Friday, November 5, 2010

Crowley believes in more tweeding, less democracy

From the Queens Chronicle:

[Congress Member Joe] Crowley predicted that both city ballot initiatives would pass, which they did, though he said he was against them.

One proposed to restrict term limits and the other proposed funding transparency and sought to make it easier for candidates to get on the ballot. “There needs to be a real threshold,” Crowley said, regarding the number of candidates permitted in a given election.

What's wrong with having a choice among candidates?


Missing Foundation said...

Hey, the f#$$&*@# voters gave this moron 80% so what do you expect?

We get what we want.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Crowley to eat crow! Oh wait. That means the electorate would have to wake up.

In the words of the late Gilda Radner (as Emily Litella):


Anonymous said...

This asshole was voted in overwhelmingly and I believe he is under investigation. Of course nothing will happen to him because he has so much power. No one knew who was running against him. There was no press coverage and no debate. This is why he won. People need to know that they have a choice. The media needs to let people know that they have options. If they did that, maybe we would't be forced to vote for the same crap over and over again.

Anonymous said...

This asshole was voted in overwhelmingly and I believe he is under investigation.

As is Ackerman?

Queens Crapper said...

Don't forget about Rangel.

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't vote for him.

Anonymous said...

I voted for the Green Party candidate sight unseen.

Joe Crowley is an asshat.

Anonymous said...

This guy doesn't even live in NYC. He uses his mother's address in Woodside, but he really lives in Virginia. Are there residency laws for this political position?

Salt of the Earth said...

Raise your glass to the hard working people
Let's drink to the uncounted heads
Let's think of the wavering millions
Who need leaders but get gamblers instead

Spare a thought for the stay-at-home voter
His empty eyes gaze at strange beauty shows
And a parade of the gray suited grafters
A choice of cancer or polio

Anonymous said...

Its hard to forget Rangel.

Was disgusted to see him take a victory lap on the news, walking into his campaign office with dozens of people of questionable IQ standing behind him, smiling from ear to ear and clapping as had as their hands could move.

They either (a) are simply too dumb to understand reality or (b) don't care because his is 'one of them'

Anonymous said...

We live in an entitlement state. They'll vote for anyone who will continue their foodstamps, housing vouchers and free medical. This is why Crowley is so popular. His constituency is parasitic. The taxpayers foot the bill and he gets elected. I pray he is indicited when they complete his investigation. We're stuck with him otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Crowley's district has a low ratio of citizens to residents, a low ratio of registered voters to citizens, a low ratio of actual voters to registered voters, and my guess is a low ratio of net taxpayers to residents. A country composed of 435 districts with a composition similar to Crowley's would be a horror indeed. The only thing that would make him perfect for this district would be to be of non-European descent. In that one respect he's out of step with the district.

Suzannah B. Troy said...

My New YouTube! Bloomberg Cuomo -- pay to play: the message is if you are going to steal steal big REAL BIG!!!! Of course I am referring to term limits and a 3rd term as well.

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers are the most misinformed voters in the country. A few years ago they voted for Hevesi, voted for Hillary because they believed she would not run for president, voted for Rangel in droves and voted for this do-nothing asshole!

Anonymous said...

He should get a wig like Richard Brown.

Anonymous said...

is not progressive/liberal/democrat dictatorship and an ignorant nyc electorate grand ?

Anonymous said...

Didn't he get investigated by congress? Why is he still spewing his *hit?

Term limits should be extended to all national offices so that ass*oles like Crowley cannot destroy too much in 4 years. He and Marge Marky are do nothing Pols that reflect the deterioration of our former wonderful neighborhoods of Elmhurst, Middle Village and Maspeth.

Anonymous said...

Once again Chronicle reporter, Elizabeth Daley did a horrible job of reporting. Where is Nunziata's quote?
He was the much better candidate and Daley allows both Markey and her supporter to slam him without giving him a chance to respond. That shows the quality of the reporting we have here in Queens.

And who is this Maryanne Zero who says "I didn’t appreciate the opposition’s campaign.” I guess she'd rather have no opponent and no choice at the polls like what has been happening in Queens for decades. Hey Daley how about some real reporting for a change?

Markey is a no-show hack politician who like Joe Crowley, has no talent and is inarticulate to say the least.

However Queens voters get what they deserve when they vote for the party and not the candidate.

Anonymous said...

Crowely does nothing for Americans, he's only working for the illegal immigrants. Anyone ever try to get help from his office? His office staff are abusive to the people who voted him in and put illegal immigrants at the front of the line.

the only good thing about Crowley being reelected is that it will be bigger news when he's indicted after the investigation.

Anonymous said...

"the only good thing about Crowley being reelected is that it will be bigger news when he's indicted after the investigation."

Good comment! The guy lives in Virginia, forgot where he came from and has sold out America.

But the chickens are coming home to roost for dishonest Joe Crowley. He's about to be indicted and his wife Kasey is jumping the sinking ship.

Enjoy your hollow election night victory and laugh it up while you can Joe. Remember, he who laughs last, laughs best.

Anonymous said...

I attended various candidate forums and at every one, Marge Markey was a no show. I know what she looks like because I did receive a progress report in the mail stating her accomplishments. Why didn't she come out and debate her opponent? I did read that she's been in power for 12 years, but the only time she emerges is at election time. What are the responsibilities of an Assembly person? I know they spend time in Albany. I also thought that since Albany is so corrupt, the people would want to change the players up there. I feel sorry for Markey's opponent. He seemed genuine and ready to better the community. I guess we'll see Ms. Markey when the next election rolls around.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Crowley is the head of the Democratic Party in Queens County. As such, he is a fine gentleman.

georgetheatheist said...

"Quotee Nunziatee and no adee for you papee." -Mao Mar Kee

Anonymous said...

he is a fine gentleman.

No! He is a gentleman who needs to be fined!

DenPekker said...

"Joseph Crowley is the head of the Democratic Party in Queens County. As such, he is a fine gentleman."

Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger! Hack alert! Hack alert! Hack alert! Hack alert! Hack alert! Hack alert!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As long as people keep on voting the same crap in over and over again, you will see the demise of Queens and the outer boroughs. Impose term limits on all of them. At least they won't be in power long enough to make as much money under the table as they do. Too much power equals corruption.

Vito Lopezdispenser said...

Joe Crowley is a the most politically corrupt party boss in the most politically corrupt borough, in the most politically corrupt city in the most politically corrupt state in the nation.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! Queens wreaks of Corruption from the DA on down to the local politicians. Even if they are indicted, their corrupt buddies won't squeal on them. They all have the goods on each other. Unfortunately, voters voted the same crap in and we are stuck with these corrupt politicians. Queens is an entitelment borough and full of illegals. They get everything for free. Some even vote. I just wish there was a solution to this problem other than moving out of Queens.

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