Friday, June 18, 2010

Electrical contractor bilked SCA

From the NY Times:

A Queens electrical contractor bilked the Department of Education of more than $1 million by submitting fraudulent invoices, falsifying payrolls and charging for work that was never completed, according to allegations released Wednesday by Richard J. Condon, the special commissioner of investigation for the city schools.

The allegations against Kostas (Gus) Andrikopoulos, the owner of Hara Electric Corporation in Astoria, come one month after the state attorney general’s office charged him with skimming more than $2 million off the top of separate School Construction Authority projects since 2005.

The Hara Electric Corporation received some $20 million in contracting work from the School Construction Authority, serving as the contractor on nine projects and the subcontractor on 32 more, according to the attorney general’s office. Mr. Andrikopoulos has been charged with 385 counts of falsifying business documents, among other charges, and faces up to 25 years if convicted.


Anonymous said...

Check out the rest of the thieves and maybe we can get some of our money back to use for the students like it was supposed to be used. OH! I forget there is a long line of thieves to get through before the money reaches the students.

Anonymous said...

South of Rome and North of England: Criminals.

Anonymous said...

Round up the usual suspects!

Anonymous said...

Greeks are notorious crooks. This imbecile should have taken a few thousand dollars instead of making such a bone headed move. Did he really think he could get away with such a high amount??

Anonymous said...

This blog should remove the racist comments being directed towards those of greek descent.It's a shame.

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