Monday, November 1, 2010

Disabled aide sues Ferreras for back pay

From the Daily News:

An ex-aide to Queens Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras filed suit Monday, claiming he was denied pay and verbally abused because of his cerebral palsy.

Steven Castro, 24, says he worked for Ferreras for seven months, beginning in September 2009, but never saw a regular paycheck from his $14-an-hour full-time clerical job.

He also claims Ferreras and her deputy chief of staff, Yoselin Genao, taunted him and made him lug heavy boxes, even though his disability made that difficult.

"I'm angry," a teary eyed Castro told the Daily News. "I was treated unfairly. I think they were taking advantage. I wasn't treated like everybody else."

Court papers filed in Brooklyn Federal Court against Ferreras, Genao and the City Council detail the insults that Castro said he had to endure while fighting for his salary.

"Genao frequently criticized [him] in front of co-workers and repeatedly snapped her fingers at him to move faster and sighed and sucked her teeth at him to express her dissatisfaction," papers said.

His lawyer, Linda Cronin, said, "It's despicable - when the City Council discriminates in this way against their own employees."

Ferreras' office did not respond to calls for comment.


Anonymous said...

Jullissa looks like an old fat Snookie Polizzi from the Jersey shore hit show!

Anonymous said...

That's not Julissa, that's the kid's mother.

Anonymous said...

He should get the money because she sucked her teeth. he wins.

Anonymous said...

Ferreras may be getting jammed up in rat boys newest scandal.......

Anonymous said...

LOL! Snooki in 10 years.

Anonymous said...

I thought Halloween was over. Man, that's a scary scene.

Deke DaSilva said...

I love it when members of the "Tweeded Classes" square off against each other!

Too bad both sides can't lose!

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