Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Trucks still barreling down Whitestone streets

They just keep on trucking on 5th Avenue in Whitestone. Yet no one way westbound,no police, no safety, no nothing. - Nov 3rd.

Another 18 wheeler almost three hours after the first one we sent you today, and he came around the block twice within a half hour 8:15 and 9:00PM. - Nov 3rd.

Another 18 wheeler just trucking thru 5th avenue. This one at 5:15 PM, November 5th. D.O.T., C.B.7, Councilman Halloran, HELP!!!!

- Malba Gardens Civic Association


Anonymous said...

We used to have that on 17th avenue as well , Thank God No more trucks, on 5th avenue.

Centola keep up the fight, squeeky wheel gets the wheel.

Thanks Pat Carpentiere for your help as well.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant no trucks on 17th avenue. Obviously still trucks on 5th avenue.


Anonymous said...

looks likes there's plenty of room in the street for the trucks.

how do you they're "barreling" these are still photos.

Anonymous said...

The neighbors should rent a moving van or two and just park them in the street. Get one of thos stay-at-home-types to come out when a big truck is barreling down the street and say, "I'm a coming, I'm a coming" and then move it real slow-like. Do this over and over until the truckers use another route.

Anonymous said...

Oh so we object to the word barreling, want video instead next time?

Sounds like Chuck taking offense again.

Did you look at the photo, stick to the topic, these 18 wheelers should not be on the block.

Plenty of room for trucks?

Wow you really are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Plenty of room for trucks?
Wow you really are an idiot.

No wider than a fire truck, plenty of room for those.

Anonymous said...

No wider than a fire truck, plenty of room for those.


That's your argument??
Double asshole!!

Smarter than Babs said...

I'm guessing those of you annoyed by the trucks moved there after the bridge was built, no? You're the same idiotic type that moves near an airport then complains about air traffic, or moves next to a fire house and complains about sirens.

Yeah yeah, it's not a truck route. And I suppose none of you ever jaywalk, and you all come to a complete stop at every single stop sign you come to, and shovel your sidewalk as soon as it starts snowing, right?

Smarter than Babs said...

PS: "Malba Gardens" Civic Association? Get over yourselves. You live in Whitestone.

Queens Crapper said...

Um not sure where you're coming from. It's ok for moving vehicles to commit traffic infractions now?

Guess what, I don't live near a bridge and have trucks barreling down my street, too. Sometimes the cops wait at the corner and it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Malba Gardener said...

Just to set the record straight Malba Gardens is the name of the community since it was built, we did not give it the name. However, a dangerous situation is a dangerous situation. We can debate all we want these trucks create a dangersous situation and is illegal.

This traffic did not exist pre 1997 and that is just the tip of the problem on 5th avenue. All of Whitesone has similar issues and yet no one has any solutions.

I would love to meet with anyone on the block and show them first hand what is going on.

Remember we are here to protect our families and investments.

Anonymous said...

Put horizontal barrier poles over key intersections to damage any tall vehicles that enter.

Anonymous said...

Quite an Intelligent argument, Jaywalking compared to a safety issue where trucks break the law.

Yes, this may be why we are in the shape we are in.

Also, what is happening with the temporary closure of the 3rd avenue exit. When is cpb 7 going to revisit this issue? Hope they don't wait too long, being sooo busy with Flushing and all.


Anonymous said...

wow, rich people problems.... call the politicians, a truck drove down my block!

Anonymous said...

Thats it, rich people problems, Hey moron you don't know the area do you. Look into it before you blow out your ____.

Working class neighborhood, and if it were a "rich" area, would it them be ok to the morons like yourself?

Working class, capes, some expanded , others like they were built in the 1950's.

Malba Gardener said...

Our intentions were not to create such uninformed hostility. We are here to protect and secure our families and our homes. It is a shame that so many here are not seing the bigger picture.

Anonymous said...

The big picture here is that we live in a city full of traffic. Traffic patterns change and we adapt and deal.

When you start calling people idiots, and say things like "duh" I have a hard time taking you seriously or having any sympathy for your "terrible" plight.

Get over yourself, Malba Gardener. Go back to 1953.

Queens Crapper said...

No, we don't adapt and deal. We take care of the problem. Sounds like someone is a jealous troll. Using terms like "rich people problems" and "you moved near a bridge" make it impossible to take you seriously.

Queens Crapper said...

P.S. it pays to complain.

Malba Gardener said...

Please be advised, we did not use the term duh nor call anyone and idiot.

We have formed the Malba Gardens Civic Association to resolve this problem before it is too late, and that is what we intend to do.

We welcome all feedback and have reached out to our elected officials and government agencies for a solution. All we have gotten so far is "what can we do" and letter writing from our elected officials to heads of government agencies. NO ONE HAS COME UP WITH A SOLUTION. We have made several suggestions that would limit unauthorized and speeding traffic on RESIDENTIAL STREETS.

Again at no point did I or anyone I know refer to anyone as duh and or call anyone an idiot on this site. Please get your facts correct before you make allegations and false statements.

Anonymous said...

queens is overrun with progressive democrat class warfare idiots. look at who they just voted into government last week.....

GL said...

Have you tried befriending traffic officers? Perhaps some of them would be interested in handing out tickets.

You could always post a few traffic cones on the street entrances so that it leaves enough room for a car to maneuver and not a truck. Put a large plank near the cones so that it looks like there is a hole there. You mentioned the area isn't being noticed by anyone else so no one can really blame you for it-unless one of your civic members is a snitch.

Anonymous said...

Hey the police Dept has an easy fine to target and they don't - they rather ticket you when you park in front of your own driveway.

THE 110 PRECINCT does not enforce no-truck-routes on 80th Street between Grand Ave and 57th Ave, why not?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you have to take charge and take care of the problem yourself.
The solution is very simple, since the street is a two way, double park so the trucks can't get by.

