Saturday, June 12, 2010

Marshall wants larger slice of budget pie for Queens

From the Daily News:

Queens is the second-most populous borough in the city.

But you wouldn't know that by looking at its share of the city's budget pie, borough officials said Tuesday.

Queens received $2.12 per capita to run the borough president's office last year. Compare that with the Bronx, which received $4.09 or Staten Island, with a whopping $8.73.

Queens has 2.2 million residents, while the Bronx has 1.3 million and Staten Island has 443,728. Even Manhattan and Brooklyn top Queens with per capita funding rates of $2.88 and $2.22 for the beep's office.

Budget negotiations kick into high gear this week as City Hall has three weeks left to hash out a spending plan for fiscal year 2011.

Marshall and her aides are seizing the moment and bringing their plea for equity directly to Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the Queens delegation of the Council and Mayor Bloomberg's staffers.

Armed with handouts, complete with graphs and pie charts, Marshall is meeting with key players this week to show how Queens keeps getting shortchanged. That funding disparity makes the proposed $1 million budget cut to the borough president's office even tougher to stomach.

Queens is especially gypped when it comes to funding for arts programs and museums.

Last year, Manhattan got about $15.92 per resident for cultural organizations, followed by the Bronx with $7.35 and Staten Island with $5.82. Queens, home to the Hall of Science, Queens Zoo, Botanical Garden and other popular sites, received just $1.76 per capita.

Marshall said she understands the need to balance the books. "The budget, however, must be fair to all boroughs," she said.


Lino said...

"Last year, Manhattan got about $15.92 per resident for cultural organizations, followed by the Bronx with $7.35 and Staten Island with $5.82. Queens, home to the Hall of Science, Queens Zoo, Botanical Garden and other popular sites, received just $1.76 per capita."

That is bizarre, the largest borough gets the smallest amount but, ask yourself; how long has this been so? Why was this issue not raised back when the City and foundations were flush?

Is this just being used as a backdoor way to get more into their slushfund?

Anonymous said...

Rely on NO ONE. If you want things done do it yourself. FUCK GOVERNMENT and all these useless programs/politicians that claim to help you.

Anonymous said...

Not just brought up now. Has been brought up every year for many years.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the basis for a lawsuit.

You cannot discriminate by borough within the same city.

Something is missing in this report.

Anonymous said...

I agree - something off balance sheet - like subsidies to developers or tweeder programs that make up the difference betweeen boroughs but are kept purposely off the books to avoid comment.

Snake Plissskin said...

Notice how the squeeky wheel gets the grease.

There is an inverse relationship between being a doormat and getting government services.

If you are polite and don't want to make waves, they politicans will be polite to you as they give your taxes to someone else.

Anonymous said...

That is bizarre, the largest borough gets the smallest amount but, ask yourself; how long has this been so?
Why don't you ask John Liu? And while you're at it, ask him WTF???

Anonymous said...

how the hell did Staten Island receive so much? perhaps they should succeed so we don't have to support them any longer.

Anonymous said...

When Christine Quinn was busted in 2008 for allocating slush funds to fictitious organizations in the City budget, we learned that 24% of the city's discretionary funds were allocated to groups in Quinn's district. The City has 51 districts. With Quinn at the helm, you can expect corruption and self-promotion; not fairness:

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Not just brought up now. Has been brought up every year for many years.

...and what the f*ck are our elected officials doing about it .... and why the f*ck is Queens Civic Congress not banging the drum on this .... ?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps because NE Queens is getting their fair share while the rest of the borough is getting shafted?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

she is an idiot she is just fighting for it now she has been there a long time and she is just thinking of this now

Toby said...

Helen Marshall pie. Yum Yum

Anonymous said...

If the borough of Queens gets more money, it will only be used to line the pockets of the Queens Political Machine. Look what Christine Quinn (Slush Fund Queen) did with all her money and nothing happened to her. She should have been dumped from the city council, but she wasn't. They are all crooks and if Queens gets more money, the politicials will use it for their own gain and purpose. Hope they don't get the extra money.

Anonymous said...

The most diverse borough gets the least? Sounds racist to me.

Anonymous said...

It's never too late to speak out and demand our fair share. But Helen only noticed this recently? Did she or her staff have their head in the sand, are incompetent or outright stupid? Perhaps all of the above.

Anonymous said...

is she not wasting many millions of tax dollars to build a glass roof over the yard behind queens borough hall?give her more money and she will probably try to roof flushing meadow park next.

and then there is the meeting hall project for ILLEGAL ALIENS .

remember in november.

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