Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bloomberg says to bend over

From the NY Post:

Another round of severe budget cuts is just around the corner, Mayor Bloomberg warned yesterday, less than 24 hours after announcing plans to ax 6,200 city employees.

Bloomberg said the $1.6 billion in savings he extracted from city agencies, largely through layoffs, still leaves a $2.4 billion deficit for the next fiscal year. The blueprint for filling that fiscal hole is due in January, when the preliminary budget for 2012 has to be presented.

"So, somehow, in January, we've got to come up with $2 billion more in tax revenues, fee revenues, that sort of thing, or cuts, or what's more likely is some combination," he said on his weekly WOR radio show.


ew-3 said...

What's the big deal.

The budget is 63 BILLION. 3 or 4 BILLION is a small percentage. So who has not had to tighten the family budget by 10 percent or more in tough times.

Stop whining and do it.

Anonymous said...

Yet he continues his pet peaves like bike lanes, and parks. I don't get his logic.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg has f**ked up this city with his stupid decisions and he tries to correct it by laying off workers. Maybe he should turn his focus on welfare fraud by illegal alliens, developers who owe money from vilolations or maybe just maybe just balancing the budget by not spending. That Bloomberg has ruined this city! To all you a**holes who voted for him, thanks for helping him f**k us over....

Anonymous said...

Yet he continues his pet peaves like bike lanes, and parks. I don't get his logic.

Those aren't pet peaves (sic), they're pet projects.

He needs to stop his frivolous spending. I bet we'd have a surplus if he weren't constantly stroking his own ego.

Sarah said...

He is a man searching for a legacy at any taxpayer cost. The only thing that he will be remembered for is that he is a turtle faced shit head.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Sarah. Look at the Albany Mall, a.k.a Nelson Rockefeller's mausoleum.

Anonymous said...

He needs to reign in his own staff as an example. City employee attrition is necessary, buyout plan announced, early retirement incentives and lowest 10% of performers layed off.

End practice of employees requiring a car or taking them home. Sell off fleet and use zip-cars instead. Stop monument building such as Willets Point, highline Park etc. Stop redrawing costly ineffective Manhattan traffic patterns. Kick in from own pocket 2 billion to make up the short fall because of his mistakes in allowing the shortfall to exist in the first place!

Anonymous said...

Actually, his remedy is not more taxes but more layoffs. Go to the press releases section. Towards the bottom you will see a section tackling nect years projected deficit. Next fiscal year he is laying off an additional 5,800 employess on top of the almost 3,000 employees hit this fiscal year. It is the City Council who will raise taxes because they will appease the unions and reduce the layoff numbers.

Anonymous said...

Can we start with Christine QuinnTurd's slush fund? How about that? Instead of pouring millions into the toilet by funding "community groups", can we cut those to zero? I vote for that. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

The problem is not Bloomberg.

Its your local officials who ignored your voice and gave him another term - and whom you sustained that action by not only listening to him and reelecting that scumbag, but justifying shitting all over you by relecting them with substanial margins.


Anonymous said...

This man keeps laying off city workers like cops/firemen/ hospital staff. When a good way to be fiscally responsible and while not laying off so many workers is by lowering the salary of our politicians, especially in Albany. The mayor already gets paid $1 for his job. It should be the same for all the other politicians.

Anonymous said...

No cuts to social programs,only the ones that effect working people.

Big Hairy Balls said...

End welfare, section 8 housing & other so called entitlements. Don't get pregnant at 15 and stay in school. Now there's a budget worth slashing. Death to the Palestinians, long live Israel and fuck you if you're on welfare!

Big Hairy Balls said...

Oh and a happy Thanksgiving to you & yours (only) if you didn't buy your turkey with food stamps.

Anonymous said...

WTF? Mayor please cut the BS and realize, Illegal aliens are depleting our resources. Seems like someone or something is blackmailing the mayor, he fears mere mention, illegal aliens. Filter the system with cutting aid to Everyone and their illegal partners, and budget "OUR" city accordingly. Mr. Mayor, Awesome term limits, no problem. Illegal aliens, do your thing. Impress us!

Anonymous said...

WTF. Mayor Bloomberg, should be tried for treason! Anyone have juryduty? You are the problem! Mayor Bloomberg, Mayor Doomberg! Resign, please, before it's too late!

Anonymous said...

I love Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Death to the Palestinians, long live Israel and fuck you if you're on welfare!


WHAT does Palestine OR Israel have to do with Queens Crap?

Get over it already! Learn to live together! You're BOTH NOT going anywhere!


Anonymous said...

the chickens have come home to roost.....make the job cuts,stop raising taxes, at $23 billion budget in 2011 is unsustainable. d.o.e must have a leader who knows a debit from a credit.deport the anchor babies and their parents quickly...

Big Hairy Balls said...

To the anonymous poster: Death to the Palestinians, long live Israel has nothing to do with Queens Crapper. That's just my usual sign-off. Have a happy Turkey day &........ You fill in the blanks.

Big Hairy Balls said...

If you receive any form of public aid then FUCK YOU! Get a job you blood suckers. That includes all races & colors too if you're on the dole.

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