Thursday, November 4, 2010

Drunks without jobs take guy's eye out

From BushwickBK:

The unidentified victim, who witnesses say lives in the neighborhood, was stopped by Juan Quispe, 20, and Samuel Lopez, 25 on the corner of Wilson Avenue and Menahan Street last Sunday morning around 5am, according to NYPD press officers. The twenty-something duo asked the victim if he could buy them a beer but the man refused.

According to the NY Post, the man told the would-be winos that he had a job and they should get one too.

Outraged by the suggestion, the pair began to pummel the victim and allegedly stabbed him in the eye, but no weapon was recovered at the scene. A passerby saw the attack and ran the bumbling duo off; they were caught minutes later by police from the 83rd Precinct.

The victim was taken to a nearby hospital and was listed in stable condition but may lose sight in his left eye.

Juan Quispe, who isn’t even old enough to buy a beer and currently has an immigration warrant out for his arrest, was charged with 1st degree felony assault. His bail has been set to $50,000. Lopez was charged with 2nd degree felony assault. Both men remain in custody.


Anonymous said...

Bail was set? Deport that piece of crap!

Anonymous said...

A warrant for his arrest - nobody looked for him - both fence jumpers?
I hope they go to Federal Prison an eye for an eye.

I pray the victim is compensated by the city or goes after the city for it policy of turning the other way if an illegal is around (let then break laws and stab people in the eyes it's ok boys).

Anonymous said...

It's nyc!If 2 "people" approach you,(at odd hours)ya gotta figure something bad is gonna happen And you should be ready to defend yourself.

faster340 said...

Yeah now they are in our system and get 3 hots and a cot on our dime! It's bullshit! Immediately send them out of the country. Why should we pay to house them!

Anonymous said...

What they did was wrong but still he was foolish to escalate it by insulting them.

Anonymous said...

Yup, saw this on Channel 2.

So Crappy, who is your take on the elections? Comments on party hacks always welcome to us out in the great unwashed.

Deke DaSilva said...

What they did was wrong but still he was foolish to escalate it by insulting them.

So, based on your "logic", if a woman wears a short skirt, and then gets harassed or sexually assaulted, do you think she was foolish and "asked for it"?

Anonymous said...

"So, based on your "logic", if a woman wears a short skirt, and then gets harassed or sexually assaulted, do you think she was foolish and "asked for it"?"

ummm... yes. That does not mean it would be right for anyone to harass her but when you dress like a streetwalker you should be prepared for some stupid people to treat you like one.

Anonymous said...

not to "blame the victim", but . . .

he shouldn't have made that comment, of course that would piss them off...simply saying "no" or nothing at all and walking away would have likely prevented this.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what Honest Joe Crowley says about his tweeded friends.

"Hands off" I am sure.

Joe said...

They will be deported and partying in Mexico before the victim gets out of the hospital.
I'm not afraid of these pieces of shit, I now carry a Russian tactical knife in my ankle and a packet of Diatomaceous Earth (fine DE filter sand)in my pocket.

Just last night 2 Mexican drunks asked for $$ then attacked a off duty Coast Guard worker (when he said no) in Greenport.
..He had a gun, they lost.
Not a peep of it in Newsday this morning.
Better to be judged by a jury then carried by 6.


Anonymous said...

This is Bloomburg's Sanctuary City. If someone is victimized by an illegal and the criminal is apprehended, the victim should have the right to sue the city for a million dollars and reap the benefit to pay for their medical bills and pain and punishment. If our city enforced Federal law and deported these scum, citizens would feel safer. We pay our taxes, yet we get nothing in return. We should at least have protection from these criminals. I feel sorry for the police, because they are ordered to have a hands-off policy for illegals. It's time to start deporting all of them. We are outnumbered and there is more crime than ever.

Unanimous said...

Wow...we are really back to being vigilantes. I'm not complaining, because we have got to protect ourselves. It's just sad that it's come to this again.

Also, to the few commenter’s, ignoring does not guarantee that the victim would not have been attacked.

Queens Crapper said...

Muggers money - carry it.

panzer65 said...

Do we forget too easy? Bernard Goetz.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg's Sanctuary City rears its ugly head again.

Put Bloomberg in jail for this crime and then deport the illegal alien.

An eye for an eye.

