Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Parking ticket passes for pols

From the Daily News:

Officials with piles of parking tickets will lose a perk that kept their cars from being hauled off to the pound, City Hall vowed Saturday.

The Daily News revealed that Bronx Assemblyman Nelson Castro owes more than $8,600 in unpaid tickets, but wouldn't be towed because of his "official" plates.

Now, Mayor Bloomberg wants to give the practice the boot.

"The Finance Department is going to find a solution to ensure they can enforce against valid tickets in these cases," Bloomberg spokesman Marc LaVorgna said. "The standards have to apply to everyone."

Most motorists with unpaid tickets of $350 or more risk a trip to the pound. That hasn't been so for state legislators, City Council members and government agencies.

The city Finance Department acknowledged it has been quietly extending the remarkable favor for more than 20 years.


Anonymous said...

Tis is the only time i've ever agreed w/ bberg.

Anonymous said...

Tow the State and seize the car and auction it off.

Anonymous said...

Maybe now that they will have to find a legal spot they will see how hard it is and fix the problem! Every day I notice another block that's missing 2-3 spots to make the corner "safer".

Anonymous said...

Something I'm actually with Bloomey on.

Anonymous said...

It's one thing to use your parking pass to avoid getting tickets; it's another to not pay the tickets you do get. What a jerk!

neversleep said...

More than 20 years? Bet you could buy a firehouse with all the money.

Anonymous said...

The same rules should apply to everyone. Politicians need to pay too. When they see how hard it is to secure parking they will look at their constituent's problems in a whole new light. No Perks for Politicians.

Anonymous said...

No more political perks period. They should pay like everyone else. They are no better than the average Joe.

Anonymous said...

The city could use that $$$$$