Need a plumber? Call the City Council.
The City Council plugged some leaks Wednesday by approving a package of legislation aimed at conserving the city's water supply.
The bills will require new commercial buildings to have water fountains with spouts that can accommodate a 10-inch water bottle, mandate property owners install alarms to detect leaks in roof water tanks and, for the first time, allow dual-flush toilets.
All of them, said Council Speaker Christine Quinn, could prevent billions of gallons of water from being wasted every year.
The council's Republican delegation saw the proposal as overregulation at its best.
"Once again," said Republican Councilmember Daniel Halloran, "we are in the business of regulating crap."
Several Republican members also voted against a bill to require new construction to install plumbing fixtures -- like showerheads, urinals and sink faucets -- that would use less water. The bill (Intro 271-a) also allows buildings to install dual-flush toilets, which have two separate water pressure levels, one for solid waste and one for liquid. Buildings are fined if they have two-flush toilets now, said Quinn.
Critics of the bill said it would force homeowners doing simple bathroom renovations to buy -- and pay for -- new fixtures.
"It seems with every turn, with every aspect of building, every aspect of breathing, and now in one of those glorious moments in one little room in your home, government is coming and knocking on the door and saying, 'We'd like to check out the throne,'" said Council Minority Leader James Oddo. "This has nothing to do with conservation."
Save billions of gallons of water. And then when water has been conserved in quantity, raise the water rates another 15%, because the water usage has dropped and not enough money is coming in.
They're against giving buildings the ability to install toilets the rest of the world uses? Forward thinking.
They're against giving buildings the ability to install toilets the rest of the world uses?
Not against giving them the option. Against mandating them. Which is what this law is doing.
Give builders an incentive, not a mandate. Make the installation of water saving deivces tax-deductible. So easy.
Good news for flushing?
Sounds like the council has a lot of time on their hands and nothing better to do. I have an idea, get a real job and stop invading our homes.
Since they are all pieces of shit, the council feel they know a thing or two about toilets. The all swim together.
Mr. Spock: Captain, what's in the toilet?
Capt. Kirk: My log - get it Spock? MY LOG!!!
What's the difference between "solid waste" and Christine Quinn?
Christine know about crap, she is an expert on it. She produces an awful lot of it herself.
I think the entire council is a "waste." They should all be flushed down the crapper and disbanded. What a waste of taxpayer money.
What's the difference between "solid waste" and Christine Quinn?
Pshaw! It's a trick question. There is NO difference!
Pshaw! It's a trick question. There is NO difference!
Darn! I guess a good clue would have been the similarity in the stench!
oddo, ulrich, halloran, why don't you ask how Tom Ognibene how he feels about it? Crazy republicans, can't see past their commitment to out of touch values that have no place in New York City. The lot of them should pick up and go move to Long Island, you tools.
I have had it. I am getting out of this city as soon as I can. I really can't take it anymore. I am broken.
Bloomberg and the city council are out of control.
The next big issue on the City Council Agenda is toilet paper. It will have to be a certain ply and will have to be thinner so it doesn't take up too much space in the sewers. Very important issue. Can't wait to see what other quality of life issues are on the table to help their constituents.
The next big issue on the City Council Agenda is toilet paper.
Ha! Ha! Ha! You're on a roll! Can you squeeze out another one?
This thread has gone down the shitter for fuck's sakes!
This thread has gone down the shitter for fuck's sakes!
We didn't want you to be lonely!
Potty mouths!
I'd be most willing to install a new throne in my bathroom....provided a likeness of Emperor Bloomberg is fired onto the bottom of the porcelain bowl.
This way I can give my opinion of him each time I take a dump!
Ploop....plop....oooooh....I'm filling out my survey Mike.
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