Saturday, June 12, 2010

The real story about our trendy bike culture

I suggest you all read this great series by Restless.

[ NYC Bike Myths - Intro ]
[ NYC Bike Myth 1 - Increased bike use is good for everyone in NYC ]
[ NYC Bike Myth 2 - Bikers will stick to bike infrastructure, and if drivers and pedestrians behave too, we can weave a nice orderly bike network into the city. ]
[ NYC Bike Myth 3 - NYC bikers deserve special treatment because they're good for the environment. ]



Anonymous said...

This guy/girl is trying so hard to build a case against biking based on his/her own prejudices that he/she is blind to the positives inherent in biking as a mode.

His/her bloggy posts consist of straw men and syllogistic fallacies.

joseph b said...

Start spreading roofing nails and thumbtacks in the bike lane. That should knock a lot of these smug douchebags down a notch.

Helen said...

To Mr. QC~ Thanks for posting this. Have to add that while cycling is supposed to lessen the strain on mass transportation some bicyclists bring their bicycles on the subway. They should ALL be licensed.

Anonymous said...

Well, that was dumb.

FlooshingRezident said...

Come to Flooshing and see just how well cyclists obey the laws! What a joke!

It's the Wild West out here - and not in a sexy bordello, poker-playing Deadwood kind of way!

Although we do have the gambling and hookers...

Gee - guess it's not so much fun living in it if there isn't a nearby Gold Rush - it's just squalid.

Anyway - love bikes, wouldn't dare ride one in Queens.

Anonymous said...

Get run over walking and you're just dead; get run over on a bike and you're an urban hero.

Yes, but a Tower Person is our future, and Archie Bunker is our embaressment.

Anonymous said...

I'm not getting a license just to enjoy a leisurely ride on my bike. It's a stupid idea.

Life is precious. I strictly stick to bike paths within parks and stay away from busy roads and avoid drivers who are just as reckless.

JO said...

I think a big reason people here are downing biking is because it is a newer trend coming to the city and many of you are afraid of change.

but I agree that some people are dangerous and they need to slow down. there are plenty of douchebags in cars, remember. and bicycles on a train is a waste. it's usually faster just to bicycle to the place.

and flooshing resident, you idiot. you won't dare ride one in the whole borough? you're why this site is counterproductive.

kingb said...

i can't respect bike advocates who:

1) don't (or barely) acknowledge that cyclists can be as dangerous to pedestrians as cars are to cyclists

2) blidly keep pushing the meme that what's good for cyclists is good for everyone. just admit that you have selfish interests just like anyone else, and i'll respect you a whole lot more

3) think cycling is a cure-all to all our transportation problems, especially transit. No, "ride a bike" isn't a constructive solution to "why does the F train suck"

4) see nothing wrong with bringing a large filty bike onto a crowded subway car.

Anonymous said...

They are almost as self righteous as Prius drivers.

Anonymous said...

I think a big reason people here are downing biking is because it is a newer trend coming to the city and many of you are afraid of change.


Oh pa-lese, we are for the most part seasoned veterans of the city and know what works and what is bullshit.

Biking, as the mayor has it, is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Oh pa-lese, we are for the most part seasoned veterans of the city and know what works and what is bullshit.

Sounds like you actually have no clue.

cherokeesista said...

FlooshingRezident said...
Come to Flooshing and see just how well cyclists obey the laws! What a joke!

It's the Wild West out here - and not in a sexy bordello, poker-playing Deadwood kind of way!

Although we do have the gambling and hookers...

Gee - guess it's not so much fun living in it if there isn't a nearby Gold Rush - it's just squalid.

Anyway - love bikes, wouldn't dare ride one in Queens.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I couldn't agree more neighbor:) Here in Flooshing they don't seem to understand they are not to ride their FRIGGIN BIKES ON THE SIDEWALK!!

Anonymous said...

don't let a few bad bikers spoil it for all of us.

biking is a great way to get around, and bike lanes have decreased the number of accidents between bikers and cars.

let nature have its way with the douches on their fixed-gears. but don't hate on all of us!

Anonymous said...

Oh pa-lese, we are for the most part seasoned veterans of the city and know what works and what is bullshit.

Sounds like you actually have no clue.


I will still be around here in 20 years laughing about this stupid fad like all the others we have seen over the years in this city ..... and lets see where you bike nuts will be then my friend.

As for you, I see a return to your roots by that time: Iowa?

