From the Daily News:
Mayor Bloomberg, normally a hard-nosed businessman, turns misty-eyed when he talks about plans like Atlantic Yards that reshape the city he runs.
He likes to bring up Central Park, pointing out that nobody lounging in Manhattan's gem today cares whether it was finished on time or on budget a century ago.
"I don't know what the IBO studies would have shown back when they tried to establish the value of Central Park or Prospect Park or anything else," he said last year. "These are the kinds of projects you have to do because without that, we don't have a future."
Comparing Atlantic Yards to Central Park? Now there's a stretch... Doesn't look like you are going to be able to play frisbee or baseball on the plaza outside the Nets arena.
The City has $40M to pour into an arena that no one except a developer really feels is necessary, but doesn't have a few million laying around for infrastructure projects that have no "value" in communities that have been deluged by overdevelopment? Sewers, green space, etc.? So, by our genius mayor's reasoning, those areas don't have a future. Well it looks like we do agree on some things!
Photo from Chaz's School Daze
Monday, October 4, 2010
Bloomberg compares Atlantic Yards boondoggle to Central Park
Atlantic Yards,
central park,
Prospect Park,
The longer this guy is in office the worse it gets. Central Park was the work of two geniuses done to benefit many; Atlantic Yards will benefit a select few, screwing many.
The longer this guy is in office the worse it gets. Central Park was the work of two geniuses done to benefit many; Atlantic Yards will benefit a select few, screwing many.
You can say that again, Gary.
The longer this guy is in ofice the worse it gets. Central Park was the work of two geniuses done to benefit many; Atlantic Yards will benefit a select few, screwing many
He is out of touch or touched?
Hey, wait a minute!!! The second posting is there by accident. How did the third get there???
Rhee Peate said...
You can say that again, Gary.
You can say that again Gary and Rhee...
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