Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Avella defeats Padavan!

According to NY1, Tony Avella has defeated Frank Padavan. In other less surprising news, Queens voters returned the rest of the tired crap to power.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


This time Padavan.. next time Stavitsky

Anonymous said...

Padavan was destined to lose. He won only by a few hundred votes in 2008 and a challenger with good name recognition, like Avella, was going to beat him. Avella is a popular guy in the Greater Whitestone/Bayside area and is regarded, rightly or wrongly, as a conservative Democrat. This scenario plays out again and again -- an incumbent wins by the skin of his teeth only to meet his demise in the following election cycle. It also didn't help matters that Cuomo was at the top of the ticket. In fact, not only did Cuomo help blunt some potential Dem losses in an allegedly bad year for Dems, he was able to gain a seat for them in Queens that might save their majority in the State Senate. Tabone for State Senate in 2012!

Anonymous said...

You get the government you deserve. People in queens voted for the same old crap again. They have no right to complain. Albany will keep its status as most corrupt government. I thought we were supposed to vote out the crap. My bad.

Anonymous said...

next time Stavitsky


Anonymous said...

Padavan did some good stuff but Avella is definitely the better man. kudos.

Anonymous said...

Padavan did some good stuff but Avella is definitely the better man. kudos.

Anonymous said...

Avella should prove himself worthy. Avella won based on luck.

Anonymous said...

avella is a corrupt politician
servicing the gay marriage agenda
which puts our children in danger.

he misrepresnted the truth as a city councilman and simply outspent padavan.

his seat in hell is waiting for him...

Anonymous said...

Good News for a change - Congrats Tony

Anonymous said...

is not democrat/progressive dictatorship grand ?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Avella - he deserves to win and will work hard for W/B. Maybe he can become a voice for other afflicted areas such as Elmhurst.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says....

I would like to know how gay marriage puts children in danger? Homosexuality and child molesters have nothing in common. Your deranged way of thinking is what puts children in danger.

Anonymous said...

Is not the ability of the Republican/Conservatives to find good candidates grand?

Anonymous said...

gay marriage = sexual deviance from the norm

perverts = sexual deviance from the norm

gay marriage = perverts

tony avella is going to destroy the last good neighborhoods in queens with his wild way of thinking and operating. if the majority of the city didn't think he was good enough to be mayor why would he even be any different for smaller neighborhoods?

Anonymous said...

Avella refused to return $230,000 in campaign funds he received from the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee this year, even though the funds are tainted because of Democrat Senate leaders’ roles in the deepening scandal surrounding the initial choice of Aqueduct Entertainment Group to build and operate a racino at Aqueduct Race Track..

yeah a better man.. my culo..
tony is a fella only for avella

Anonymous said...

Yes! I am one of the ones who cast the vote to get Padavan out. I don't even know anything about Avella, all I know is 37 years is enough to keep sending the same guy to Albany again and again and again. Time for some new blood.

Anonymous said...

"I don't even know anything about Avella, all I know is 37 years is enough to keep sending the same guy to Albany again and again and again. Time for some new blood"

Ignorant scumbag's like you shouldn't vote

Anonymous said...

" Time for some new blood"
avella isn't new.. he was a city councilman.

he wants gay perverts harrassing our children. next thing you know they are going to protest why they can't marry children or urinate in the public..

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to live in SD-11 with the senate majority being republicans how effective do you think Avella, a democrat who ran a sleazy campaign full of half truths and outright lies, and is bought and paid for by parkside, is going to be? I'd be willing to bet they'll go out of their way to fu(k him over. Congratulations Mulgrew you just screwed the whole District with an inept senator.

Anonymous said...

Gennarro claimed victory two years ago, too, and after all the absentee ballots were counted, Padavan won. I'd wait a few days before congratulating Tony. A lot of elderly may have voted absentee, and they likely voted for Frank.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
" Time for some new blood"
Anonymous said...
" Time for some new blood"
avella isn't new.. he was a city councilman.

he wants gay perverts harrassing our children. next thing you know they are going to protest why they can't marry children or urinate in the public..


Says who?

The last time someone from Queens made a leap like this Bob Beamon won the Gold Medal for the long jump in the 1968 Olympics.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Anonymous said...

