Thursday, December 9, 2010

Brian cheated his mama

From the NY Post:

Crooked ex-politician Brian McLaughlin's mom has added her name to the list of victims in his epic, $3.1 million rip-off scheme.

Court papers filed by Ilene McLaughlin, 82, say she lost $145,000 that the former Queens assemblyman borrowed against his swanky second home on Long Island's exclusive North Shore.

The widowed granny, who lives in a modest co-op apartment in Flushing, says in her self-filed court documents that she handed over the dough in March 2006 but never got a nickel back.

Instead, the Democratic former labor leader forfeited all his proceeds when he sold the house for nearly $1.2 million two years later as part of the settlement of the racketeering case against him.

His mother's Manhattan federal court suit seeks to force the Justice Department to repay the entire mortgage, plus unspecified interest, "as stated in my contract."

The aging pensioner, who hung up on a reporter that called for comment, joins the lengthy list of marks that McLaughlin preyed on to bankroll a lavish lifestyle that included luxury cars, a country club and a string of mistresses.

Her son is currently serving 10 years in the slammer for swindling taxpayers, political contributors, union members and even his local Little League, from which he looted $95,000.


georgetheatheist said...

A real POS.

Anonymous said...

and the queens progressive/ democrats and union opportunists just had to keep him in a labor /government leadership position. such stupidity.....and they have voted the same gang of scum back into control of the n.y.c. government.

what a sickness......

Anonymous said...

Didn't someone comment about demonizing the other day?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 2 --

It seems to me that anyone who keeps repeating the same Republican/Conservative talking points endlessly and without any signs of independent thought has some issues to work out as well/

Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

Shame on you Brian. First you stole from the kids and now your own mother. Rot in jail!

Anonymous said...

a n.y.c. resident/citizen since 1946 does not have to use anyone's talking points to have opinions on the democrat /progressive dictatorship that has controlled since that time .

just research the dem. politicians from n.y.c. that are or have been in prison. how many have been convicted and have gone free to enjoy their stolen pensions that the taxpayers paid for.

you are a "master of deceit" .

Anonymous said...

And forget about the Tom DeLays and Joe Brunos of the world.

You are a robot.

Anonymous said...

I've come to the conclusion that ALL politicians are criminals. Doesn't matter what party they are. They start out with the best of intentions, but forget that they work for us. All they care about is how much money they make. They don't care if they sell out their constituents. This is why all politicians should be limited to 2 terms. This way, they don't have enough time to do a tremendous amount of damage.

Anonymous said...

Fuck her. She raised that scumbag. So fuck her in her stupid ass.

Anonymous said...


Who ever let these leprechauns into America?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 9 --Very true.

Anonymous said...

man that's ugly... is like there's no limit to that man's greed. 10 years? Give him another round free, bet he likes that, free stuff.

Anonymous said...


This term is well deserved by that crooked ass-wipe Mc Laughlin.

I hope Brian's cell mate bum fucks him good!

Wadda ya all expect?

He stole from his own little league ball mom is fair game.

Shades of a 19th century shanty (make that pig-shit) Irish ward healing thief.

H-m-m-m....just like 'ol "Boss" Tweed....huh?

neversleep said...

Uh whichever anonymous had to bring up Joe Bruno... his conviction was thrown out.

Seems the US Attorney didn't have a fishing license.

Brian stole money. He didn't skirt campaign finance laws or sidebar consultant fees.


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