Monday, December 13, 2010

Dept of Finance can't count to 10!

" I got two parking tickets on the same night a few weeks ago - dumb mistakes on my part, no doubt, but definitely deserved as I wasn't paying attention to the street signs that evening.

When I was ready to mail them out, I noticed that the orange envelopes had been changed; usually, the envelopes are tagged with the same number as the violation that is given. The new envelopes have spaces that you fill in - which, in the grand scheme of things, makes sense because they are more generic, I suppose.

Imagine my surprise when I tried to write in the TEN-DIGIT NUMBER on my violation (as directed even on the envelope itself!) and found that there are only NINE SPACES. Now normally someone might say "big deal" but unfortunately we know how the po-po works when it comes to quota $$$ collections and penalties if it doesn't reach the right place at the right time.

So - whose genius brother-in-law do you think got the contract for this one?"

- A Disgusted Taxpayer from Queens


Anonymous said...

Whoever works for the DOF is a total waste, its where the politicians put their supporters when no one else wants them.

Babs said...

This is too funny - this is such an embarrassment. The Dept. of Finance can't count to 10!!! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg creates LLC's, places them in, say, Binghamton, and then gives his new company the "contract", funded from city funds. The company that printed these envelopes might very well be his own creation.

Cora said...

People still pay these by mail? Wow!

Anonymous said...

People still pay these by mail? Wow!

On the extremely rare occasion that i get a ticket, i be sure to pick the method that would be the most inconvenient to the city.

Plus, i believe that paying online, they charge you a processing fee. Fuck that, they dont get one extra dime! I'd rather give that money to the Post Office for the stamp and Money Order.

Anonymous said...

So - whose genius brother-in-law do you think got the contract for this one?"


Probably some non-white Jew/Italian or Irish. You know this city went to ruins on their behalf.

Anonymous said...

And we are surprised because?

GL said...

This story and a follow up on a tree stump...must be a slow day at the queens crapper HQ. =)

Anonymous said...

GL said...
This story and a follow up on a tree stump...must be a slow day at the queens crapper HQ. =)

Every day's a slow day for you!

Anonymous said...

On the extremely rare occasion that i get a ticket, i be sure to pick the method that would be the most inconvenient to the city.

The only one that inconveniences is you.

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