"Says who?

The last time someone from Queens made a leap like this Bob Beamon won the Gold Medal for the long jump in the 1968 Olympics."

gays want people to accept and almost advocate their degraded way of thinking. there are social values and family roles that must be maintained for the benefit of our nation. gays are one of the biggest reasons why this nation is going down into the pits. when you have values and progress things get done! when you have people who simply do the wrong thing.... nothing gets done.

Avella you don't care about our children. You care about your sodomite friends!

Anonymous said...

In the City Council, Avella often aligned himself with Charles Baron.
That should tell a lot about Avella.

Anonymous said...

Padavan in district 11 received more votes than Stavisky in district 16.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

gays want people to accept and almost advocate their degraded way of thinking. there are social values and family roles that must be maintained for the benefit of our nation. gays are one of the biggest reasons why this nation is going down into the pits. when you have values and progress things get done! when you have people who simply do the wrong thing.... nothing gets done.

Avella you don't care about our children. You care about your sodomite friends!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The more that people like you focus in on things like this the more likely it is that the Democrats will make a comeback in two years.

Anonymous said...


You've just elected the "Parkside Group" to office and they're ready to sell out your district, as they have many times in the past, so that Evan Stavisky will have job security!

May we offer you some lyrics from a new machine musical...."Damn Democrats".

Are you listening Phil Ragusa?

"Whatever Toby (Stavisky) wants....Toby gets....and little ones little....make that big Moby.... wants you.

You're no exception to her rule....she's most corruptible you fools".

NOW BEND OVER and get your vaseline jars ready...it's going to be a bumpy term!

Anonymous said...

Queens HAD a chance to institute some real change this year, instead the sheeple voted to return the same a-holes to office. Thing were even made worse by electing Avella a bought and paid for Parkside candidate. He lied to get the office. What do you actually think he going to accomplish in Albany? He's a part of the problem, nowhere near a solution.

Anonymous said...

"The more that people like you focus in on things like this the more likely it is that the Democrats will make a comeback in two years."

if they were doing the right thing in the first place there wouldn't be a need for a comeback.

a battle lost.. yes..
but this is the biggest electoral change in the nations history! 60 seats changed hands in congress!

Anonymous said...

It's finally over....all of that annoying political junk mail and robo-calls!

Padavan is now the past.

BUT BE SURE to ride Avella's ass until he delivers what he promised for your district.

Remember Obama promised a lot too but has apparently delivered little.

Folks....what makes democracy work is constituents diligently riding herd over their elected servants....the office holders.

Constituent apathy will ultimately result in constituents getting screwed by the office holders they put into power.

Remember you are the boss and the politician you just hired works for you!

That's how we maintain quality control in a republic!


Anonymous said...

It's finally over....all of that annoying political junk mail and robo-calls!

Padavan is now the past.

BUT BE SURE to ride Avella's ass until he delivers what he promised for your district.

Remember Obama promised a lot too but has apparently delivered little.

Folks....what makes democracy work is constituents diligently riding herd over their elected servants....the office holders.

Constituent apathy will ultimately result in constituents getting screwed by the office holders they put into power.

Remember you are the boss and the politician you just hired works for you!

That's how we maintain quality control in a republic!


Anonymous said...

Now let's dump "doofy" Dan Halloran next time he's up for re-election.

What a disappointing do-nothing!

Anonymous said...

I reluctantly voted for and supported Frank Padavan....

Frankly speaking though....Frank turned into a nasty elitist who's been out of touch for a long time.

I wish there was another good choice offered besides Frank and Tony.

I would have preferred to vote for someone else other than either of those two.

Anonymous said...

Frank's a pompous ultra conservative....
and Tony's bought and paid for by the Queens machine!

Woe is me...and the saints help all of us who are now stuck with the Stavisky dynasty's puppet.... until....who knows when?

Anonymous said...

And what the hell did Avella deliver when he was a councilman?

Not much....just whistle stop press conferences all around the city while he made an enemy out of practically everyone in city government.

He'll wind up being a fart in the windstorm of Albany politics.

BUT....what the Staviskys have now is a convenient chauffeur for the "official car" on that long trip to Albany and an agreeable obedient footman!

