Monday, November 8, 2010

Sights and sounds of Queens Plaza

Hey Crapper,

I thought you might enjoy this. Spotted around 1am Friday night was a guy driving some car without a tire on it, grinding his wheel (whenever he got stopped at a light and would start again, he'd have to floor his engine, shooting sparks into the streets!). He was driving around the Queens Plaza, and he came all the way up 41st Avenue before heading towards 29th Street where I predicted his path, and biked ahead and got this clip. He was clearly going the distance! I'm sure his axle was just fine:

Nick Normal


Anonymous said...

So what do we have here? somebody who is afraid to change a flat tire near the Queensbridge houses at 1:00am.....NEXT!

faster340 said...

Hey when ya gotta go to work what are ya gonna do? LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

That was Axl Rose........

Smarter than Babs said...


Patrick Sweeney said...

I liked in on You Tube

Anonymous said...

I thought it would be something spectacle with smoke and fire....

Anonymous said...

Is there a law prohibiting this?

Queens Crapper said...

Who said there had to be a law against something in order for me to post a video that someone took which shows something weird happening?

Mr. Natural said...

Stop thief! He stole my car!

Anonymous said...

That's not even near to the Queensbridge Houses you dumb clit!

Anonymous said...

did the driver finally pick up the hooker?

georgetheatheist said...

Bloomberg's New York City 2030.

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone stole his wheels.Don't spend $2000 on tires/wheels if the car is only worth only $1500.................

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