Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bloomberg wants retired fireman off 9/11 memorial

NEW YORK (AP/1010 WINS) -- New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the city will contest a court order to list a retired fire captain alongside his former colleagues on the Sept. 11 memorial.

Bloomberg said Tuesday the city "will fight this in court." He says the Fire Department of New York made a reasonable choice to list only active-duty firefighters in an FDNY section on the memorial.

Retired Capt. James Corrigan was working in a private fire safety job for the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. That's how officials planned to list him on the memorial when it opens next year.

His family says Corrigan acted as a firefighter that day while helping colleagues and deserves the same recognition on the memorial. A Queens judge agreed with the family on Monday.


Anonymous said...

The man retired in 1994 with 25 years service which means he was in his late 50's on that day he gave his life as a firefighter.

What kind of sicko would appeal the decision to list him on the memorial?

What would the motive be?

To further torture the widow???


Anonymous said...

Way to keep digging your own political grave, Bloomturd.

Anonymous said...

No offense to the deceased, but he was long retired, and he wasn't working in the capacity of a firefighter that day. He should be memorialized yes, but under the circumstances, the proper place for his name should be with the civilian victims of that horrible day. Listing him with the active firefighters who died on 9/11 would be inaccurate.

cherokeesista said...

Bloomberg:( Your a piece of SHIT!!!!! Enough said:)

Anonymous said...

commenter # 3,

With all respect to you, you are being way too legalistic.

In this case, what is right and decent is what matters, not what is accurate.

I doubt there are any active duty firefighters out there who support Bloomberg's obnoxious litigation over this.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

I want Firemen Bobby Beddia and Joseph Graffagino added as heroes as well.

Remember Mike Bloomberg and ex Goldman Sachs chair John Whitehead decided the rescue workers could not have their rank on the memorial and be listed together because that would make them some how special. Meanwhile Bloomberg and Whitehead need to be treated special 24/7. Bloomberg is so special he had to have a third term denying us a referendum.

Who would have thought fire houses would also become an economic casualty.

Impeach Mike Bloomberg.

NYC News & Analysis said...

In a sick and twisted way, Mayor Bloomberg's logic make perfect sense. His disdain toward FDNY (firehouse closings and his need to cut FDNY retirement benefits) would mean that he would be opposed to giving a retired firefighter credit for also being a hero.

This mayor cannot see eye-to-eye with the rest of us, who believe that the retired firefighter deserves to be honored for his bravery, precisely because the mayor is too busy looking down on us, to even be able to think that fire, rescue, and first responder workers deserve to be honored.

3FingersBrown said...

Bloomberg's a sick fuck

Sergey Kadinsky said...

commenter # 3,

With all respect to you, this is a public memorial, not a legal document.

Unknown said...

Why is the city wasting money fighting something stupid like this. Leave the guy on the memorial where he belongs and spend the money on keeping fire houses open.

Anonymous said...

Talk about frivolous lawsuits! That jackass should crawl into a hole and die...

Anonymous said...

This man's name should be on the memorial, and his family should receive all the benefits that the other firefighters' families got who died at Ground Zero!

Anonymous said...

The more I think about this, the more I realize the Bloomie is going to turn this around eventually to make himself look like a hero. He'll let the threat of a lawsuit linger a bit, then he'll turn around and say he's given it some though and realizes the error of his ways, and oh! what a hero he'll make himself out to be. Look! Bloomie loves the FDNY!

Useless dipshit that should be forcibly removed from office and barred from any other office due to his NYC election shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

what an ass this mayor is.. how dare you insult this city fire dept and the family. doesn't he have better things to do then insult this family. the fire dept should protest his ass in the honor of this falling family man and his wife should lead the way. bloomberg shut the hell up already.

Anonymous said...

The story says the FDNY opposed the listing Corrigan alongside the active duty firefighters. Bloomberg was a fool for taking sides.

Anonymous said...

While I sympathize for the family of the fallen ret. ff. The issue stands that during 9/11 the ret. ff was not active duty and worked for a private firm. He should be listed with the many fallen civilians of that tragic day.

Queens Crapper said...

I look at it this way. There are 2 opinions, and both are respectable. however, wasting taxpayer money to appeal the judge's ruling in order to keep someone's name off a monument while you are crying poverty and laying people off and cutting services is completely asinine. The judge ruled. Deal with it and get on with life.

Anonymous said...

The story says the FDNY opposed the listing Corrigan alongside the active duty firefighters. Bloomberg was a fool for taking sides.



Let the active members of FDNY take a vote to see if they want him included as one of his own or not. after that, everyone else can pound sand.

Anonymous said...

Let the active members of FDNY take a vote to see if they want him included as one of his own or not. after that, everyone else can pound sand.
Works for me.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever figured out where Bloomberg was on 9?11? Did we see him running to the pit to save anyone? He was saving his own ass and nobody else's.

Tell us where you were that day Mr. Doomberg.

Keep the man on the memorial for God sake!

Anonymous said...

Keep the man on the memorial for God sake!
He WILL be on the memorial, regardless. The question is will he as a retired member of FDNY be listed with the firefighters killed, or will he, as a civilian employee in the private sector, be listed with the civilians who were murdered.

Anonymous said...

Why can't they just list his name and put (retired) after it?

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is an idiot savant.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One would assume that Bloomturd's name should appear absolutely nowhere on this memorial. For that is where he was--nowhere. But we know there will be a plaque, and his name and those of the other opportunists will have a special place. Krapp!

Anonymous said...

If any of you actually had information about this case you would know, he was officially restored to active duty after he died that (I believe in 2003, retro-active to that day). He died officially in ACTIVE duty. Even his sons received legacy credits because they are now memebers of the FDNY. His family already received everything, all they wanted was his name on the plaque. Understand? They received everything over 6 years ago. This is a closed issue. He was active that day. So before you act like you know what you're talking about, go read up on it.

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