Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Meet the new schools chancellor

From the NY Times:

Joel I. Klein, the New York City schools chancellor, is resigning and leaving city government and will be replaced by Cathleen P. Black, the chairwoman of Hearst Magazines, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced at City Hall Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. Klein, in turn, will become an executive vice president of the News Corporation.

The mayor called Ms. Black “a superstar manager who has succeeded spectacularly in the private sector” and added, “There’s no one who knows more about the skills our children will need to succeed in the 21st century economy.” A former publisher of New York magazine, she went on to become publisher of USA Today and now heads Hearst, which publishes Esquire, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, Good Housekeeping and other titles.

The mayor lauded Mr. Klein, whom he appointed in 2002 after gaining control of the city’s schools, for turning “New York City’s long-dysfunctional public school system into one that the Obama administration has hailed as a national model.”

“He leaves a legacy of achievement that makes him one of the most important and transformational educational leaders of our time,” Mr. Bloomberg said. “Joel has implemented innovative changes that have made an enormous difference in the lives of millions of children.”


Anonymous said...

I'm sure she'll get along great with her cabinet colleague Amanda Burden.

How vibrant and diverse, she's just like the students in our schools and the mayors neighbors on the UES.

Ha Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

...and a politician is born

Anonymous said...

does this mean that machine gun toting patty hearst will be her bodyguard,while visiting the danger schools in n.y.c. ?

will bank robbery be a new school course ?

Anonymous said...

Klein has a job with the News Corporation, owned by Rupert Murdoch, who owns the New York Post and Fox News....


Is not the Republican support system grand?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing "Republican" about anything in New York City. The mayor was a Democrat and is now "Independent". The mayor supported the Democratic governor and Democratic U.S. Senate candidates. Joel Klein was and is a Democrat. Cathie Black was and is a Democrat. Joel Klein going to News Corp. a Republican push?? Anonymous 4, you are so clueless -- Klein was a White House counsel for Bill Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Mike must have met her at a Gala event for the upper crust high society New Yorkers.

This will be a disaster.

I give her less than a year to move on.

Pete Townshend said...

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss....."

Don't get fooled again!

Send your children to private or Catholic school!

Anonymous said...

Public schools were set up to train the children of the lower class to become productive members of the workforce, for the benefit of companies - teach them to follow directions, show up on time, and recognize authority... so here we ain't been gone more than a few centuries and it's still same old same old. It's not a republican thing, it's a capitalist thing (still, most capitalists are Republican, and all wanna-be wealthy people are Republican).

Anonymous said...

“There’s no one who knows more about the skills our children will need to succeed in the 21st century economy.”

God help us.

Anonymous said...

She sent her kids to boarding school, for crying out loud. What does she know about public schools?

Anonymous said...

commenter #5 is the one who is clueless.

Yes the mayor was once a democrat but he was elected mayor 3 times on the republican line.

Over the past 10 years he has lavished tens of millions of $$$ on the republican party and its candidates.

While he does offer endorsements to some democrats he gives them a tiny fraction of the $$$ he gives republicans.

It seems to many the main reason he is in politics is to stroke his own ego and see to it that the Bush tax cuts are made permanent and the estate tax is abolished.

If that happens the half billion he's spent on politics over the past few years is chump change compared to the 10 billion in estate taxes this senior citizens heirs would have to pay.

Anonymous said...

Another friggin' bean counter?

Anonymous said...

With millions of New Yorkers living in the City of New York, many of whom have a background in the NYC educational system, this is what the Mayor finds? A high salaried, haute couture sporting, corporate executive to run this mega-bureacracy? Maybe someday the NY State Education Department will develop a spine and deny the necessary waivers to non-educators seeking to administer school systems.

Anonymous said...

I saw her press conference on NY1news. I agree with the above poster -- she will not last the year.

Anonymous said...

Deny waivers to non-educators? same way they allow non-licensed people perform as architects and engineers at the Department of Buildings? -and that's not a waiver, that's just flat out breaking the law, both on the State level and the DOB's own regulations.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't be happier to see the Evil One go away, but this woman will be just as bad--in different ways. Bloomberg is a total a hole!

georgetheatheist said...

Hubba-hubba, a foxy-lookin' babe. I'd do her.

Anonymous said...

Annette de la Renta would make a great fire commissioner.

Moby S said...

Hubba-hubba, a foxy-lookin' babe. I'd do her.

Me too!

Big Hairy Balls said...

NYC has a model school system, eh? It reminds me of Bill Clinton's it depends on you define "model."

Anonymous said...

There is nothing "Republican" about anything in New York City. The mayor was a Democrat and is now "Independent".

Don't ya just love how this one forgets Bloomberg was a Republican for 8 years?

Can you say "BRAINWASHED?"

Anonymous said...

Another "flavor of the month" courtesy of Bloombag.

Anonymous said...

She went to private school. Her kids go to private school. She has never stepped foot in a public school in her life.

On top of that, Business peolpe are not ones to stick around to fix a failing system. You are taught its better to pull the plug than to fix. How is that strategy going to work in a system where you CANT cut and run????

Great move, assholes.

Anonymous said...

While I hope she makes fools of us all for the sake of the schools, I can't wait until she takes a tour of some of these school and has a culture-shock attack!

Anonymous said...

We need people who know the field they teach, not some phoney psychobabble about "teaching" from people who are unable to understand the subject matter.

Anonymous said...

she ran a very profitable business at Hearst Corporation. but the publishing industry was devastated by the obama depression from 2008-2010.

she is a member of the council for foreign relations.

she also wrote children's books,has raised a family,and is married to a man.

that is a good start. maybe she will help the nyc taxpayer get their moneys worth.

idiots can not be forced to learn......

Anonymous said...

The first time she sets foot into a Public School and sees how foreign and overcrowded it is, she'll think twice. If a bedbug lands on her, she'll crap her pants and quit.

Anonymous said...

"she is a member of the council for foreign relations.

she also wrote children's books,has raised a family,and is married to a man.

that is a good start."

You must be kidding.

She raised a family on Park Ave. and kept her own children in private schools.

The schools here are 75% black and latino.

No doubt her only previous contact with latin people is with her (of course) illegal household staff.

Anonymous said...

Chancellor Black shared a office building with Oprah and her gal pal Gail recently .are they not African-American advocates?

i believe the ethnic enrollment at Stuyvesant H.S. and Bronx H.S.of Science is about 80% asian,15% caucasian and 5% other.
a check of public school's ratios in the other boroughs are closely similar in n.e.queens,riverdale,bx.,bayridge,bklyn and s.i.

no chancellor can succeed with a large population of learning disabled dysfunctional youngsters.the drug addicted parents have destroyed their babies brains.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Mayor Mike shared a stage with J.Z. after last years yankee parade.

So we know he understands the needs of blacks and hispanic young people.

He can help Cathy in her new job.

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