Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ozone Park baby shower stabbing

From the NY Post:

A group of men attending a late-night Queens baby shower dragged a food deliveryman out of his car, broke a bottle over his head and stabbed him -- all because he was honking his horn to get them to move their double-parked cars, authorities said yesterday.

The deliveryman, whose name and place of work were withheld by police, found himself blocked by cars double-parked three deep in front of the host's home on 126th Street in Ozone Park at about 11:30 p.m. Saturday.

After he honked his horn, between five and 10 men rushed his car and pulled him out, and one of them stuck a knife in his right side.

The deliveryman was listed in stable condition last night at Jamaica Hospital.

Men with knives attend late night baby showers in Ozone Park? What a different world I live in.


Anonymous said...

These big parties get quickly out of control. Most complaints about noise after 11pm to 311 go unheeded. What is a resident going to do - ring their bell and complain to a bunch of out of control animals who don't respect the law?

311 calls forwarded to precincts go unanswered. When making these complaints escalate what maybe or could occur at these parties.

Anonymous said...

126 St is either the 106 Pct or the 102 Pct both of which are inundated with large, loud, out of control parties all the time. 311 usually does not answer and even when they do cops show up and do nada.

Anonymous said...

Booze and mob mentality!!! I hope they rot in hell for what they did.

Deke DaSilva said...

Who would think that a bunch of Nancy-boys attending a baby shower would be so violent?

What kind of man attends a baby shower?

What kind of depraved psychotic stabs a delivery man?

What a different world indeed!

Anonymous said...

you're going to be labeled a racist for even posting the story. tell me it was dark skinned people who did this.

Deke DaSilva said...

you're going to be labeled a racist for even posting the story.

Our "lying eyes" also tell us that we're "racists", but don't tell that to all the nice white liberals who live in nearly all white upper west side of Manhattan, or those tolerant white people that live in lily white Vermont!

tell me it was dark skinned people who did this.

Well, I'm willing to bet $1000 that is wasn't a bunch of Swedish-Americans, Amish, Quakers, or the AP Physics class at Stuyvesant High School, so you draw your own conclusions!

You Know Who said...

Whats wrong Deke, doncha like the Carribean anymore?

Tsk tsk tsk.

Snake Plissskin said...

What kind of man attends a baby shower?

I donno. All the potential fathers?

Deke DaSilva said...

Whats wrong Deke, doncha like the Carribean anymore?

What's the Carribean [sic]?

Is that something they drink on Sex and the City?

I do know that I loathe YOU, but you're mostly irrelevant.

I donno. All the potential fathers?

I think you mean "baby daddies", that's the term those people use in their kul-cha!

Hell Gate Kid said...

Gotta love Crappie.

Its sooo educational!

Anonymous said...

Queens. The cesspool of America.

georgetheatheist said...

Hell Gate.

Make that: It's so-o-o-o educational.

Anonymous said...

Your all nuts.

Anonymous said...

What kind of man attends a baby shower?

When a Hispanic guy told me he was on his way to a baby shower, i found it strange, since i typically thought that was something for the women.

Apparently, as he told me, Hispanics have men & women at the shower. Its less about the baby shower (same for kids birthdays) and more about the adults getting together to drink.

You Know Who said...

I think you mean "baby daddies", that's the term those people use in their kul-cha!

Yes, I guess that is what happens when pappa is about to go to prison.

Anonymous said...

The people who attend these "baby showers" are the same people who just park wherever the hell they want until someone comes and asks them to move their car. I guess they're not always receptive about the request!

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