Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sicko throws child off balcony

From the NY Post:

A three-year-old boy died this evening after he was thrown from a seventh floor terrace in Queens by a "very depressed" woman living in his family’s apartment, authorities said.

The toddler, whose name was withheld, died in New York Hospital of Queens shortly after the horrific attack on Leavitt Street in Flushing at 8:35 p.m.

Queens DA Richard Brown identified the suspect as Xiao Aiu Cai.

The 53-year-old woman then tried to commit suicide by jumping from the same terrace but was pulled back by others in the apartment, Brown said.

Cai, who had just gotten into a dispute with her daughter, was taken into custody and charges were pending, Brown said.

"She’s a very depressed individual and is on medication," Brown said.

Cai is not related to the child, whose fourth birthday is on Nov. 12.

The dead child’s mother was in the apartment at the time.


Anonymous said...

Why didn't they let her jump? no my tax $$$has to spent on this cunt!

Anonymous said...

Horrible - what was her legal status - did this murderer jump ship to be here? Is China sending Nut house patients here for us to suffer through?

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom say....

I agree with Anon #1 - Let her off herself - who cares- if she did that to my child - she would be lucky to have a quick death. Cause if I got hold of her it wouldnt be so easy......

Jimmy said...

What does this have to do with the tweeding of Queens?

Anonymous said...

A part of Tweeding is expanding the dependency class with illegal immigrants who can be reliable Democrats in perpetuity - if and when they get a vote.

In doesn't really matter that Xiao Aiu Cai was incapable of (a) being productively employed in a competitive private sector job and (b) becoming "American" in any sense of this word.

We welcome her with open arms to the United States of America where no questions are asked.

Anonymous said...

They should have let her mercy or empathy BS here, just a necessary cleaning of the garbage...

Anonymous said...

Put her on the first plane back to her country. I'm sure she's illegal and China has an abundance of kids that she can babysit for.

Anonymous said...

and if she was white? This is a travesty none the less.

Anony2 said...

and if she was white?

Her family may have seen to getting her help. The Chinese do not recognize most mental disorders.

Anonymous said...

If she was white, her family would have sought help. She's not white, she's Asian and they don't address these mental concerns. She will be sent to a City Hospital for evaluation and either be committed or sent to jail -- courtesy of the NY Taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

as Crappy often notes: "Vibrant" and "diverse". "beautiful mosaic", anyone?

Anonymous said...

Few questions to answer:

1) How did the mother let her take the child? Was she babysitting while the mom was playing mahjong or in the bathroom?

2) Was this an accident?

3) What happen to the mother? Any sign or her remorsefulness?

4) Why did anyone stop her from jumping down!? Was it because they realized she was jumping down and didn't realized she had thrown the baby out already?

Anonymous said...

Two families living in a two room apartment. They refused to answer any questions from the press as per the interpreter on site.

Do you think these people were legal? Do you think two families living in a two room apartment is legal?

This problem has totally engulfed Flushing and there is no solution in site because the very politicians that let this happen are still in office.

So incredibly sad about the little child. That the innocent have to suffer while society looks the other way and lets it decline into oblivion.

cherokeesista said...

Anonymous said...
Maspeth Mom say....

I agree with Anon #1 - Let her off herself - who cares- if she did that to my child - she would be lucky to have a quick death. Cause if I got hold of her it wouldnt be so easy......

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Amen Sister!!! Why would the mother allow that Warped piece of shit to be anywhere near that baby:( I say SCALP THAT BITCH!!!!! And all of the people in that apartment that refuse to answer any questions are more than likely ILLEGAL:( So DEPORT their sorry useless assess!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thats right the policy should be "Talk now OR Go Home Tommorrow!!"

Anonymous said...

I blame the parents "how the hell you are going to meet someone in the stupid market and bring them home to where your babies are living" you got to have some sought of mental illness your damm self!

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