The House ethics panel threw the book at Rep. Charles Rangel yesterday, charging him with 13 violations, in an action that rocked the Capitol and set up a possible corruption trial in the midst of the election season.
The devastating charges, detailed in a 40-page report, are an embarrassing last act to the Harlem Democrat's 40-year career as a congressional powerhouse and dean of the New York delegation.
The ethics committee found after an exhaustive two-year investigation that Rangel had a "pattern of indifference or disregard for the laws, rules and regulations of the United States and the House of Representatives."
The seriousness of the charges threatened to turn Rangel into a political liability for Democrats. They were leveled after fellow party members turned up the pressure on him to make a deal so the issue might go away.
In fact, Rangel's lawyers reached a plea deal with lawyers for the committee, people familiar with the talks said, but Republicans on the panel said it was too late.
If no agreement is worked out, Rangel would face a House trial starting next month, with a range of punishments ranging from censure to expulsion.
elder abuse
The only thing more disgusting than this old crook's larceny is his mention of his Korean War military service-- as if that is supposed to let him off the hook. Really , Charlie? Really? Go to jail, please.
The only thing more disgusting than this old crook's larceny is his mention of his Korean War military service-- as if that is supposed to let him off the hook. Really , Charlie? Really? Go to jail, please.
Old Charlie never said his war record should let him off the hook.
Why shouldn't a decorated veteran be proud and talk about his service?
How many of his critics can say the same?
For God's sake get on with it! It's over, so retire you old bastard. Why is that asshole trying to hold on? Charles Rangel just doesn't get it.
He shows his arrogance by continuing to go for another term and secure a deal for himself despite the charges against him. He spent millions on lawyers trying to defend himself for the past two years.
Rangel should have apologized or made a deal for himself two years ago. I still can't believe the investigation took two years. It's time for him to retire and stop trying to hold on to his position.
He sat on a tax writing committee and didn't report his income. Used four rent regulated apartments for himself among other things.
Then the arrogant flaming republican queen, Pete King from Staten island defended Rangel. Just retire and go away Charlie. We had enough already.
I love that picture. He's like "wwwwhhatttt"
Why are my ethics being ignored? I'm as clean as Rangel!
Bout time! These criminals keep breaking the laws until they are finally caught! Hope he looks good in organge!
my pals from the west side of Manhattan did not return from defending S.Korean citizens from the COMMUNIST N.KOREA,CHINESE AND SOVIET UNION invasion of the peninsula in 1950-53. i served(volunteered) during this period,but was not deployed into combat.
i respect charlies service and heroism in defending the freedom of the people of S.korea and the free world.
i can not forgive him for scamming the American citizens while serving as a representative of his district.
he could be to old to make rational decisions?
his democrat leadership enabled him to stall instead of resigning earlier.
Charlie has not been charged with any crimes.
He was late reporting some income from his beach house. When it was pointed out to him he paid the tax, as well as interest and penalties. The IRS case is closed.
The landlord rented him the rent controlled apartments willingly and he's always paid his rent. He gave up the one he used as a campaign office when his critics started bitching.
He argued in favor of extending an existing tax law that benefited one of his many contributers. Big deal.
Today we hear the bipartisan ethics comittee is recommending the lowest form of punishment, a simple reprimand.
That shows this all for what it is, a lot of gorilla dust kicked up by racists and haters.
Wake me up when it's over.
"That shows this all for what it is, a lot of gorilla dust kicked up by racists and haters."
Racists? You are the first person i've seen bring up his race. I got news for you...HIS RACE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CHARGES.
Are you a effin retarded spin doctor? Late reporting income from his beach house? My definition of late is a month or two. Rangel didn't report his income on the beach house for OVER 10 YEARS.
Do I need to go on?
He reported his beachouse income belatedly but he did report it. He paid back interest and penalties for his misdeed and the IRS closed the case.
So now you say we taxpayers should pay millions to persecute him for a misdeed for which he has already paid the penalty.
If the voters think he should be further punished there is a way to do so, at the ballot box. The primary is in five weeks.
Other than that, mind your own darn business.
He looks weak........he'll probably be dead in under 2 years.....
as charlie used to dance at the savoy ballroom,he should recall the last dance song of the night,"GOOD NIGHT SWEETHEART".
GOOD BYE CHARLIE,your credibility is destroyed with the electorate. you screwed them.
for more about rangel, see "RED CHARLIE"RANGEL REVEALED.....NEW ZEAL.COM
"He reported his beachouse income belatedly but he did report it. He paid back interest and penalties for his misdeed and the IRS closed the case."
True. You left out it took a NYC newspaper to uncover this. He denied it at first. Do you even want me to get into that one of his excuses was he didn't know he had to report it.
"So now you say we taxpayers should pay millions to persecute him for a misdeed for which he has already paid the penalty."
Once again you are making piss poor excuses for Mr.Rangel. If it comes to that the only person the taxpayers should be pissed at is Mr Rangel. He should do the honorable thing and step down. I guess breaking the law is ok with you as long as the person pays back the cash.
"If the voters think he should be further punished there is a way to do so, at the ballot box. The primary is in five weeks"
Why reward an unethical person. It has been already been proven that he uses his influence for himself. I wonder if this is how you think the system should work Rep. Alcee Hastings? If so, i wonder how your constituents would feel.
"Other than that, mind your own darn business."
I live in NYC. It is MORE my business then a racist Rep from FLA.
AND I haven't even touched on the four....thats right NYCers...4 rent controlled apartments Mr Rangel was given.
Mr Rangel was not given any rent cortrolled apartments. The apartments were leased to him, he paid rent like anyone else.
Three of them were small apartments that were combined to create one family sized apartment. Mr Rangel and his family have occupied this unit for decades.
Whether the landlord filed all the paperwork to change the c/o from three to one is a matter to be brought up with the landlord, not the tenant.
The issue of using the 4th unit as an office rather than for residential is trivial as says much about how low the critics will reach for their "gotcha" claims.
Alcee Hastings should remember that it was Charles Rangel himself who begged and pleaded to be investigated. Rangel said the investigation would exonerate him. He got what he asked for.
Instead Rangel was hit with a whopper of charges that made his head spin. This has nothing to do with race.
We are tired of people in office getting over and not playing by the rules that they themselves put out.
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