Monday, June 14, 2010

Doctor attacks Ack

From the Times Ledger:

A Roslyn, L.I., doctor seeking to oust U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Bayside) in November called the congressman an out-of-touch elitist during a meeting of the Queens Village Republican Club last week in Bellerose.

Dr. James Milano, 42, said Ackerman “has drifted so far along with the riptide that he is now at the point where he is an elitist.”

Milano, an ER doctor at St. Francis Hospital who is making his first run for elective office, said he supports changing the country’s tax structure, saying it allows the wealthy to become wealthier and encourages high earners to seek alternative means to shelter their money. He said the tax structure is “destroying our manufacturing base.”

On immigration, Milano said he supports building a fence along the U.S.-Mexican border. He said illegal immigration “goes against the thread of what Americans stand for.”

Milano said he also would like to see term limits for elected officials in Congress, calling politicians “the most powerful executives in our country.”

“People need to understand that there is a sense of urgency for change in this country,” he told the crowd at Trattoria Lucia on Union Turnpike in Bellerose last Thursday.

Milano said the nation’s ballooning debt is a serious problem and suggested a percentage of elected officials’ salaries be put in escrow which they would get back if they balanced the budget. If not, Milano said the money should go to the taxpayers.

He also criticized some foreign aid approved by Congress, including $10 million to Lebanon and $300 million to Pakistan.

“What happens with this money? It comes back as bombs against us.”


Anonymous said...

Milano - for better or worse is ar least refreshing and part of the wave of new names that conceivably can oust a whole host of entrenched POL that are running the nation into the ground. Good luck Milano!

Anonymous said...

He's got my support. Term limit all elected offices.

“…politicians are like diapers – they should be changed frequently – for the same reasons …”

So long Gary!

Anonymous said...

Ackerman's been in office since I was a hippie....time to move on, Gary! Queens College was his training ground back in the mid 1960's.

A Better NYC said...

There's a guy running against Anthony Weiner who shares the same sentiment as Milano.

His name is Bob Turner...check it out.

Let's get Ack and Weiner out of Congress and help get Queens (and the US) back on track!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's get Ack and Weiner out of Congress and help get Queens (and the US) back on track!!!



Anonymous said...

So refreshing to see someone voice what we all want here in Queens. He has my vote. Term limits are imperative for all politicians who make a living out of making deals to advance their agendas with our taxpayer monies. We need a fresh start and new politicians with new ideas that will benefit us for a change.

Anonymous said...

He is a teabagger and quite idiotic. First a fence? What the fuck? Does he know how much it will cross to build a fence and it still will not be effective??? We need Immigrant Reform and to PUNISH all businesses that HIRE ILLEGALS.

Second, aid to pakistan. HELLO RACIST. We send Billions to Israel so he should STFU

Anonymous said...


Same person as the one calling people 'idiotic.'

Anonymous said...

Calling someone idiotic is not racist but I call it as I see. I am not call all segments or country idiotic. And his is an idiot to even suggest a fence. that is teabagging simpleton talk.

Why are we building a stupid wall?

SIMPLY enforce the law (put those rich bloodsuckers in jail)- do not hire illegals - no jobs - no immigrant problem.

Everone knows this but they would rather blame the illegals than our crooked politicians who are paid off to NOT enforce the law.

They say no American will do their job. That’s a lie.

I have competed with them for jobs and low wages all my life.

I do not blame them; if I were in their place I would do the same.

Corruption is not a problem in our government – it has become our system.

Eighty percent of Democrats, 78 percent of Independents, and almost two-thirds of Republicans support this reform.

Less than two-tenths of 1 percent of the U.S. population gave 86 percent of all itemized campaign contributions for the 2004 elections.

The top 1 percent owns more wealth then the bottom 90 percent.

Fair Elections Now Act (FENA) Sign the petition

We MUST have campaign reform. It must be done or we are irrelevant in our own government

Anonymous said...

And it isn't just Mexican but Asians, Eastern Europeans, Africans etc that are here illegal, so how the fuck will a fence solve anything. the idiocy of these fucking teabaggers feeding off the hatred and racism of the fat americans is only blocking real reform. what a fucking stupid country

Anonymous said...

And it isn't just Mexican but Asians, Eastern Europeans, Africans etc that are here illegal, so how the fuck will a fence solve anything. the idiocy of these fucking teabaggers feeding off the hatred and racism of the fat americans is only blocking real reform. what a fucking stupid country

Anonymous said...

Call the teabaggers what you want, but give them credit for trying to change our political system. If you're happy with your elected politicians and how the country is being run, then vote in your incumbents. If you're not happy, and most people aren't, vote everyone out, start from scratch and impose term limits. That's what the tea party is trying to do. If you don't agree with them, that is your right. As for the fence, we need one in the north and in the south. So many illegals come through the canadian border. It might be expensive, but at least it's a start. A better idea would be for our government to stop rewarding illegals with benefits for medical, food and shelter. If they didn't receive these perks, they'd just go home. We need change in government and we need it now.

Eet Mi said...

Fuck all of you. Get rid of Ackerman and where will all the Asian whores go? I need a little somethin' somethin' and the Trib is very accomodating...if you catch my meaning. Of course, I'll probably need a doctor after a visit from one of Ack's clients.

The Zises Clan said...

Don't worry Gary, we got your back.

Gary said...

The Zises Clan said...
Don't worry Gary, we got your back.

True but would it hurt to tickle my front as well?

Anonymous said...

Where do i send my contribution?

Anonymous said...

Fucking stupid people. FENCES do nothing but stop the migration of herds. people use ladders, rope etc to go over the existing walls.

THE FUCKING Problem is that there is NO enforcement of ILLEGALS hired by businesses. NO JOBS< NO ILLEGALS.

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