Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dromm & Ferreras upset over deportations of illegals

From the NY Times:

The activists claimed once an illegal immigrant is arrested in New York City and sent to Rikers Island, city government has a policy of turning those individuals over to the federal government’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement division, where they usually face deportation. Oftentimes, charges against those immigrants are dropped, but they are usually deported anyway, being forcibly separated from their families and friends, according to Make the Road New York.

City Council members Danny Dromm (D-Jackson Heights) and Julissa Ferreras (D-East Elmhurst) both spoke at the rally, criticizing the mayor for promoting and praising the city’s immigrant community publicly, but enforcing a policy against undocumented immigrants that creates fear and division.

“I went to a dinner last night where [Bloomberg] spoke very eloquently about the diverse people in our community and the food that’s available,” Dromm said, standing in the church pulpit in front of Make the Road protesters as they held pro-immigration signs and banners.

“We can no longer accept saying one thing and doing another,” he said. “The Department of Corrections and the mayor must be held accountable. When [the mayor] talks about the beauty of this community, the diversity of the immigrant community, being a community of immigrants, we need to hold him accountable.”

Ferreras said the mayor’s cooperation with ICE is financing “the reverse of the Underground Railroad.”

Oh my God, someone please give these people a clue.


Anonymous said...

Esy to talk all that bleeding heart shit......weve got to pay for these parasites.They want to stay....1 kid and that's it.wait another 4-7 years.We will be bankrupt paying for these leeches.

Harriet Tubman said...

Ferreras said the mayor’s cooperation with ICE is financing “the reverse of the Underground Railroad.”

Gimmee a freaking break!!!

You gotta be kidding!!!!

I guess that makes U.S. Citizens the new Negroes, and illegal aliens are the escaping slave masters??

Anonymous said...

I guess that makes U.S. Citizens the new Negroes, and illegal aliens are the escaping slave masters??

True that!

Anonymous said...

Get rid of this criminal loving scum!!

Jacobo Riis said...

If the undocumented are all such leeches feeding off public money, how come they are the only ones I ever see doing all the hard labor in shops and restaurants?

People bitch that they line up for day labor work and in the next breath say they sit home and collect welfare.

Which is it?

Last week in Arizona they bitched about a mexican who worked at sizzler who was deported 3 times and sizzler hired him back each time he sneaked back in.

Ever think about what a great hard worker he must be that they would take that risk 3 times?

But, oh yeah, I forgot, he was "a threat" to us by working so hard, so he must go.

Snake Plissskin said...

Ever think about what a great hard worker he must be that they would take that risk 3 times?

But, oh yeah, I forgot, he was "a threat" to us by working so hard, so he must go.

Not a great worker perhaps as a great opportunity for exploitation by the restaurant.

He IS a threat to an American citizen looking for a job - a kid in college or high school, a family head trying to put food on his kid's table.

cherokeesista said...

Jacobo Riis said...
If the undocumented are all such leeches feeding off public money, how come they are the only ones I ever see doing all the hard labor in shops and restaurants?

People bitch that they line up for day labor work and in the next breath say they sit home and collect welfare.

Which is it?

Their Anchor Babies get those checks???? HELLO?? Are you with me?? The Law is the Law , I'm sick and tired of this crap:( Go after the Employers that are using the Illegals as Slave Labor and Deport ANYONE THAT ENTERS THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY!!! We can't afford this bullshit anymore:( SECURE THE DAMN BORDERS BY ANY and YES I SAID ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!! Two sets of Rules my ass!!!

Anonymous said...

Illegals have taken every low level job from Astoria to Little Neck.

Ever ride ANY bus after 11:00? Filled with illegals who work in restaurants. Stolen JOBS!

Jacobo said...

Anonymous said...
"Illegals have taken every low level job from Astoria to Little Neck.

Ever ride ANY bus after 11:00? Filled with illegals who work in restaurants. Stolen JOBS!"

Stolen jobs???!!!!

They get the jobs because they work harder! That is not stealing, that is called a WORK ETHIC" !!

If you want to compare the Americans and the undocumented who are competing in this income bracket, go walk into your local post office, they only hire legal residents there, and screen for status better than anyone. Observe their work habits.

Then walk across the street to any restaurant and observe how hard those non-english speaking employees are busting their behinds 10 hours a day.

And then, judge for yourself.

Anonymous said...

The one guy working the grease trap at the diner is not the problem. Its like roaches. For every one you see, there are ten you don't.

Miguel the fry cook is fine. But his wife does not work, or his four kids. And of course, you cant forget ma and pa, so they come up as well.

Now you have 8 people living off of one salary. That one salary can only afford a 2 br basement apartment in Vibrant and Diverse queens.

What that dose is (a) drive down housing values (b) overcrowd the local schools (c) over burden the city services {sewer, power, water} and (d) break the housing laws and codes.

what *that* does is force Miguel to ignore the census, because he know he ain't supposed to have 8 people in there. Now, he and his neighbors get screwed on the city budget.

