Monday, June 14, 2010

Rep. Crowley under investigation

From the NY Post:

House ethics investigators are scrutinizing Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Bronx) in a wide-ranging probe of fund-raising activities, The Post has learned.

The House Office of Congressional Ethics notified Crowley’s office this month that it had opened a preliminary review of the congressman’s fund-raising, sources close to the investigation said.

A senior staffer for Crowley said the congressman is cooperating with the inquiry and that he expects the investigation will go nowhere.

“Congressman Crowley has always complied with the letter and spirit of all rules regarding fund-raising and standards of conduct,” the staffer said.

As part of the investigation, the ethics office also sent letters to several K Street lobbyists seeking detailed data on fund-raising and political contributions by Crowley and seven other lawmakers, the Hill newspaper reported Monday.

Crowley and the others swept up by the independent ethics investigation are all members of either the Financial Services or Ways and Means committees.


Anonymous said...

First Haggerty and now Crowley? My day can't possibly get any better!

Anonymous said...

Maybe all his day laborer friends will come running to his aid.

Anonymous said...

I hope Ackerman's next.

Anonymous said...

how about the scum who pretend to work in Crowley's office? all those good goombas of the landlords in Jackson Heights?
Investigate his staff first, they'll fold fast.
and how about the non English speakers in his office in the Bronx, busy getting everything for their friends and family, everyone else can get to the back of the line.

I gave up on Crowley after trying to get help from his office staff. now that's real crap. where else could they possibly work?

Anonymous said...

There is no way this investigation will turn up anything on Joe Crowley- he is an extremely honest politician (this may sound like an oxymoron but with this guy its true!) People may have their differences with Crowley but he has a lot of integrity. Im guessing they threw his name into this bipartisan probe because he is such a prolific fundraiser (raising 8 million for the DCCC). Thats my take

Anonymous said...

White Charlie Rangel !!!

Con Gary said...

What about me? I feel so left out.

Anonymous said...

crowley is honest how can any person make a statement like that

Anonymous said...

of course quens crap links to the ny post...such fine reporting. the hill article and the daily news link on this are not quite as sensational (read wrong). its not like the guy stole money. they are investigating him because he sits on Ways & Meas, is a former Fin Serv member, chairs the Business Committee for the DCCC, and is Chair of the New Dem Coalition (a middle of the road pro business coalition that totally makes sense when you remember that like it or not wall street is the life blood of our city) and they think that fin serv lobbyists had something to do with unduly influencing reg reform laws. This guy is nothing like Rangel. people in the outer boroughs dont have a clue how powerful Crowley is in DC- just today another article in Politico named him as in the running to be the next Chair of the DCCC. this link was pretty crappy crapper (putting yourself in the same boat as the Post!!!...haha)

Anonymous said...

To the last anonymous poster:

Perhaps you should have stayed in school. Your grammar and spelling leave much to be desired.

Queens Crapper said...

The first one to release this story was the Post. So I linked to it. Funny how you don't seem to have a problem with me doing that when Crowley isn't mentioned.

Anonymous said...

House ethics investigators are scrutinizing Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Bronx) in a wide-ranging probe of fund-raising activities, The Post has learned.

Ho Ho Ho - there is a Santa after all! I guess he has finessed his money grabbing ways to the point of sloppiness and greed that the time has come to this denial. Get rid of these entrenched, political machine created POLS that suck us dry. Did you know Rep. Crowley no longer lives in Elmhurst? Northern Virginia is where he lives with his family - why live where he represents the people? Is he too good for us - of course he like our money - throw this bum out of office - he has done nothing for you and everything good for himself.

Anonymous said...

Brian McLaughlin is Singing

Claire said...

Hey Joe! I have an extra orange jumpsuit if you need it.

Anonymous said...

To one of the earlier misinformed posters- The Hill broke the story you clueless loser. Its just that the Queens Crap is exactly that- crap- and so you look to the NY Post for your leads (the blind leading the blind clearly!) You guys have posted on Crowley before and you know what I never thought it worthy to comment but I think its ridiculous that you are trying to insinuate that Crowley stole money (that first blogger put him in the same category as Haggerty...f-N ridiculous). Read the Hill story and even the Daily News link on this so you can get some perspective- this is about some ridiculous allegation that maybe Fin Serv lobbyists influenced an important reform vote (a bunch of Fin Serv/Ways and Means reps are being looked into). As the Chair of the pro-business New Dem Coalition and given Crolwey's record as a prolific fundraiser for Dems in general, he may draw more scrutiny but its not lke hes padding his pockets. He has a great deal of contacts in Fin Serv having served on that committee for years...nothing fishy here.

Keep reading the Post folks...I cant wait for your next link to the Enquirer (stay classy!)

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, the Hill broke the story, but I don't have a news feed for it. I have one for the local papers. You'd think that would be obvious by the content that gets posted. Maybe you should go to every other blog that linked to the Post and throw a hissy fit there, too. Should keep you busy for awhile.

"Honest Joe" Crowley's Friend said...

He es "Hones Joe" Crowely an the "Princ of de Tweeder" me an de boys in Hart Park call 'im.

He no deport illegals cause he like us.

Anonymous said...

The Troll is correct; there's s huge difference between Haggerty and Crowley: Crowley's an elected official and Haggerty never even ran for office. Other than that, I can hardly tell them apart.

Anonymous said...

If Crowley goes down, he will hand-pick his successor. Nothing is going to change until the role of the federal government in our lives shrinks. Unfortuately for us, his district has more people on public assistance, more people on the public payroll, fewer people paying federal income tax than almost any other district in the country.

Anonymous said...

I hope his day is near and I hope Elizabeth Crowley who is a LIAR is next. I volunteered for her during my weekend in the summer in glendale, maspeth and other areas in Queens. IT took me almost 2 hours to travel to those locations and she LIED To me. She stated she would support to end the cruelty of horse drawn carriage. Instead she sponsor the carriage drivers' bill and didn't even respond to my email. Also many others donated to her campaign based on this promise. This is real. She is untrustworthy and mean

Anonymous said...

How do you say criminal in Spanish?

Anonymous said...

down with the crowley regime

Anonymous said...

He hasn't even been charged with anything yet, let alone convicted. Based on the very large number of people being investigated it sounds more like a fishing expedition where most won't be charged in the end.

Anonymous said...

A fishing expedition?

More like shoot fish in a barrow. Does Crowley do anything legal?

Anonymous said...

How about El Criminale!! Works for me.

Anonymous said...

How about El Criminale!! Works for me.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Joe Crowley is a prolific fund raiser especially in the Finv sector?

Well look at this sector today - it is fighting the attacks from Congress that make a blood sport of killing off viable industries we still have left. If these industries have committed crimes or almost brought down our monetary systems - why hasn't Congress who had oversight like Rep Joe Crowley propose or enact laws to prevent that prior to the meltdown? Oh, is it because their money contributions was at stake and he had no balls to be a Congressman first? No he took the money and ran to Virginia where the issues and quality of life is superior to the place he represents, Elmhurst and the Bronx. Kick this guy out of office - what is he doing down on Wall Street rather than on crime infested, illegal occupying Roosevelt Ave? God save us from whom we vote into office, please give us a capable candidate who represents us to run against him!

Anonymous said...

I read today that this investigation is only about the timing of a fundraiser which was held very close to a vote the attendees were interested in. It concerns "the possible appearance of conflict of interest" Big deal.

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