Sunday, November 7, 2010

3 failing high schools receive federal funding

From the Times Ledger:

Three low-performing Queens high schools will be receiving more than $1 million each in federal funds each in order to improve their performance.

Flushing and Long Island City high schools will each receive $1.8 million and Queens Vocational and Technical High School will get more than $1.3 million of the $19.8 million city Schools Chancellor Joel Klein announced Thursday that the city Department of Education has secured for the program.

President Barack Obama’s administration’s School Improvement Grants Fund requires states and localities to identify their bottom 5 percent of schools and implement one of four school improvement models for each. The three Queens schools, along with eight others in the city, were chosen for the “transformation” turnaround model.

The city’s transformation model will reward highly effective teachers through an evaluation system, allowing the school’s principal’s to attract and retain top-notch faculty. The school’s principals have already hired proven teachers who received 15 to 30 percent bonuses in exchange for working in the identified schools. Other strategies, including leadership changes, the use of data to identify and implement effective instruction for students, an intensive approach to address the social and emotional needs of all students, and partnerships with community groups, are also being used to help increase performance at the schools.

Over the next two years, the schools will be eligible for additional grant funding if they can demonstrate progress in implementing the transformation plans.


Anonymous said...

Pumping$$$makes kids do better in the $50 gift card given to MINORITY students last week

georgetheatheist said...

Always rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Anonymous said...

Be a failure, receive a million bucks. The new American way.

Anonymous said...

Something about good money after bad comes to mind

Anonymous said...

Maloney anyone?

Anonymous said...

more wasted tax revenue by the progressive/liberal/democrat nyc dictatorship.

and the local schmucks voted for them.....

BigHairyBalls said...

Here's a brilliant idea: identify the failing parents and stop asking teachers to raise your little assholes! It's easy just blame it all on teachers.

Anonymous said...

Here's a better idea -- reward the high performing schools

Anonymous said...

Geez...I didn't know that putting millions into failing schools could make students SMARTER!!! This is truly an amazing equation:

dumb + dumb = millions of dollars.

And, we, the taxpayers, allow this to happen....what's wrong with this picture.

Anonymous said...

Geez...I didn't know that putting millions into failing schools could make students SMARTER!!! This is truly an amazing equation:

dumb + dumb = millions of dollars.

And, we, the taxpayers, allow this to happen....what's wrong with this picture.

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