Charlie Mc Carthy had more of a chance to mouth his own position.

Moby Stavisky is now holding Tony on her lap.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous? Why are u so hung up on gay? Are you trying to convince yourself of something?

Anonymous said...

Is Tony destined to really be a "reform" politician?

How many such "reformers" turned out to only re-form themselves.

In other words to wind up transforming themselves into machine followers in order to keep their jobs and benefits.

The mortgage or rent checks doth make cowards of us all!

Anonymous said...

What the hell does "gay" have anything to do with all this anyway...
unless the "Parkside Group" is now going to have a gay time with us all?

Hey Evan....made mommy a grandma yet?

Please excuse my digression readers...but I love to needle that little boy...knowing full well that he (or his assigned blog-watchers) read "Queens Crap" daily.

Anonymous said...

"And what the hell did Avella deliver when he was a councilman?"

Rezoned ALL of Northeast Queens. 99% of this was a downzoning or at least a zoning change to reduce overall bldg. size and closing loopholes. That in itself is a momentous accomplishment that will bear good consequences for decades to come.
Tony took up many (at the time) unpopular issues and ran with them because he knew they were good for NYC. I can see many of these issues coming up again in future Council sessions and becoming law. He refused lulus and payola all along the way. His positions gave community groups a voice in the Council.

Tony will not get a free pass, even from his supporters. Either he works for his constituents or else. I wish him all the luck and support in the world, but if he ever sells us out, he will never know a worse enemy.

That said ... it's a great day for the district.
Thank you Frank for many years of caring for your peeps.
May Tony continue your record of constituent services, less the conservative baggage.

Anonymous said...

wow - someone smart joined the conversation I see from the above.

wow . . . this doesn't happen very often.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The more that people like you focus in on things like this the more likely it is that the Democrats will make a comeback in two years."

if they were doing the right thing in the first place there wouldn't be a need for a comeback.

a battle lost.. yes..
but this is the biggest electoral change in the nations history! 60 seats changed hands in congress!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Your point is very well taken, but my point is the same. If the Republicans keep focusing in on side issues the gains they made last night are going to be short term ones.

neversleep said...

What a bunch of twaddle.

First of all Avella didn't rezone anything. The much-touted R2A was enacted as written by City Planning, ignoring all five recommendations of the Community Board where it was first proposed.

The resulting new McMansions are merely more squat and ugly than their predecessors.

The architect CB11 member who lived in Avella's Council District and sounded the cautionary warning was removed from the Board.

Auburndale, in Avella's district, was kicked to the rezoning curb for four years.

As for Halloran, he got nearly three times as money for the district as Avella.

As for Tabone in 2012, that either comes from a Democrat or an idiot, or both. He sank Padavan as much or more than Paladino did. Anyone who thinks that Cuomo was worse for Padavan than Obama was should put down the crack pipe and step away from the keyboard.

If the Senate winds up flipping back to the GOP, SD11 will have traded Padavan in the majority for Avella in the minority.

Otherwise they will have a Senator who has no enemies... but all of his "friends" hate him.

And, given the nature of the process, Stavisky will be in office until her hair and fingernails stop growing.


Anonymous said...


This is the "Democrat Idiot" (NOT!) who said that Cuomo's coattails helped defeat Padavan. Stay on track and avoid the name calling, friend but... I'm curious - why do you think Tabone contributed to Frank's defeat? The 26th AD/ 11 SD contains a large percentage of jewish and Irish voters who represent a strong voting bloc for Democrats. It WAS an uphill battle to win the assembly and senate seats respectively.

I was actually being facetious about Tabone for Senate in 2012.

Anonymous said...

neversleep ... you obviously need some rest.

Avella, as Zoning Chair of the Council (doh!) saw to it that all nabes in NE Queens were rezoned. Auburndale was put into place during his term and done within a year after he left.
Since one can't regulate taste, McMansions will pop up, whether they be squat and ugly or big and ugly. At least with being squat and ugly, existing buildings have a chance at survival.
Plus, they are more contextual... the whole idea behind it anyway.
Sources have it your "architect" was a source of an intentional R2A misinformation campaign and built some of the most ungodly McMansions to ever lay waste to the area.
Halloran fortunately has gotten some nice discretionary funding but thus far, less capital monies than Tony.

