around in that area in the summer..if you haven't been there.

Anonymous said...

Looks like 340K for 700sq feet one bedroom + perhaps a slamming $1200 a month mainanience.
Condos are for jackasses

Depends on where, ignoramous. There's a 450K for 1100 sq feet 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a real dining room and a living room, a garage and a 200 sq ft basement for storage with a $250 fee/month. This is also in Queens - Fresh Meadows a good school district. See if you can beat that ..in Queens.

Houses that are similar size around the same area are for 550k..and they have maybe 500 feet extra and with a driveway and small patch of grass.

Anonymous said...

I receive similar ads in the mail for the craptacular "Arverne By The Sea"...as if I'd ever move to Arverne!!

Anonymous said...

From the air they look like the recruit squad bays on Parris Island. Trust me, there was NOTHING luxurious about them. Semper Fi, YOU HAVE ARRIVED!

-Joe said...

Fresh Meadows is a good school district ?
Huh ?
My neice is there she said its all Paki's and disruptive "hip-hop" thuggs that want to date her in school and follow her home.
The teacher called her a racist, did nothing when she complained about harrassment (till a good kick in the balls for one of them)
They then did something (suspended her) and called my sister up to the school ...who sent me down instead.
She goes to a private school now.
Bunch of scumbags and animals in all the Queens schools. School kids in 3rd work Dhaka india have it better.

Anonymous said...

My neice is there she said its all Paki's and disruptive "hip-hop" thuggs that want to date her in school and follow her home.
The teacher called her a racist, did nothing when she complained about harrassment (till a good kick in the balls for one of them)

Really? Which school was that? and is that district 26 (Fresh Meadows, Bayside, Douglaston..)? That's a bit shocking to hear because it's mostly not all Pakis.. They happen to be either in flushing or jackson heights. Most of them are Chinese/Korean descent and whites. But all schools will have these things going on..even when I was in Long Island, Three Village (Ward Melville High school..which is quite high up in rankings in the nation).

I would like to hear more of this story to be informed. But I do know that city schools will NEVER beat Long Islands..unless maybe private schools.

-Joe said...

Near Hooters 131 ? ?

Babs said...

she's a niece of Joe's remember . . . perhaps reform school?

Babs said...

poor College Point once so grand. Wtf are they going to do next to her?

Archie B said...

Next will be some funerals and more condo shit.
Just wait till all those yuppies and materialistic a'Os move into town and speed the BMW's down the streets to your upcoming "chick" coffee joint.
That's the majority of people that buy condo shit like that. May as well break out the bagpipes an have a funeral for Collage Point right now.

Anonymous said...

Babs said...
poor College Point once so grand. Wtf are they going to do next to her?

Open that waste of a police academy and move Willets Point businesses to 20th Avenue. CP is Queens' new garbage dump! Speaking of which, wail til that garbage transfer station opens up. I hear the facility is for the birds.

Anonymous said...

that city schools will NEVER beat Long Islands.

Probably not for now but all of these folks the Pakis and hip-hoppers some readers mention, all aspire to be with you in LI and we are happy to accommodate them. You do take section 8 out there in Melville? I know there is a growing force of landscapers in Farmingdale just dying to work.

Anonymous said...

The renderings of these 3 family homes show illegal houses. All 3 family homes now have to have handicapped access. None of these buildings have it. I wonder who they paid off in the Queens D.O.B.?

Mr. Khan maybe?

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