Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ooh la la, Sasson!

From City Hall:

Isaac Sasson, who placed a very close third in last year’s Democratic primary race to succeed John Liu on the City Council, now has his eyes—and a promise of $1 million of his money—on a new target: Queens State Sen. Toby Stavisky.

Sasson will run as a self-financed Democrat and framed his candidacy around complaints with the budget and frustration with the current “circus” in Albany, stating that Stavisky is part of the problem.

“Stavisky’s been there for years,” Sasson said, during a break from petitioning on Wednesday afternoon. “I want to do the job she’s not doing.”

Sasson has already lined up the support of the State Independence's Party executive committee member from Queens, Michael Niebauer, though whether the state leadership of the Independence Party, which sometime overrules local executive committee members on candidate endorsements, remains unclear. Tom Connolly, vice chairman of the party, said no decisions have yet been made about an endorsement in the race.

Also running is local business owner John A. Messner, a relative political newcomer who spent time working as a speechwriter for former Mayor David Dinkins. Both are up against a woman with deep connections within the Democratic Party and established connections.

Sasson, who won a $13 million lottery jackpot in 2007, said he is willing to spend his own money liberally in the race.

“I will spend whatever is necessary to win,” he said. “Maybe close to $1 million dollars if necessary. Whatever it is, I will do it.”

He is, however, hoping not to fully self-finance, with fundraising events expected as the race unfolds.


Steve Wynn said...

Lottery winnings are meant to be blown on booze, broads and gambling, not legislative seats in Flushing.

georgetheatheist said...

Tell me, please. I'd like to know. Just what has that fat ugly rancid twat ever accomplished in all her years in Albany?

Anonymous said...

Atheist, if you are unsure what bills Toby has sponsored, subscribe to her weekly email.

You don't have to like Toby, but at least get your facts straight. To say that she has done absolutely nothing only reflects your own ignorance.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm saying this but listen to George. He's making sense for a change.

Anonymous said...

What has ANYBODY accomplished in Albany in all these years?

Lino said...

georgetheatheist said...

Tell me, please. I'd like to know. Just what has that fat ugly rancid twat ever accomplished in all her years in Albany?"

Well, I guess that about does it for your pretense of erudition.

Don't bother cribbing another Mencken quote..you aint't foolin' anyone.

..And change that handle. You are giving atheism a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What has ANYBODY accomplished in Albany in all these years?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I agree with this. What we need is a clean slate. Out with the old. In with the new.

Anonymous said...

Kick her ass.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Go for it, Isaac. Replace a vacuum with a person

Anonymous said...

To his credit, Sasson created a non-profit charitable foundation and has donated $thousands to needy organizations in this district.

Cherokeesista said...

Isaac is a decent person:) More than I can say for many of these so called politicians. From what I know of him he's extremely intelligent:) Wasn't he a cancer researcher for many years:) anyway I want to know his opinion on NY as a sanctuary state and his honest opinion about getting ILLEGALS DEPORTED:)

Elton John said...

Put 'em on, put 'em on,
put on those Sassons,
when all hope is gone,
you know Sasson says so much!

georgetheatheist said...

Loono, I apologize.


Fat. Ugly. Rancid. Twat.

C'etait une cri de coeur.

Anonymous said...

Is Isaac Sasson Gay?

Anonymous said...

Is Isaac Sasson Gay?

cherokeesista said...

Anonymous said...
Is Isaac Sasson Gay?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

NO!!!! Why do you like him? Dumb Ass:)

cherokeesista said...

Anonymous said...
Is Isaac Sasson Gay?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No!!! Why do you like him? Dumb Ass:)

Anonymous said...

Steve Wynn, are lottery winnings or any other such sum of money really supposed to be blown on booze, broads (or guys for the female winners) and gamblings? How low the people of this country are! Good for people like Isaac Sasson who seem to want to try to want to do good with such large sum of money earned and improve the lot of humanity/people which he apparrently have already atarted to do in his career and his life even before that large winning.
Congratulations, Isaac Sasson, all the best to you and
G-d bless you and all of us/all of humanity.

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