Anonymous said...

What do you use the diatomaceous earth for Joe?

Unanimous said...

wow. Mugger money & Bernard Goetz, something my ears havent heard in a while. Now I feel like renting a copy of Death Wish and wearing a red beret.

Stay safe everyone.

Anonymous said...

lol talking shit at 5am and you are outnumbered? Yeah you are getting jumped for sure. Guy has no street smarts and he paid for it.

-Joe said...

Diatomaceous earth (Filter sand) to the eyes and face then kick then shit out of them and split.

It's worse then pepper spray and not categorized by NYS as a illegal, undocumented weapon.
....not yet anyway, lets see how long it takes this new scumbag lib Governor.
If Bloomberg don't cut this sanctuary shit out it will soon get to the point where you need a Kevlar vest to walk around.
You never know when they will have a gun.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe!

Where ya goin' with that gun in your hand...

cherokeesista said...

Anonymous said...
lol talking shit at 5am and you are outnumbered? Yeah you are getting jumped for sure. Guy has no street smarts and he paid for it.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Really??? So if your MOTHER, Wife or Daughter were on their way to work at 5 a.m. and the same thing happened it would be Just fine by you Huh:)If the two ILLEGAL PIECES of SHIT were not here ILLEGALLY this NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!! DEPORT their SORRY Assess but first TATTOO across their FORHEADS ILLEGAL PIECES OF SHIT so next time we can spot them ASAP:) all day everyday:)

georgetheatheist said...

"Hey Joe! Where ya goin' with that gun in your hand..."

Or that sand in your hand? Joe, great idea but where can one buy diatomaceous earth around here? Also, how does one carry it at the ready? You can't just walk around with sand in your pocket.

Joe said...

Its called good old American Ingenuity, what once led this country into prosperity.
I cant post why, have to protect this blog.
Let the dirty sheep and animal planet bums & reps DROWN in their own Harrowed pool of shit

georgetheatheist said...

"Protect this blog"

From whom? From what? This blog has Balls of Steel.

-Joe said...

If a post contains certain information or "wishes" and somebody acts on it it in a criminal manor it could be a hassle for the blog owner.

For example: Blogger Hal Turner said 3 judges were worthy of being killed on his blog.
The feds swooped in and put him on trial 3 times. After 2 hung jury's in New Jersey they moved the 3rd trial to Brooklyn and convicted him.
He is now in jail (bail denied) facing 10 years in prison

Anonymous said...

OBAMA, pass the dream act !!

Anonymous said...

Really??? So if your MOTHER, Wife or Daughter were on their way to work at 5 a.m. and the same thing happened it would be Just fine by you Huh:)If the two ILLEGAL PIECES of SHIT were not here ILLEGALLY this NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!! DEPORT their SORRY Assess but first TATTOO across their FORHEADS ILLEGAL PIECES OF SHIT so next time we can spot them ASAP:) all day everyday:)

My mother wouldn't be stupid enough to walk around at 5am, hence why I stated street smarts.

Anonymous said...

Lightweight and highly absorbent Diatomite can absorb up to 150% of its own weight in water...

Ouch. Wouldn't want that in someone's wet eyes. :)

fonso said...

need dream act because these immigrants need money and protection.
these archie bonkers forget america was once belong mexico so no need for border crossing and laws. they teach this in all mexico school and homes.
These racest steal mexico need to go back to england before outnumbered and having big trouble.

Estados Unidos Mexicanos !!

Anonymous said...

fonso said...

need dream act because these immigrants need money and protection.
these archie bonkers forget america was once belong mexico so no need for border crossing and laws. they teach this in all mexico school and homes.
These racest steal mexico need to go back to england before outnumbered and having big trouble.

Estados Unidos Mexicanos !!


So that's what they teach you before you cross illegally here and steal our jobs and not pay tax and just shovel the dollars back to mama and papa? No wonder your country is a cesspool of drugs and corruption and murder. A lawless land.

Well you know what? WE have laws here and they will EVENTUALLY catch up with you! They ALWAYS do.



rashid1891 said...

Just last night 2 Mexican drunks asked for $$ then attacked a off duty Coast Guard worker (when he said no) in Greenport.
..He had a gun, they lost.
Not a peep of it in Newsday this morning. This is very good side I like it so much Thanks MA

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