Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Police commander in trouble for phony stats

From the NY Times:

A New York City police commander and four officers are facing internal charges based on a fellow officer’s allegations that crime complaints in the 81st Precinct in Brooklyn were manipulated, the Police Department said.

The commander, Deputy Inspector Steven Mauriello, who was transferred to the Bronx during the inquiry, has been charged with failing to record a grand larceny complaint and with impeding the department’s investigation, according to a police official familiar with the inquiry. Two sergeants and two patrol officers, whose names were unavailable and who served under Inspector Mauriello, also face internal disciplinary charges involving the apparent failure to file a robbery complaint.

The charges, reported Friday evening by The Associated Press, stem from the department’s inquiry into allegations made by Adrian Schoolcraft, a patrol officer who reported suspicions of rampant manipulation of crime statistics in the 81st Precinct in 2008 and 2009 to the department’s Internal Affairs Bureau.

Inspector Mauriello denies the charges, which will be heard in hearings before an administrative judge who will make disciplinary recommendations that could range from loss of vacation days or pay to firing if the officers are found guilty. Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly will render a final decision.

The charges underscore concerns of current and former police officers who say intense pressure to produce annual crime reductions has led some supervisors and precinct commanders to manipulate statistics.


Anonymous said...

Tip of the iceberg.They will hang him...........and hope the compstat mess goes away! YOU CAN'T CUT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BY 6000 COPS AND EXPECT CRIME TO GO DOWN!

Anonymous said...

He'll have to stand tall against those charges there is no way his bosses will admit to suggesting he do that.

Gary the Agnostic said...

When you start to cook the books...

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Switching to Bloomberg Quinn corruption watch my new tube Monserrate is Quinn involved? Cover up city hall?

Thanks Queens crap,

Suzannah B. Troy

Anonymous said...

So the NYPD found their fall guy. This mess is much bigger that this poor sap of a commanding officer. The problem didn't begin with him nor will it end with him, he was just unlucky enough to not have a chair when the music stopped. Once he is dealt with administratively and forced to retire quietly, it will be business as usual at puzzle palace.

Anonymous said...

So the NYPD found their fall guy.

Agreed. While this guy should still lose his job, as what he was doing is still against the law, the Brass will just turn around and say "Look, we got our guy! See? We look out for the people!"

They will turn this into a victory for themselves. just watch.


I'm beginning to believe that the only way to fix this country is an armed revolution.

georgetheatheist said...

Revolutions eat their own.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

Support the free press.

velvethead said...

I don't understand why any brass cops would manipulate arrest numbers. You're a civil servant. Your money is guaranteed. You're not getting fired. What? You get your ass chewed? Demoted? If this is how it comes back to you, be a boy scout and document jaywalkers if necessary.

JO said...

Bloomberg stats are finally falling apart at the seams. Too bad he'll go national next, lose the city's vote, win the state's, and become president.
or something like that.

ew-3 said...

"velvethead said...

I don't understand why any brass cops would manipulate arrest numbers. You're a civil servant."

promotions at the top are political and "performance" based.

Anonymous said...

Ranks of Inspector and Chief are not civil service ranks. The highest civil service rank is Captain.

Anonymous said...

The guy I feel sorry for is Adrian Schoolcraft. They locked this guy up in a nuthouse for spilling the beans.

Anonymous said...

The guy I feel sorry for is Adrian Schoolcraft. They locked this guy up in a nuthouse for spilling the beans.
Former cop here. I don't know what kind of a cop Scholcraft is or was, but I fear that the people of this city might never truly appreciate what he did for them, or how big his balls had to be to go through with what he did.

Anonymous said...

"Any roving band, you here me? Any bands of more than two or three people, I want stopped. Cuffed. Throw em in here, run some warrants."

So this Deputy Inspector was already planning/intending to VIOLATE the rights of the citizens within the confines of the 81st Precinct just so he can meet some "quoto".

And when little 15 Tyrone WHO would have (or may still) been stopped (while doing NOHTHING wrong) on Halloween for being with 2 other people is stopped and has a burning hate for ALL cops the rest of his life is would not justifibly doing so?

Officer Dennis Kim of the 109th precint was declared the top cop of 2004 for "making as many arrests as he could". Do you know how many people this guy must have put behind bars who didn't desreve it and to just have the whole ordeal the defendents just plead guilty to an ACD or some small charge.

These cops, who bastardize the United States Constituion deserve to be burned alive EVERYTIME they pull some shit like this.

Anonymous said...

So the Republican Bloomberg led NYPD is taking a page from the Abu Ghraib fiasco and screwing the fall guys instead of taking the blame for concocting this mess. Bush & Cheney destroy a country by concocted WMDs and send our soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians to their graves and then run away scott free and blame others for their crimes.

This is what these Republican lying bastards do time and time again and this is how they have destroyed their party in this country. By lying and distorting the truth in media.