Anonymous said...

Why not rent one of those sanitation trailers that park on the street and take turns driving by Kelty house, Chucks house, McCarthys house, Hallorans house, Bittermans house, Macchios house, Vallones house, etc (being that they are so full of Garbage anyway). Maybe then they will see what a problem this really is.

Just saying, Maybe?

Anonymous said...

So 3rd avenue should take the traffic instead? No one wants traffic but we live in a crowded city. Why should your street be off limits? Mine isn't.

Queens Crapper said...

Neither 5th Avenue nor 3rd Avenue are truck routes. 14th Avenue is a local truck route. Try looking at the NYC truck route map before commenting again.

Anonymous said...

I take you back to when the Bridge was originaly erected and the builders overshot the original exit that would have been 7th avenue (reason why it is 68 feet wide), fast foward to 1997 when a politicaly connected officer of the Greater Whitestone Taxpayers Association got a concrete divider extended on the exit ramp. This immediately prevented cars from having the option of turning on to 6th avenue. Since 1997 5th avenue has had to deal with the increasing traffic.

This problem was dumped on 5th avenue with no community input thanks to this incident.1935 - 1997 vehicles had option of turning on to 6th avenue as well as 5th, 4th, and 3rd avenues.

3rd avenue for the first two blocks has 7 homes on on one side and is over 55 feet wide.
Not 26 feet wide with over 28 homes.

In all fairnes, Officers of both the Malba Gardens Civic association and Greater Whitestone have made proposals that would limit traffic on 5th, 4th, and 3rd avenues. DOT, CB7, and every elected official has been unwilling and or unable to agree, or come up with a solution.

Removing the 1997 extended divider was suggested as were the following: pulling the exit back to the original design(if even for half the traffic that comes off the highway),extending the divider so that cars have option of turning on to 4th and or 3rd avenue, with a Bridge and Tunnel officer (already stationed under Bridge) can stop and ticket unauthorized commercial vehicles and reroute them to 14th avenue. Many other options were also proposed.
A law Tony Avella proposed when he was councilman was given to Councilman Hallorans Chief of Staff Dennis Ring in order to see if the councilman could reintroduce a law that would take City off of Federal regulations which were written for Highway traffic, not residential communities. He refused to discuss when and if the councilman would meet with us and other civic groups to discuss this bill and possibly re introduce it with some changes. To date we have heard nothing. Be advised that according to Fed Guidelines, 500 cars per hour would be ammount needed for a stop sign, 500 cars? that is a major highway.
Our Government has been unable to come up with any solution, and after FOURTEEN YEARS, this is unacceptable.
A sollution is there and we need to implement it before it is too late.

Also, the 6 acre parcel at the end of 5th avenue that is the remaining CYO property, just got their taxes cut by 50% and was then immediatly taken off the market. 50% ,how many HOMEOWNERS recieved a 50% tax cut? no one? and you live here, guess you dont own a large enough parcel.
What is in store for this lot? 55 new homes? who knows. more development, more traffic, and no IMPACT STUDIES, no remedies for already existing problems in OUR COMMUNITY.
This needs to be addressed, before anything else happens in Our Neighborhood, before it is too late.
Alfredo Centola

Anonymous said...

I take you back to when the Bridge was originaly erected and the builders overshot the original exit that would have been 7th avenue (reason why it is 68 feet wide), fast foward to 1997 when a politicaly connected officer of the Greater Whitestone Taxpayers Association got a concrete divider extended on the exit ramp. This immediately prevented cars from having the option of turning on to 6th avenue. Since 1997 5th avenue has had to deal with the increasing traffic.

This problem was dumped on 5th avenue with no community input thanks to this incident.1935 - 1997 vehicles had option of turning on to 6th avenue as well as 5th, 4th, and 3rd avenues.

3rd avenue for the first two blocks has 7 homes on on one side and is over 55 feet wide.
Not 26 feet wide with over 28 homes.

In all fairnes, Officers of both the Malba Gardens Civic association and Greater Whitestone have made proposals that would limit traffic on 5th, 4th, and 3rd avenues. DOT, CB7, and every elected official has been unwilling and or unable to agree, or come up with a solution.

Removing the 1997 extended divider was suggested as were the following: pulling the exit back to the original design(if even for half the traffic that comes off the highway),extending the divider so that cars have option of turning on to 4th and or 3rd avenue, with a Bridge and Tunnel officer (already stationed under Bridge) can stop and ticket unauthorized commercial vehicles and reroute them to 14th avenue. Many other options were also proposed.
A law Tony Avella proposed when he was councilman was given to Councilman Hallorans Chief of Staff Dennis Ring in order to see if the councilman could reintroduce a law that would take City off of Federal regulations which were written for Highway traffic, not residential communities. He refused to discuss when and if the councilman would meet with us and other civic groups to discuss this bill and possibly re introduce it with some changes. To date we have heard nothing. Be advised that according to Fed Guidelines, 500 cars per hour would be ammount needed for a stop sign, 500 cars? that is a major highway.
Our Government has been unable to come up with any solution, and after FOURTEEN YEARS, this is unacceptable.
A sollution is there and we need to implement it before it is too late.

Also, the 6 acre parcel at the end of 5th avenue that is the remaining CYO property, just got their taxes cut by 50% and was then immediatly taken off the market. 50% ,how many HOMEOWNERS recieved a 50% tax cut? no one? and you live here, guess you dont own a large enough parcel.
What is in store for this lot? 55 new homes? who knows. more development, more traffic, and no IMPACT STUDIES, no remedies for already existing problems in OUR COMMUNITY.
This needs to be addressed, before anything else happens in Our Neighborhood, before it is too late.
Alfredo Centola

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