And finally (didn't you read?),
SD11 gained a Democrat who is in the MAJORITY party = more $$$ for the district.

Now get some rest will ya?!

Queens Crapper said...

Actually, the latest is that the GOP is declaring that they have the majority (there are 4 not yet determined races) and the Dems aren't saying anything.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Thinking back to Padavan/Gennaro two years ago, Crapper, it's going to be weeks until they get that all sorted out.

Anony2 said...

All I know is I gladly voted for Avella. I live in Auburndale and hail from Flushing. If not for Tony, Auburndale would already look like Broadway and Murray Hill.

Anonymous said...

drive west on 42ave from francis lewis blvd. to utopia pkwy. auburndale 11358.
observe all of the rezoning that took place while avella was cm. THE DEVELOPERS HAD AND ARE STILL HAVING A FIELD DAY...to the present no downzoning has occurred in auburndale.

drive north on 203 street, from42ave. to lirr(deadend)
this rezoning to R2A came a little to late. the block had all of it's 60'x100' tree lined 1 fam.homes demolished and converted to 2x2's ,no lawns and trees, with driveways where the car doors cannot be opened. and loaded with illegal apartments.
one can only blame those in elective office for this mess.

in a representative republic we must have CHECKS AND BALANCES to stop the thieves among us.

and the beat goes on....a few GOP nys.reps. have eaten from the apple also.

Anonymous said...

Of the five Senators from Queens who voted against gay marriage last year this is the third to switch hands to a pro gay marriage successor.

The only two left are Addabbo and Shirley Huntley.

Gary the Agnostic said...

And your opinion on the state budgetary process?

Anonymous said...

"The more that people like you focus in on things like (fanatical anti-gay lunacy) the more likely it is that the Democrats will make a comeback in two years."

Ditto. Northeast Queens has real problems like *over-development* and politicians who have been up in Albany for 37 years like Padavan. When you Padavan people admit publicly the reason you are for Padavan is because you are fixated on stuff like this gay stuff, the average person gets turned off.

I have been in the West Village and have seen what is going on there and it is not my thing, I like girls. But so what, they can do what they want, live and let live. I've worked for different offices in Manhattan and some of them had gay people and they've always been nice. I'd rather work with a nice gay person then a straight person giving me headaches.

I think the difference between you and me is you are scared by the homosexuals taking over Queens, and I am scared of the developers taking over Queens (more than they have already).

Anonymous said...

avella is a corrupt politician
servicing the gay marriage agenda
which puts our children in danger.

he misrepresnted the truth as a city councilman and simply outspent padavan.

his seat in hell is waiting for him...

The above is the reason why I have to get out of Central western Queens. Backwards fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Avella. You deserve it and I know you will make your district and everyone that was pulling for you very proud.

cherokeesista said...

Anonymous said...
avella is a corrupt politician
servicing the gay marriage agenda
which puts our children in danger.

he misrepresnted the truth as a city councilman and simply outspent padavan.

his seat in hell is waiting for him...

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Are you off your FUCKING MEDS???? Seriously, you must be talking about someone else :( Because Avella is a MAN of his WORD!!! And how does being GAY put children in danger? And if a person is GAy well thats between them and GOD who are you?? NOBODY!! Are you without sin and so fucking perfect:( Please we probably need to protect our children from FREAKS LIKE YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

"The above is the reason why I have to get out of Central western Queens. Backwards fuckers."

Is this unintentional humor???

Anonymous said...

Dan I'm your man is Padavans Protege'. Now what Danny Boy, you can run around all you want. You either stop acting like "no one ars like Frankie" and start doing what you promised to the people before you got elected.

I smell a big loss for Dan Dan I'm your man, this isn't the college club Danny Boy.

Phil now that you have time to get your head out of Padavans ASS, and Vinny lost. Maybe, just Maybe you can focus on getting some good candidates. Maybe someone should Primary Halloran...