Now of course, he gets used to keeping his head down. As a result, when they overpack a school, or close down a local hospital, he doesn't say jack shit because not only is he trying to fly under the radar, but its STILL better off than he was back home.

Anonymous said...

dont feed the trolls. u can lay out the facts as to why unfettered immig is bad for the nation, but they dont understand things like basic math (math is racist!)
i dont give a crap anymore, all u bleeding hearts get ready, bc when the nanny state collapses (and it will, has to do with that pesky racist math thing again) u will have a shitstorm on your hands. i am moving to VT or NH. Good riddance.

Deke DaSilva said...

Then walk across the street to any restaurant and observe how hard those non-english speaking employees are busting their behinds 10 hours a day.

Fine, we have no quarrel with your anecdotes in the restaurant industry.

How about high school graduation rates? The demographics of students enrolled in AP classes? SAT scores by ethnicity? General attitudes toward learning and education?

Care to discuss teen pregnancy rates by ethnicity? Out of wedlock birth rates?

Drunken driving statistics by race?

Employment in the sciences - high tech jobs in Silicon Valley perhaps?

And then, judge for yourself.


Anonymous said...

the upper top of our food chain is corrupt;so is the bottom. without a healthy middle and upper middle class this mofo WILL go down. get out of the big cities now. shrinking tax base plus half the country not paying any taxes (well almost, its 48%) is unsustainable. where will $$ come for schools, hospital visits, food stamps, etc?
honestly, move out of nyc if u stillcan. it is a tinderbox.
math bitches!!!

Rusticus said...

Not a great worker perhaps as a great opportunity for exploitation by the restaurant.

He IS a threat to an American citizen looking for a job - a kid in college or high school, a family head trying to put food on his kid's table.

So the problem lies just with "the restaurant" as an exploiter of cheap labor and the "threat" posed by Mexican immigrant worker, right?

Minimum wage in Arizona is $7.25 an hour. Even if the Mexican, American college or high school kid or "family head trying to put food on his kid's table" were to work a 12 hour shift, 6 days a week, they'd be wheeling in about 522 before federal, state and local taxes. Hardly a cornucopia for either the Mexican or the American.

Why isn't the minimum wage indexed for inflation? And why is there no discussion here of "free trade" policies, such as NAFTA, that have left millions of Mexicans so desperate that they are willing to risk their lives and fork over what little savings they have to "Coyote" contractors that ferry them across borders we are spending millions to "guard."

No, you're right. The focus should be exclusively on the Mexican and the restaurant that employs him illegally.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor does nothing because these illegals are cheap workers for him and his rich buddies and business friend. We have the laws on the books but NO enforcement. Sanction any business that hires illegals. NO stupid fence you fucking dumb teabaggers.

Anonymous said...

anonymous asked,
"Why isn't the minimum wage indexed for inflation? "

There is an existing formula for this, calculated by the same government office in Washington that sets the minimum wage. It is called the "living wage". Here in NYC the living wage is $10.50 with benefits and $11.50 without.

There is a bill before the city council to impose the living wage for all workers in developments that receive city tax abatements, of course Bloomberg is vowing to veto it if it passes.

Deke DaSilva said...

No, you're right. The focus should be exclusively on the Mexican and the restaurant that employs him illegally.

Of course, we shouldn't dare mention the responsibility of the Mexican government to take care of their own citizens, by providing funds for social programs, education, encourage the formation of industries and ultimately jobs. That would be, what's the word.....rac-......uhh...expecting too much, perhaps?

Shouldn't it be the responsibility of the U.S. Government, and ultimately, the U.S. taxpayers, to take care of Mexico's citizens? After all, aren't Mexicans also U.S. citizens?

Or are we living in some sort of bizarre-O world?

Rusticus said...

Of course, we shouldn't dare mention the responsibility of the Mexican government to take care of their own citizens...

I don't believe I wrote anywhere that we shouldn't. The Mexican government is cuplable too. But NAFTA was an AMERICAN proposal that was generated out of OUR Congress. AMERICAN investment banks and agribusinesses wanted it which is why we got it (certainly not b/c it would benefit either American or Mexican workers).

We cannot turn a blind eye to U.S. government and corporate policy's effect on conditions in Mexico and Central America.

To a large degree the U.S. calls the tune and the rest of the Americas do the dance (Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia being the current exceptions to the rule).

And it's been that way for a long, long time.

Deke DaSilva said...

To a large degree the U.S. calls the tune and the rest of the Americas do the dance

Wow! What a revolutionary concept!

A strong, dominant country/empire exerting influence/control over peoples/ethnicities/countries that border it!

Who would have thought of such an idea!

That must be news to: the ancient Greeks and their colonies - Egyptians, Thracians, Lydians, etc.; Chinese and countries that border it - Vietnam, Korea, etc.; Roman Empire - Britannia, Germania, etc.; Soviet Union - Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine, etc.; British Empire - India, Jamaica, Australia, Canada, etc.

(Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia being the current exceptions to the rule).

Yes! Those paradigms of truth, justice, and equality! Each and every one of those is a veritable "worker's paradise"!! Grocery store shelves filled to the brim!

