Monday, November 1, 2010

"When is your due date?"

It's Monday and I forgot to do this on Friday. Oh well, better late than never. We only have a few hours before we head to the polls to show 'em who's boss. Go ahead and caption this photo.


Anonymous said...

chuck...your a schmuck.....

Anonymous said...

"I'll tell you Chuck, I want to give the Republicans the chance to finish the job they started 10 years ago. There is still some middle class in this country and we have to get rid of them completely. Only Tax Cuts for the top 1%, and cutting out any and all economic supports for those working Americans, will enable multi-national corporations to really plunder this nation to there's nothing of America left."

Gary the Agnostic said...

I can't believe you ate the whole thing, Mike.

Anonymous said...

Show him the door already! Get rid of Rangle for Pete's sake, and kick out Marge Markey - the do nothing office holder.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, anything you say, Mr. Burns."


Anonymous said...

"...That's nothing Chuck. I took one so big I thought it was your wife drowning in the toilet."

Anonymous said...

"OK Chuck now I'll repeat one more time for the parade. Esteban over here is going to be dancing in front of you to get the crowd hyped up. When Estaben clunches his but the third time you throw your hands in the air and yell 'CHIMICHANGA!'. Got that Chuck. One clench, two clench, three clench, Chimichanga. Good so lets rock this Dominican Pride parade!.

Gut Feeling said...

Mine's bigger!

No. Mine's bigger!!!

Fonso said...

Where da wings at ?

Anonymous said...

Mike DenDekker: "Hey Sen. Schumer, I was a garbageman before being promoted to an assemblyman. What were you before you were an elected official?"

Schmuck Schumer: "I was always an elected official, since I graduated from college. By the way Michael, did you ever graduate from college?"

Mike DenDekker: "No, after attending SUNY Farmingdale for a couple of courses and found it too hard, so in 1995 I joined the Department of Sanitation and was assigned to household collection of refuse and recycling in Woodside. But between 1998 and 2002 because of my qualifications, I worked part-time as a district representative for Assemblywoman Margaret Markey. That's how I became qualified to be an assemblyman in Queens.

Anonymous said...

If he's such a schmuck, how come he is where he is and you are where you are?

Anonymous said...

Chuck: I gave before, back when I became a US Senator; I also gave him my job - I call him Anthony Weiner. he's like a skinny son to me. Now I'm just fat.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm jealous of Schmuck Schumer; boy that Iris Weinshall is such a hottie!

Anonymous said...

He's also a member of the United States Senator, and might be Majority Leader after this week.

Anonymous said...

"He's also a member of the United States Senator, and might be Majority Leader after this week."


Anonymous said...

And you are where you are.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck --- You Suck. Get a real job and see what it's like to work for a living.

Anonymous said...

"And you are where you are."

Yes; happy, hardworking, comfortable, married to a beautiful woman and unlike Schmuck Schumer, not an out of shape, fat balding, political whore who never had a real job.

Anonymous said...

Between the 2 of them, they're pushing out 6 anchor babies

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm jealous of Schmuck Schumer; boy that Iris Weinshall is such a hottie!


Yeah, that really makes him a terrible person.

Anonymous said...

with a republican/conserative majority in the U.S. House of Reps. and a increase in minority members of the Senate ,schmukie will accomplish no more of the left-wing agenda.

Anonymous said...

Don't quit your day jobs guys . . . these comments suck.

The only good one was the title of the post -

Gary the Agnostic said...

These guys have day jobs?

Anonymous said...

"Don't quit your day jobs guys . . . these comments suck."

Sounds like a party hack is hanging around QC.

Anonymous said...

"Don't quit your day jobs guys . . . these comments suck.

The only good one was the title of the post -"

The Chimichanga post was funny, anyone else agree?

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