Monday, June 21, 2010

Tire-slasher in Elmhurst

From the Queens Chronicle:

Park anywhere you like in Elmhurst, just not on Van Loon Street. According to residents and area workers, a month of tire slashings at two spots on the street have made it a location to avoid.

Frankie Moy parked his car in one of the spots on May 6th at around 6 a.m. An hour later, he came back from working at nearby Sunrise Bakery & Cafe to find three of his tires were flat. Moy said he saw another car suffer the same fate just last week. “I had to buy three new tires,” Moy said. “After that I have been seeing a lot of tires flat at the location at the same two spots.” According to Moy, it is now common knowledge in the area that those spots are off limits, still he said visitors to the area often park there and their tires are destroyed as well.

Bill Weydig, who lives near the spots, located at 52-22 and 52-26 Van Loon St., said his tenant Margarita Guilarte also fell victim to the slasher’s rage.

Weydig decided to train his security camera on the location and caught the vandal in the act. He surmised that the slasher desires one of the spots for himself and ruins the tires of those who park there in anger. Weydig estimates around eight cars have been targeted, though he said he only has two attacks on tape. After viewing a tape of the incident, Weydig said it was obvious who the perpetrator was.

“He lives down the block,” Weydig said.


Anonymous said...

Where does NYPD come into these assaults? Hasnt anyone taken the video to the precinct? Or is going to be vigilante justice?

Queens Crapper said...

Click link in article.

Read the rest of it.

You'll get your answer.

Jeff said...

I had one of those in my neighborhood. He got my tires twice.

Anonymous said...

Police dont stop crime. They only take reports after the fact (if you are lucky)

Anonymous said...

The perp's identity is now known. If the PD won't do anything, don't cower and cry like a little nebbish. Exact some street justice.

Just don't do it on camera.

Anonymous said...

The perp's identity is now known. If the PD won't do anything, don't cower and cry like a little nebbish. Exact some street justice.

Just don't do it on camera.

Yes, let's behave like wild animals. Once it starts then you will start jumping jaywalkers.

Anonymous said...

My wife was a victim on this slasher. She spoke with Bill and thankfully he caught everything on his camera.

Yesterday, the detective called her and told her they's arrested the guy.

Hopefully, she can recoup what she paid to replace the tires.

Anonymous said...

We now know who the guy is. His namw is Yonathan Lim. This info came from NYPD

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