Monday, June 14, 2010

Haggerty indicted

Haggerty charged with swiping Bloomberg's $750,000

Republican campaign operative John Haggerty Jr. was indicetd today by Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr. on charges of stealing $750,000 routed to him last year by Mayor Bloomberg for an Election Day poll-watching operation.

The indictment came after The Post ran a series of stories detailing how the mayor wired $1.2 million to the state Independence Party in two transactions right before the election so it could transfer $750,000 to Haggerty, a once-trusted member of Bloomberg's campaign team, for the poll-watching effort.

Sources said Haggerty kept most of the money, claiming he fulfilled his end of the contract by conducting the operation mostly with volunteers.

Sources has earlier told The Post that Vance was demanding jail time be included in any plea deal, which Haggerty flatly rejected.

Although he worked in the mayor's campaigns for years, Haggerty considered himself a "volunteer" and refused to accept either a salary or a bonus.

The mayor had been so pleased with his efforts that he sent him a separate $120,000 contribution three weeks after the election so Haggerty could launch his own political action committee.


Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you screw with the all-powerful Queens Gop.Rot in Jail you thieving fool.

Anonymous said...

Hey Vance, indict brother Bart too for receiving the stolen money.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Eric Ulrich hire Bart as his chief of staff?

Anonymous said...

Haggerty aligned himself with Bloomberg. Vance hates Bloomberg. This is what happens when you align yourself with a Dictator. His money is starting to get him into trouble. If Haggerty is guilty, he'll go to jail. Why can't Vance go after all the criminal Democrats in Queens? What a windfall! How about Christine Quinn (Slush Fund Queen)? Nothing happened to her and she took tons of cash for her Slush Fund. Why wasn't she prosecuted?

Anonymous said...

he has a cushy job waiting for him with Bloomberg as STeven Rattner did. No worries.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, guys, he's kind of good looking. he has all that hair. and is not BALD. is that his real hair or is it hair club for men?

if he lifted a few shekels from Doomberg, how bad could he be?

Mike said...

It's only money. Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Where was Richard Brown ?

Myra said...

He looks much different in the New
York Times photo taken at court today.

Anonymous said...

On NY1 he looks like he's gonna cry!

Anonymous said...

all powerful ?

padavan is in the minority, and koo, ulrich and halloran are part of a minority party representing 10% of the Council.

what power is that, to hire a convicted rapist to work in your DO ?

dennis gallagher. the guy who is going to deliver victories to every race in northeast queens this year.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for ol' griz adams...........sorry
,wrong guy.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the NY1 clips, towards the end of the report there is a chart that Vance is using. The chart on the right side indicates wires of funds to Bart Haggerty in December. Please don't tell me anyone believes he didn't know where that money was coming from.

All corrupt, Ulrich, Ognibene, Haggery 1 and Haggerty 2.

What really sucks is the other side is just as corrupt, only they haven't gotten caught yet. Then we wonder why the QGOP is so pathetic.

Anonymous said...

"Then we wonder why the QGOP is so pathetic."

All very valid points. But the Haggertys prided themselves on not being a part of QGOP, they were the perennial outsiders. It was always Maltese's fault, and whoever else they viewed as leadership. If they had just laid down the hatchet, perphaps John wouldn't be where is is now. Maybe without them, QGOP can pick up the pieces and finally get its act together.

Anonymous said...

Gee, didn't brother Bart wonder where brother John suddenly got the cash to buy him out? Oopsy - one churchy bro missed the thou shalt not steal lesson and the other altar-boy bro missed the sins of omission one.

Anonymous said...

You all say Bart must have known, but what proof have you seen? Bart may have believed Bloomberg gifted his brother a million dollars.

For that matter, what proof have you seen that Bloomberg did not gift him the money?

Bloomberg gives money away all the time, over 200 million last year.

Bloomberg is not talking.

Anonymous said...

Bloomy can well afford to give someone or anyone a million out of his pocket change but that explanation begs the question of why the cash moved the way it did into John's pocket then partially into Bart's pocket. If Bloomy gave it, why was it not a plain old garden variety gift?

Anonymous said...

And did either of the brothers Haggerty pay any taxes on the Mayor's largesse?

Anonymous said...

Gift tax is payable by the donor.

It was very unusual the way the money was paid, not from Bloombergs campaign fund, but rather by 2 personal checks written by Bloomberg himself.

If anything, that makes it look more, not less like a gift, or hush money of some sort.

Bloomberg has been strangely silent about all this.

His excuse that it's because Cy Vance told him to keep quiet is laughable.

Anonymous said...

"Bloomberg has been strangely silent about all this.His excuse that it's because Cy Vance told him to keep quiet is laughable."

Tru dat. But what's not laughable is why Mr. Vance is not pursuing the Mayor. Strange bedfellows?

Anonymous said...

"Tru dat. But what's not laughable is why Mr. Vance is not pursuing the Mayor. Strange bedfellows?"

Could it be the D.A. is Hammering Haggerty with charges to get him to give up his real target???

Anonymous said...

Two down, five to go. Pettibone is going to lose.

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