Thursday, November 4, 2010

There he goes again...

NEW YORK (AP) - Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an independent who has considered running for president, declared Monday that an independent has a better chance at succeeding in the White House than a Republican or a Democrat.

The billionaire Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent mayor toyed with a third-party run in 2008 but ultimately abandoned the idea. He has said unequivocally he won't run in 2012, but during a forum at Harvard University on Monday he endorsed the idea of an independent in the White House.

"I think actually a third-party candidate could run the government easier than a partisan political president because the partisan political president — yeah he's got half the votes, but he can't get the others — whereas the guy in the middle may very well be able to get enough across the aisle," Bloomberg said.

The mayor, who founded the financial information company Bloomberg LP and whose fortune is estimated at $18 billion by Forbes magazine, is considered a potential, if long shot, candidate in 2012. He can afford to wait until well into the election year before he has to decide whether to run, largely because he doesn't have to raise money.

It also serves Bloomberg well to keep the door open and buzz alive because it sustains an air of mystery around him and makes him a relevant national figure well into the later years of his third term as the head of the nation's biggest city.

When asked during the forum Monday whether he would run, Bloomberg said he will not. He said he asked the New York City voters who elected him in 2009 for another four years, adding that he is "sort of inclined" to fulfill that promise.

He said, though, he believes there will be a point at which "the public gets so upset that they say, 'I'm going to pick the third party.'"


Gary the Agnostic said...

In his dreams. In our nightmares.

Anonymous said...

God help us all!

GL said...

Where is Ross Perot and his charts when we need him?

Anonymous said...

That little troll may have the sheeple of N.Y.C. fooled but there is no way in hell he could be elected president! That little troll should just go back under a rock when he time is up as mayor. For a billionaire, he is such a loser. Money can't buy you a personality....

Anonymous said...

He cannot win as the candidate in the middle and he is a liberal in sheep's clothing, plus his experience is in New York as a carpet bagger born in the most liberal town in the northeast, Boston.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mayor, Quitter X Gov Palin has more of a chance of getting votes than you do.

Anonymous said...

this was foretold in "Protocols..."

Anonymous said...

I wish he would just crawl under a rock and stay there already.

Anonymous said...

I wish he would just crawl under a rock and stay there already.

linda said...

Donald Trump has a better chance of winning then this idiot.. NYC has to put up with his BS but the rest of the states won't. He ruined any chance of winning anything in the future with overturning term limits, then saying it would be a great idea to have it back..

Mr. I can't help it if I'm a billionaire jewish man enough already. He cracks jokes like this and insults NEW YORKERS!

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 7: You are aware that you are referring to a work of fiction fabricated by the Czarist government in russia, right?

Anonymous said...

Anti-Semitism is rampant in Middle America, they'd never vote him into the White House.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The only way we will ever get rid of Mike Bloomburg in any political venue is if someone drives a stake through his heart (if he has one).

velvethead said...

Bloomy's first move as President would be an executive order to establish a nationwide parking ticket and he'll have the Army Rangers writing them out.
The bloodsucker that he is.

Anonymous said...

We NEED him to save the country!

Anonymous said...

Just liked he SAVED the city!

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine this idiot making his notorious under the table corrupt deals on an international level?

Anonymous said...

Here he comes to save the day!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Mayor, Quitter X Gov Palin has more of a chance of getting votes than you do."

- or Christine O'Donnell


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, what does his religious affiliation have to do with anything? He doesn't appear to be religious, either, so why bring it up? Is it straight-up bigotry or is there a more enlightened reason?

GL said...

To "religious affiliation" guy...

This blog is all about the bigotry before intelligent conversation. I believe the majority of commentators here don't even read past the title line before they comment and move on to the next post.

QC could post a recipe, add a politicians photo and title it something clever and the result would be +10 hateful comments and maybe two, "hey, those came out delicious, thanks!"

Anonymous said...

HEY GL---Why don't you start your own blog and get the f*ck outta here!?!?! DUH! QC is fine without you.

Betty Cocker said...

QC could post a recipe, add a politicians photo and title it something clever and the result would be +10 hateful comments and maybe two, "hey, those came out delicious, thanks!"

A recipe for GL:

Take 2 heapin' bowls of steaming (as in fresh) dog poop, mix in pieces of Claire Shulman's granny panties (crotch area prefered), 2 teaspoons of Moby Stavisky's spit, 5 Ackerman flowers (used) and 3 ounces of Bloomturd pee. Mix well and bake at 350 degrees for 2 hours. Then SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!!!

GL said...

I like how you folks assume I don't like this blog. I would have deleted the bookmark a long time ago if I felt that way.

There ain't nothing wrong with granny panties either--yum! you bunch of prudes.

Claire said...

There ain't nothing wrong with granny panties either
@ GL
Glad to see you have a sense of humor. Don't forget I farted in those things. By the way, if you happen to find Donald Manes' pinky ring, it's mine! I've been trying to find that thing for decades.

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