Wednesday, November 10, 2010

No such thing as quotas...

From the Daily News:

The NYPD says there's no such thing as a ticket quota, but memos posted at a Brooklyn stationhouse say otherwise.

Two notices obtained by the Daily News clearly spell out how many moving-violation summonses cops should be handing out.

The memos were posted in a roll call room for the stationhouse of the crime-ridden 77th Precinct, which covers Crown Heights and Prospect Heights.

The one for the week of April 5 to April 11 began, "Good day we need the following" - then gave the number of tickets to give drivers for cell phone, seat belt, double-parking, bus stop, tinted window and truck route violations.

The notice instructed officers to hand out the summonses at accident-prone locations and specified five intersections.

A memo for Oct. 18 to Oct. 24 also itemized the number of summonses in the six moving-violation categories.

For example, it said the precinct needed to tally 75 summonses for talking on a cell phone while driving, and 50 seat belt violations.

A source said similar memos for other time periods were also posted.

When The News inquired about the memos last week, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said an officer had posted them without approval.

The NYPD has denied the practice for years.

Browne said the department "does not impose quotas but it has productivity goals related to actual conditions in a given command."


Anonymous said...

This is going on in every precinct across the city, a disgrace! -Retired PO

Anonymous said...


KG2V said...

What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea, don't break the law and you won't get ticketed

Anonymous said...

Some of it like tinted glass, cell phone usage and truck rte violations
are useful safety enforcement.

The 110 Precinct can make a ton of money - "like shooting fish in a barrel" by enforcing the no trucks except delivery on 80th Street between Grand Ave & 57th Ave. Bur first they need to get used to patrolling this area and responding to quality of life complaints!! Enough said.

KG2V said...

Are you so SURE about that? The reason the SCOTUS said quotas are illeagal is that it pressures police officers to write tickets when NO violation/crime occured. Do you REALLY think there are NO officers on the force who will write either a questionable or outright FALSE ticket to make their quota? If so, I'd like to introduce you to a guy by the name of Diogonies

Anonymous said...

If you think that NYPD doesn't write tickets for parking violations when there hasn't been a parking violation, I can only ask what planet are you living on?

"Tinted windows" should be like shooting fish in a barrel. Nearly ever after-market tint job I have seen is blocking more than 30 percent of light.

Anonymous said...

THAT'S all they are asking for in one precinct, in one week????

ONLY 25 double parking summonses?
ONLY 15 bus stop summonses?
ONLY 75 cellphones?
ONLY 5 Truck route summonses?
Give me a squad car, a gun and badge and a bunch of summonses, I could write TWICE that amount in Astoria in ONE DAY, ALONE!
I am against quotas but honestly, these aren't the numbers I was expecting.

Anonymous said...

Do you REALLY think there are NO officers on the force who will write either a questionable or outright FALSE ticket to make their quota?
Maybe some do, but looking around at the drivers around Western Queens, I can't imagine why any cop would have to write false summonses. Talk abouot a target rich enviornment.

Anonymous said...

How about this? Why don't they park a cop car in the middle of exit lanes going towards bridges and pull over every asshole who skips the entire line of patiently waiting people, and cuts them off?

Seriously. I wish I could kill those selfish fucks.

Cops would make a killing.

Anonymous said...

How about this? Why don't they park a cop car in the middle of exit lanes going towards bridges and pull over every asshole who skips the entire line of patiently waiting people, and cuts them off?
People would STILL complain that the cops were being overly-aggressive and were writing fake summonses.

Queens Crapper said...

They do that every morning on the ramp to the BQE. Makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

"They do that every morning on the ramp to the BQE. Makes me happy."

They don't do it on the Brooklyn Bridge - makes me angry!

Time's Up said...

"Here's an idea, don't break the law and you won't get ticketed"

Good one! Too bad cops write tickets for bullshit, like blocking sidewalks, because of the pressure.

Go to Court one day and see how many of these are dismissed.

Any other brilliant theories? How 'bout this - if you got nothing to hide, who cares if the government's allowed to invade our privacy!

georgetheatheist said...

Oh, there must be some kind of oversight on the making of the list. They left off an important category: rounding up illegal dayworkers standing on the corner waiting for contractors to pull up. I'm going to write to Commissioner Kelly so he can rectify this mistake.

Anonymous said...

All the cops have to do is pull people over that are driving and talking on their cell phones. They'd make a million dollars every week. Every now and then they announce on the news that they are going to crack down on drivers on cell phones. Instead of designating one day ever six months, enforce the law everyday. That's the problem in NYC. The laws are on the books, but they aren't enforced. Cops are too lazy to get out of their cars.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All a cop has to do is write his partner driver up when he drives while talking on his cell phone..
Oh wait the blue wall of silence is too important than justice.

Anonymous said...

I could write TWICE that amount in Astoria in ONE DAY, ALONE!

You are obviously not a union employee.

"Do no more than the person next to you"

Anonymous said...

You will always have over aggressive police in any city or state, just as there are abusers of every system, and there will always be quotas. All the police need to do is pull up by any school in the city and they'll have dozens of double parkers and always people parked in the crosswalk putting children who walk to school in danger. Then, of course, there are the cell phone violators. I'd rather see the city make money off the law breakers than have them raise my real estate taxes again!

Anonymous said...

Good one! Too bad cops write tickets for bullshit, like blocking sidewalks, because of the pressure.
Actually, I like that one. Ever have an asshole neighbor with a car sticking so far out of their driveway to the point where it obstructs the sidewalk?

Anonymous said...

"Ever have an asshole neighbor with a car sticking so far out of their driveway to the point where it obstructs the sidewalk?"

Everyone in Maspeth does that. How else will their illegal tenants get to the back of the house to gain entry?

Anonymous said...

Send a cop car to sit outside the Maspeth Town Hall everyday and watch all the idiot parents double park and clog traffice on what is supposed to be a 2-way street. This goes on all day. In the afternoon, school buses honk their horns waiting for the kids to come out of the free after school class. If the 104 ever ventured out of Ridgewood, they would make a fortune just on 72 Street.

Anonymous said...

How about writing the morons with the illegal super bright(chineses made H.I.D plug &play kits) headlights. Blue,green,purple,and yellow is against the law. Too bright,against the law,not approved by D.O.T/DMV. That equals 3 tickets + a surcharge.Money for the state and city,less annoyannce and danger to the motoring

Anonymous said...

Twice a month at the intersection of Little Neck Pkwy. and Horace Harding Expwy.(queens/nassau border) a cop car waits with lights off for any car with tinted windows to drive by and then with flashing lights pulls them over giving a ticket. I've seen them pull over 8-10 per hour.
Clearly profiling, a violation of police procedure. All the vehicles have done nothing else to warrant being pulled over. This crap goes on twice every month for hours.

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