Queens Rep. Joseph Crowley has spent nearly $40,000 in campaign cash on lawyers over the past three months to beat back an ethics investigation.
New federal campaign finance records show Crowley handed $39,592 in donors' dollars to the Washington-based Brand Law Group on Sept. 18.
The Office of Congressional Ethics is looking into a fund-raiser for the Democrat hosted by lobbyists ahead of a vote on a major financial regulatory reform bill in the House. He voted in favor of it.
Crowley has denied wrongdoing, saying through a spokesman he "always complied with the letter and spirit of all rules."
Joe Crowley never worked a day at a regular job. He's a lifelong no talent hack. Let's hope we can officially add "crook" to his resume and throw him out of office.
See Joe? Ya shoulda used "protection".
He's a career criminal, er, I mean politician. This is the reason why there should be term limits on all political jobs. Once they get voted in, you can't get them out. Hope he goes to jail.
What's the deal with Crowley and Ackerman using campaign funds to pay attorneys in order to defend their illegal activities? Is THAT illegal as well? Just sayin'...
What's the deal with Crowley and Ackerman using campaign funds to pay attorneys in order to defend their illegal activities? Is THAT illegal as well? Just sayin'...
Do you think anything they do is LEGAL?
Van Bramer and Nolan want to put a historic plaque on Celtic Park apartments with Crowley's name on it as one of the donors.
Better wait kiddies. Better wait.
We dont need another local landmark with a hack marring it (anybody ever asked for the "Ferraro Post Office" for Christ sake?)
Kick this guy out of office and indict him already. What did he do, take lessons from Rangle again?
The law should prohibit campaign funds to be used for personal use such as defending himself from criminal wrong-doing - that should come out of his pocket.
This guy is milking the system for votes. The investigation should conclude before the November elections sot that his party takes action against him that merits his mis-deeds.
Hey Joe, I've heard you drone on about how good the local schools are in Woodside. Well, isn't it funny that your own kids attend school in Virginia. Isn't Woodside good enough for the "Royal" Crowley family??? It's about time that your constituants realize how much you are disrespecting them by not even living in New York. Oh, by the way Joe, we are in the process of checking on your traveling expenses. They will show us how many days you actually spent in your district. I don't mean at that phony address in Woodside which you list as your domicile. Did you know that there is a minumum amount of days you must be in actual residence to claim New York as a domicile???
The Office of Congressional Ethics is now on your case. You got sloppy and arrogant,Joe. You are a political hack who never had a regular job. Take a long hard look around your office, Joe. Your next home will be in the Federal Penitentiary. Brian McLoughlin (the canary) and Anthony Seminario will love to see you of that I am sure. Everyone is talking Joe. We formerly saw you maybe once a year but now you are hosting back to back fundraisers and holding press conferences on local issues. Wassup with that Joe as if we didn't know. Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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