The only problem is today, unlike years ago, the city cannot afford to piss away resources on bullshit like they could have then.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more neighbor:) Here in Flooshing they don't seem to understand they are not to ride their FRIGGIN BIKES ON THE SIDEWALK!!

Notice how the bike nuts act as if the chinese delevery boys dont even exist. Have yet to see any at their events.

Anonymous said...

If only the city were that enthusiastic about bringing back streetcars!

Anonymous said...

joseph b said...

Start spreading roofing nails and thumbtacks in the bike lane. That should knock a lot of these smug douchebags down a notch.

Now theres that rude attitude that generalizes all bike commuters we have come to expect from a typical horrendous NYC driver. Great intelligence you have with your violent ideas. Well just come to you legally when it happens since you made the idle threat. Really think about what your saying.

And to say its a fad like " I will still be around here in 20 years laughing about this stupid fad like all the others we have seen over the years in this city ..... and lets see where you bike nuts will be then my friend".

...Sounds ridiculous all together because NYC is the last city in th U.S. to get bike lanes. If you think the world revolves around you and NY then thats pretty sad. Bianchi road bikes with brakes mind you have been around for a hundred years so its not a fad.

You reactionaries screamed about it in the early 80's and had bike lanes removed cause you felt threatened having to share a road giving a foot on the right to some one biking.

Why not ask some people who bike commute how long they have. That might be too civil for the car nuts.
Is 15 years a trend? I know many who have biked for longer than that. And whats with all the older guys driving in Queens speeding up at intersections to run a red light even if there's pedestrians walking?

Anonymous said...

Driving reckless in an SUV like you own the world is pretty smug and that can be seen every day in Queens every few blocks.
Why on earth you people have a drivers license is beyond me and you would never get a license in the majority of other states.

Anonymous said...

Look you bike nuts have the support of Bloomberg who is pouring money and resources into his agenda.

He will not be around forever.

Economic reality is soon catching up to us.

I can just see it now:

"Wow, look at that photo - see those bike lanes all over the street? That must place it about 2010 or there abouts.

What were they thinking?"

People gave up bikes in 1910 because they did not make sense. Now its 2010, and we bring them back - like basement apartments and sweatshop factories.

Anonymous said...

People gave up bikes in 1910 because they did not make sense. Now its 2010, and we bring them back - like basement apartments and sweatshop factories.

Monday, June 14, 2010

That is a ridiculous statement by all means. Theres people of all types who bike and have commuted for 20 years. Some people also drive occasionally but like to commute four days of the week.
Theres bike reckless bike couriers in this city who most dont want to be categorized with for 30 years.
Yes bikes just came back in 2010? They never went away.

Wouldnt an analogy to sweatshop factories be more like driving ten blocks to the store instead of walking, paying gas money that goes to oil companies that rip you off and destroy land in Alberta, Alaska, and the Gulf Of Mexico. Or privatize oil in Iraq with your tax money for private companies like Halliburton?

Anonymous said...

Yes bikes just came back in 2010? They never went away.


Look at pictures from 1910.

Look at pictures from 1930.

Look at pictures from 1950.

Look at pictures from 1970.

Look at pictures from 1990.

Just because you let the mayor define reality for you cannot change the record.

People gave up bikes 100 years ago. And this is a passing fad that cannot be sustained in the current fiscal climate.

Cheer up. Accepting limits and reality is part of the growing up process.

Anonymous said...

It is 2.5 miles from my house to Queens College, a trip I make fairly often. There is no decent public transportation from my home to the college and back, I'd have to go to Main Street and then to Queens College which would be over 4 miles including a bus transfer.

I don't even have a car - I'd have to shell out the money to buy it, get insurance for it, then put gas in it, as well as whatever repairs and maintenance costs it would incur, then I'd have to find a parking spot for it and worry about street cleanings and the like. I'd have to figure out where to park when I drive to Queens College - and then pay $225 a year for on-campus parking. If I don't park on campus I'd have to look for a parking spot, sometimes which are so hard to come by I wind up parking on the other side of Jewel Ave.

So instead I ride a bicycle. I can't believe so many people here are against my bicycle and want MORE cars taking up parking spaces and the like. I usually avoid large streets anyhow, so there is not much of a problem except when I'm forced to use bigger streets - like crossing Northern Blvd., or using the stretch of Kissena Blvd. from Kissena Park or Queens College.

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