Destroy and run and hide. Cowards all of them. And the Democrats all look the other way and say nothing about this since they are ball-less as well.



Anonymous said...

It's the same across all of Bloomturd's merry data-driven world. Lie, fudge, manipulate to paint te rosy picture he wants so he can keep padding his under the table off shore bank account golden parachute and the kick back crumbs as the great philanthropist he's hoping to be known as. Be it ever thus, the way of the rich robber barons and the way they assuage their guilt over the evil they've done. But don't forget,Carpetbagger Mikey no lie, no matter how cleverly crafted (think Market Master} lasts forever!

Anonymous said...

It's the same across all of Bloomturd's merry data-driven world. Lie, fudge, manipulate to paint te rosy picture he wants so he can keep padding his under the table off shore bank account golden parachute and the kick back crumbs as the great philanthropist he's hoping to be known as. Be it ever thus, the way of the rich robber barons and the way they assuage their guilt over the evil they've done. But don't forget,Carpetbagger Mikey no lie, no matter how cleverly crafted (think Market Master} lasts forever!

Anonymous said...

BTW- the DOE is the worst of the lot, what with all those "gains" that have been exposed as genteelly as possible
as fraud

Anonymous said...

Schoolcraft was an empty suit.Push me and i'll move.If this came from a real working cop,i could get behind it.Was always useless and is a rat to boot!

Anonymous said...

Connectiing "Republican" with "Bloomberg" seems to be a favorite habit of the stupidest of the people writing in these comment boxes.

Anonymous said...

"Schoolcraft was an empty suit.Push me and i'll move.If this came from a real working cop,i could get behind it.Was always useless and is a rat to boot!"

Spoken like a true knucklehead that has no ethics. You're parents must be so proud of the way they raised you. I hope to god you aren't a cop. God save us if you are. Calling the guy a rat..what are you a 15yo kid from Howard Beach. He has balls,where you have none whatsoever. Hopefully you'll grow a pair before your 20 years are up.

Anonymous said...

There are other police officers besides Schoolcraft who have come forward. But he's the one who had the smarts to keep a digital tape recorder on him. For evidence purposes.

NYPD management (the Brass) do not and have never had any concern for the rank and file unless there is/was publicity. They let police officers work with wet brains and serious drug habits. They will work cops into the ground. All that matters is that the management looks good.

Anonymous said...

"Connectiing "Republican" with "Bloomberg" seems to be a favorite habit of the stupidest of the people writing in these comment boxes."

Don't get this comment.
Please tell me this asshole is joking.

You mean there are people actually alive in New York City that DON'T KNOW Bloomberg is Republican?

Anonymous said...

The asshole is probably referring to the fact that he ran for his third term as an "Independent" and doesn't really know that an Independent is actually a spineless Republican in disguise. Or in Bloomberg's case, trying to distance himself from being a shallow pretentious Democratic turned Republican turned Independent soon to be utter failure for the history books.

Anonymous said...

No anon,not a cop,but a retired sgt.THis schoolcraft weasel,the kind that writes 2 summonses a month and 3 collars a year. If you want a "cop" like that protecting you and sucking your tax dollars,so be it.It's always the guys that try to do as little police work as possible that are always crying.....

Anonymous said...

Officer Dennis Kim of the 109th precint was declared the top cop of 2004 for "making as many arrests as he could". Do you know how many people this guy must have put behind bars who didn't desreve it and to just have the whole ordeal the defendents just plead guilty to an ACD or some small charge.
Yes, and Kim and his partner went to jail for it. Did you forget that part, or did you just decide to not mention it?

Anonymous said...

So the Republican Bloomberg
Bloomberg is as much a republican as Whoopi Goldberg.

Anonymous said...

Schoolcraft was an empty suit.Push me and i'll move.If this came from a real working cop,i could get behind it.Was always useless and is a rat to boot!
He may have been a complete zero on the street Sarge, but let's not kid ourselves here; everything he claimed was on the spot, and he had the evidence to back him up. The sad thing is that this shit is still going on. Ask any of these IMPACT cops to handle real redio runs and they spaz out. But ask them to get a few c summonses and they will all run past robberies, burglaries etc, and converge on some guy with an open beer container. Why? Because that is what they were trained to do by today's numbers-obsessed department.

Anonymous said...

Yes,it's all true,but he didnt make those tapes for god and country,they were made to protect his own ass.Don't blame the impact cops,many would love a chance to be a real cop.....the numbers won't allow it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not blaming the IMPACT cops, I am blaming the job for making them the summons whores that they have become. I actually feel sorry for alot of them. You are right, there is good potential out there, but they will be burnt out before they reach top pay after being used, abused and tossed aside by the job.
As for Schoolcraft, I don't know his true motivations and frankly, I don't care WHY he did what he did. The fact is he exposed what needed to be exposed, and he smartly covered his ass. I don't want to canonize the kid, but maybe now the department will reconsider some of their recent policies, both official and unofficial.

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