You know Paulie Boy Vallone is licking his chops right now,, and follow the Buck Chuck can't wait, hell he can almost taste it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
avella is a corrupt politician
servicing the gay marriage agenda
which puts our children in danger.

he misrepresnted the truth as a city councilman and simply outspent padavan.

his seat in hell is waiting for him...

The above is the reason why I have to get out of Central western Queens. Backwards fuckers.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass when you leave. Then again, you may like that.

Anonymous said...

the U.S voting trend on the east coast(north) and west coast appears to be for democrats ,where the states of Cal. and Ny state are virtually bankrupt.

the voters must be suicidal ? in these areas.

Anonymous said...

Or smarter.

Anonymous said...

voting for politicians who spend your community into bankruptcy is proof that liberal/democrats are ill.

Anonymous said...

Depends on what they're spending the money on. People who oppose spending on some of those programs may be the sick ones.

Anonymous said...

Let's see what happens.Will he learn to compromise,or will he take the hard line?

Anonymous said...

Someone in my family is a schoolteacher and on the eve of the election, he received a campaign mailer featuring Avella's support for the UFT and teacher tenure. On that basis, I really don't think Mr. Avella is going to be that reformer and the kind of pol who is going to hold the line against profligate spending on education.

It's going to be business as usual... Brain dead electorate wanted change but they put back the bums who caused the mess in the first place!

Anonymous said...

"It's going to be business as usual... Brain dead electorate wanted change but they put back the bums who caused the mess in the first place!"

Makes no sense, Grasshopper.
Avella was Councilman for two years and known as a maverick, not part of the machine.

Know what you're talking about before you post noob!

Queens Crapper said...

Not two years, two terms (8 years)

Anonymous said...

"Makes no sense, Grasshopper.
Avella was Councilman for two years and known as a maverick, not part of the machine."

He WAS known as a maverick because he bucked the machine. Then he hired the Parkside Group. Got it?

Queens Crapper said...

He hired the Parkside Group initially when he ran.

Anonymous said...

Halloran Blog readers, nothing to say about Dannys Protege'?

After 37 years in office all Padavan could do was write a letter about a letter. If you had a complaint he would write a letter to agency responsible and cc you a copy, no follow up nothing. As a matter of fact a couple of months ago , DOT commissioner Maura McCarthy, sent a letter to Padavan apologizing for not responding to his question. This was something like 2 - 3 years later, it was published in one of the papers. In the interim someone died on the road in question. WAY TO GO FRANK, YES YOU CARED SOOOO MUCH...

Another thing, Elio Forcina and Steve BEhar, were they not running on the Democratic Primary? They supported Padavan and did everything they could to push Avella out. This should make for a fun power grab in the party.

Steve Behar said...

I supported Tony in the Senate race. I've never supported Frank Padavan.

I find it amazing that someone actually even wrote that!

Anonymous said...

With blind party hacks and stavisky soldiers like mike sais and silverstein running around handing out flyers its good to see that the dem party has some candidates who were honest enough to say that frank was the best man for the job

Behar and Forcina even though one is an good government progressive and the other one is a conservative at least they both have integrity.

avella is a left wing nut and all the little hacks kiss his ass


Steve Behar said...

While I appreciate the compliment, I supported Tony Avella for the NYS Senate.

That being said, I have always been respectful of Senator Padavan and his office.

While I have disagreed with the Senator on issues over the years, I thank the Senator for his years service.

Anonymous said...

Steve behar has always been honest with the community. we hope you again

Anonymous said...

hope you run again

Anonymous said...

"He hired the Parkside Group initially when he ran."

You lie down with the dog you get up with fleas.

Anonymous said...

The man to watch in the future is

Al Centola from Malba Gardens Civic a rising star in North Queens

He might be the one to take out Tony Avella

A man of integrity, fortitude and charity

North Queens needs al centola

Anonymous said...

Al Who?

Malba Gardener said...

Wow , thanks for the compliment. I don't think I would want that headache.

Anonymous said...

I agree I am from Bayside I heard of that guy Centola

i heard he stood up to community board 7


Anonymous said...

I also live in Bayside and have seen Al Centola in action. He is a stand up guy that know what he is talking about.

Not only did he stand up to CB 7 , he also got a decision from the State against them for FOIL violations.

He has my vote.

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