Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One-woman crime spree

From the Times Ledger:

A 41-year-old Manhattan woman was charged last Thursday with stealing a Woodside man’s car last week and then robbing five Queens banks, the Queens district attorney’s office said.

According to the criminal complaints from the Queens district attorney, On July 12 between 11:20 a.m. and 11:22 a.m., a 56-year-old Asian man left his 2010 Chrysler idling in front of his residence on Woodside Avenue as he stopped by to drop something off. After he left the car, Jacqueline Healy of East 119th Street in Manhattan got into the vehicle and drove away, according to the criminal complaint filed with the DA’s office.

A little more than an hour later, between 12:28 p.m. and 12:32 p.m., Healy allegedly entered the Capital One Bank at 74-11 Metropolitan Ave. in Middle Village and gave the teller a note demanding money, court documents said. The teller gave Healy an undisclosed amount of U.S. currency, the DA said.

The next day, July 13, Healy allegedly went to the Citi Bank at 107-01 71st Ave. in Forest Hills between 10:10 a.m. and 10:12 a.m. and gave the teller another note demanding money, court documents said, but the teller walked away from the teller window and Healy ran out of the bank before she received money.”

Nevertheless, Healy allegedly next entered the HSBC branch the same day at 104-70 Queens Blvd. in Flushing between 10:18 a.m. and 10:20 a.m., according to the criminal complaint, where she was given an undisclosed some of money after passing a teller a note. Next Healy is charged with entering the Cross County Federal Savings Bank at 79-21 Metropolitan Ave. in Middle Village between 10:30 a.m. and 10:35 a.m. and repeating the routine, which produced another some of money from a threatened teller, the DA said.

On July 14, Healy went to the Bank of America branch at 90-35 Sutphin Blvd. in Jamaica between 9:45 a.m. and 10 a.m., passed a note to the teller demanding money and received some funds, court documents said.

According to the DA’s office, Healy was arrested a few minutes later when her car was spotted in front of a motel in Jamaica.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if this woman would have done all the bank robberies if she had not come across the idling car.

georgetheatheist said...

"A 56-year old Asian man" and a 41-year old Manhattan woman".

What's missing?

Patrick Sweeney said...

GTA beat me to it. What's up with identifying the victim as "Asian"? Someone who once lived in or descended from people who lived in Turkey, Siberia, or Indonesia or somewhere in the middle? Why not identify such people are "Eastern Hemispherian" or even "Earthling"

Patrick Sweeney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
georgetheatheist said...

I DEMAND to know the race of the perp. Times Ledger "newspaper", you FAILED in providing your readership with this very important info. Rebecca Henely, you FAILED as a reporter.
[x] White
[x] No, not of Latino, Hispanic, or Spanish origin.

Rebecca Henely said...

Healy is white. Usually I don't report race if the person is named, and we didn't report the victim's name to protect his privacy, so that's where the mistake/inconsistency came in. I apologize for the oversight. I should have been more careful.

Also, my contact information is listed at the bottom of my stories. You can always contact me if you see such a mistake or have any questions.

georgetheatheist said...

Huh? I still don't get it. Here's a pencil. Please rewrite the sentence the way it should have read:



Anonymous said...

Are you sure her name wasn't actually, "Ma Barker?" Not too many female bank robbers, I think the last was Patty Hearst, and she had lots of help from a whole band of nuts.

Anonymous said...

Healy, the "white" woman lives on East 119th Street in Harlem. This "white" woman then gets arrested in front of a motel in Jamaica?

C. Rangel said...

Anonymous wrote;

"Healy, the "white" woman lives on East 119th Street in Harlem. This "white" woman then gets arrested in front of a motel in Jamaica?"

Believe it, the whites are taking over Harlem, it doesn't suprise me they have their sights on Jamaica next, that's why they re-zoned it. They're insatiable.

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