Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Food carts double as bedrooms

From the NY Post:

Food vendors looking to guard their spots and avoid pricey storage fees have taken to sleeping inside their carts, with workers snoring where grilled lamb is later cooked for unsuspecting patrons.

"That's crazy!" exclaimed Jennifer Suarez, 36, an Astoria street-food devotee. "You shouldn't sleep where you serve food."

The city Department of Health requires that food vendors clear the streets after closing, then go to a commissary where the carts are washed and stored. But The Post found food wagons loitering on trendy streets around SoHo and Union Square at all hours of the night:

* At least four carts were spotted empty and abandoned, blocking the sidewalks for no apparent reason.

* A worker hiding in a gray hoodie was conked out next to the hot-dog buns and napkins in a halal food cart at West Broadway and Broome Street, directly between Cipriani Downtown and a Ralph Lauren store.

* On the same block, a dozing, cherub-faced worker was on full display in the "Little Cupcake Lover" wagon at Broadway and Houston. Once sleepy time ended, the bustling cart sold trays of dainty red-velvet and Nutella-mint cupcakes.


JO said...

that sucks

Anonymous said...

I'd like a double order of fried bed bugs, please. Can ya throw in a side of roaches covered in mouse droppings? Yum Yum

Anonymous said...

A rested mind with beauty sleep serves the best little cupcakes and classic hot dogs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They are probably serving the night-life folks and sleeping between customers. They probably are night shift workers on these carts.

Some carts are operated very well but most are suspect in cleanliness and hygiene. Workers should go through mandatory food handling and preparation and certified as such.

In certain areas, there are too many of these trucks clustered near each other.

Anonymous said...

The halal cart on Continental Av has not left his spot in over 1 year! Imagine what bacteria has been growing in there over that time.

Anonymous said...

Why are these things even allowed on the streets?

Big Hairy Balls said...

Who says NYC doesn't have affordable housing?

Auntie Invasion said...

went to eat lunch at a dimly lit Lexington Ave Indian restaurant. the waiter roused people who were curled up on built in benches against the walls. about 15 Indian/Pakastani males were roughly roused and scurried into the kitchen. the ventilation was not good. I was the only customer. It didn't dawn on me until after I left, that they had all been sound asleep when I came in.
am sure that this standard practice at Indian restaurants in all 5 boros.
I'm more than horrified by the proliferation of these food carts. are they using fake licenses?
once in a while I have used the coffee carts, but no more as I am concerned about how sanitary they are.
where do these people wash their hands? I don't see any of them wearing plastic gloves or hair nets.

Is their water source a NYC hydrant that they pried open?

Anonymous said...

Where is the Board of Health? Don't we have any sanitation standards for these carts? They are everywhere and people eat off of them. Why can't Bloomburg ban them from the city streets? They are disgusting and breeding grounds for disease.

Anonymous said...

Title should be renamed, "Food carts double as bedrooms AND BATHROOMS"

Crappy, any thought in changing it?

Anonymous said...

Line them up one after the other and proclaim them a hotel chain. Can't belive there is no law against this. I will never buy food from these roach/bedbug coaches.

Anonymous said...

Time to call the Department of Housing on the carts. Wonder if they are rent-controlled. Just asking.

Anonymous said...

People aren't living in these carts. They are just resting their eyes during periods of slow or non business. Is there really any difference between someone sitting in the cart awake and someone sitting and catching a nap? The guy napping in the cupcake cart in the picture does not even have any food out on the shelves, it is still in boxes. What babies some of you are.
And to everyone so horrified over the filth and disease ridden conditions of these carts, the answer is simple. DON'T EAT THERE IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM. Why do you need to prevent everyone else from eating there if they choose? Oh right, the diseases. I forgot, people are dropping like flies on the streets of NY everyday from eating street food. Seriously, fucking babies.
Think about it, you can actually see what is going on in these carts. That is a lot more than you can say for many restaurants, and trust me, if you saw what goes on in some restaurants you might prefer to watch someone make your food in a cart.
This is just another case of the post making a story out of nonsense, and all the sheeple just eat it up. Grow up people.
Funny story, one of these food cart guys had his cart impounded by the health dept because he left it to go to the bathroom!

Time said...

Ahhh. I knew sanity existed on this site.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

All aboard The Roach Coach Express!

Anonymous said...

What is this claim of halal meats? I buy a hot dog and it has pork, beef and chicken in it. This is a big joke.

False advertising is wrong and Halal practices should be as indicated.

Most non-guyanese would not eat at these trucks but those Guyanese who do,think they are adhering to certain Muslim food preparation standards.

Anonymous said...

10 years and this city will look,smell and feel like New Delhi,no pun intended.

Anonymous said...

I forgot, people are dropping like flies on the streets of NY everyday from eating street food. Seriously, fucking babies.
Famous last words. Let's hope this bit of ignorant sarcasm doesn't morph into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Anonymous said...

"Famous last words. Let's hope this bit of ignorant sarcasm doesn't morph into a self-fulfilling prophecy."

I don't usually eat cart food, but thousands of people (probably 10's of thousands) do every day, year after year. Where is the problem???
Like I said, at least you see inside the carts, more than can be said for many restaurant kitchens.

Anonymous said...

Can't see pathogens, genius!

Anonymous said...

I think we can all agree that carts, where the fresh air moves freely through, are dangerous and unsanitary. Meanwhile, restaurants that are rat- and cockroach-infested and diners can never see what chef is spitting on their steak tartare in the kitchen are much much much safer and appetizing.

Yes, street food is for savages, while the truly civilized only dine in overpriced restaurants or in their own homes surrounded by mouse feces.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm......... Are these feathers from an unplucked chicken or a pillow??? Just sayin'...

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