And it's been that way for a long, long time.

Probably longer then you would have even imagined!

Anonymous said...

boo hoo

Anonymous said...

Deport Dromm & Ferreras. They shouldn't be in any government job if they can't uphold the laws of the United States of America. Illegals break the laws and should be deported. Period!

Erika said...

Seems extremely shortsighted and stupid to blame desperate people who want to support their families instead of the people who don't even try to hire US citizens because it's too expensive, petty or not worth it. Maybe they should hire "illegals" at MTA instead, since most of the workers there are doing such a shit job while hiding behind their union.

I wonder if there really are "real Americans" who are actually willing to work in horrible conditions for below minimum wage.

Anonymous said...

erika- you are an idiot. these poor workers get far more out of the system(u are the host, they are the ticks) via free healthcare, food stamps, and schooling. why are libs so bain dramaged? i know someone who is illegal and makes 900 a week off the books; most of that $ is sent back home so he can build a home in his native country. so most of the munny being made isnt even spent here! what is the pain threshold for you morons? I say its when you are taxed at 51%. do the math stupid, someone making 900 off the books is about $70k a yrs for a tax paying sucker. I am supremely confident you dont make more than $70k a yr. math = racism!! bitches!

Anonymous said...

Those who claim the undocumented are gaming the system and the liberals are to blame are dead wrong.

The recent wave of illegal immigration began in earnest in the mid 1980's when Ronald Reagan was President and peaked under the Presidency of George W. Bush.

It is the pro business wing of the republican party that rails against illegal immigrants while at the same time quietly encouraging the practice.

Rusticus said...

we shouldn't dare mention the responsibility of the Mexican government to take care of their own citizens...

A strong, dominant country/empire exerting influence/control over peoples/ethnicities/countries that border it!

Who would have thought of such an idea!

Well which is it? Are the Mexicans responsible for themselves or acting under the influence/control of a strong, dominant country/empire? It can only be one or the other, not both at the same time.

I mentioned Cuba etc. not to extol their virtues or lack of them but merely to point out that historically there have been smaller, weaker countries/republics that have managed to resist U.S. dominance/influence/control.

And please don't bring up the issue of human rights. What the U.S. (the goverment I mean not the people) dislikes is the assertion of independence to its authority and a lack of compliance with the dictates of its corporate interests. It is perfectly willing to deal with any kind of monster, including Communists like Rumania's dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, as long as they are not rocking the U.S. imperialist boat.

Finally you appear to take some pride in the idea that the U.S. is a strong/dominant/country/empire. But remember empire and (real) democracy are seldom compatible. The costs of empire are lost opportunities to develop the homeland. And empires always fall sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Oftentimes, charges against those immigrants are dropped, but they are usually deported anyway, being forcibly separated from their families and friends.

Duh, no one who illegally arrived here came forcibly to be separated from their family and friends - they came here deliberately knowing that they committed a crime jumping the fence and that they could be arrested and deported or held in jail.

Stop calling illegals = immigrants. Immigrants are folks whom arrive here with legal immigration status as designated by the federal government. The majority of US citizens arrived to these shores as legal immigrants whom naturalized after years long waiting period, learned to speak English, studied our country's history, passed an exam and pledged an oath of allegiance to out nation to become citizens.

So get it straight - if you did not do or follow the law - get out now - your stealing from us and we will go after you with any means legally we have including reprimanding those who misuse citizen resources to harbor illegals.

English Professor said...

Anonymous said;

"Stop calling illegals = immigrants. Immigrants are folks whom arrive here with legal immigration status as designated by the federal government. "

Merriam Webster said;
: one that immigrates: as a : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence b : a plant or animal that becomes established in an area where it was previously unknown

Thank you Anonymous for re-writing the english language for us all, please put me on your email list for future updates.

Queens Crapper said...

Who said they were taking up permanent residence?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, all you ignorant and very mean-spirited people need to read the facts before blowing all that smoke out your **s. Numerous studies have been done, including by Thomas DiNapoli (see his website)--our state comptroller in case you didn't know--which show that immigrants of whatever legal status bring a net gain to our economy and do not take away jobs from native-born Americans. Extremist arguments about deportation don't serve anybody and only ruin otherwise reasonable arguments about what to do regarding the immigration problem. To put it another way, you look dumb, sound dumb, so everything you touch turns to s**t. Becareful: failure to identify a good idea among heaps of bad ones will kill all of your ideas. Christian virtue as taught by Jesus and the Saints will prevail. Hatred and nazi-style tactics at solving public policy issues are history.

Queens Crapper said...

1) Separation of church and state. Please don't bring up religion.
2) Numerous other studies without a tweeding agenda have shown that illegal aliens do take jobs away from low income Americans.
3) National security, National security, National security.

Anonymous said...

Not only jobs that they take; three counties in Arizona now are OFF LIMITS to AMERICANS - big signs saying: stay out for your safety - this is 80 miles into Arizona.

it's time to roll...

time to take our country back

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