Friday, June 11, 2010

Bloomberg believes in BP

From CBS 2:

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ventured into lonely territory, saying the world should not rush to judgment in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster.

The billionaire former CEO mayor is known for defending private businesses dealing with public relations problems. Friday was no different.

Bloomberg said on his weekly radio show that the head of British Petroleum "didn't exactly go down there and blow up the well."

He added that everyone might want to wait to assign blame because the expertise of BP is needed to fix the problem.


georgetheatheist said...

The world should not rush to judgment? But I will. If it wasn't for the environmentalists demanding that the wells be dug in deep water rather than off-coast or on land, this disaster could have been capped immediately. Red Adair where are you?

Drill, baby. Drill.

Anonymous said...

OMG! does this man ever SHUT UP? what about all the folks their jobs and livelyhood? what about all the animals and shores that are being destroyed? It's BP fault! their lack of judgement on products they used.. and it's the governments fault for not inspecting properly and being on top of this. I say the hell with BP and they better fix the problem if they want AMERICANS to start to show some faith in them again. Bloomturd is not the voice of AMERICA, he needs to shut the hell up...

Anonymous said...

It figures that he would take BP's side. As long as this disaster isn't costing him anything, of course he will take the big business side. I don't understand why the Army Corp of Engineers wasn't called in immediately. This spill went on for 45 days before BP moved its ass. So sad that the people of the Gulf have been shit on by their government more than once.

Mayor Bloomtard said...

Oil's well that ends well!

Anonymous said...

He must have a lot of money invested in BP.

Anonymous said...

just wait til the oil starts to hit bermuda

Anonymous said...

He's taking a BIG hit from BP stock. Guaranteed !

It serves h8m right...Mike you are real slick..just like the spill!

Mazel tov !

Anonymous said...

He's taking a BIG hit from BP stock. Guaranteed !

You're assumming he wasn't tipped off ahead of time. Wouldn't put ANYTHING passed him. BTW, I wonder if Ackerman and his Zises buddies are profitting?

Anonymous said...

To Mike Bloomberg _|_

cherokeesista said...

I seriously believe Bloomberg is FUCKING CRAZY!!!!!

Lino said...

"georgetheatheist said...

The world should not rush to judgment? But I will. If it wasn't for the environmentalists demanding that the wells be dug in deep water rather than off-coast or on land, this disaster could have been capped immediately. Red Adair where are you?
Drill, baby. Drill."
This is so typical of an ill-informed, ideological idiot's approach.

Most of the oil reserves inland and near shelf have been depleted here in No. America. Deep water drilling is hugely expensive and has only been undertaken as a last resort. Canada and Russia aree our best bets as long as the damn automobile continues to use the light from the dinosaur era.

Both Canada and US have vast quantities of oil sands but tapping these requires huge destruction in areas that most people would object to.

You con-servatives are really a sad, insecure joke. If Obama (or any democrat) bans offshore drilling you'll scour him for leaving us at the mercy of arab scum.
If/when a disaster like this happens you blame him for not acting even though the government has no real capability in dealing with this disaster. If he tried to set up such a capability, you'll carp that he is increasing government.

If Obama "took over" the situation the con-man would cry that government was overstepping into private interests.

If he leaves it in the hands of those private interests, they cry that he is "doing nothing".

Go "drill" that moron Palin.

Anonymous said...

Right on, Lino.

georgetheatheist said...

" ill-informed, IDEOLOGICAL idiot's approach."

"Philosophy studies the fundamental nature of existence, of man, and of man's relationship
to existence. As against the special sciences, which deal only with particular aspects, philosophy deals with those aspects of the universe which pertain to everything that exists. In the realm of cognition, the special sciences are the trees, but philosophy is the soil which makes the forest possible." - Ayn Rand.

Ideology is the motor that drives the world.

"If, Obama", "If/When a disaster", "If he tried", "If Obama 'took over'", "If he leaves". . . - Lino the King of the Konditional. (I know, it's Dick Cheney's fault. The new corollary to Godwin's Law.)

Fact is, until human ingenuity says otherwise, we do indeed live in the Age of Fossil Fuel. Live with it. And you want to leave America naked to the Russians? I don't. Are you mad? (Cf. Ukraine's nakedness to the Russian natural gas czars. Western Europe as well.)

"Go 'drill' that moron Palin":

Little Lino Horner sat in his corner
Eating his Christmas pie,
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum,
And said "What a good boy am I!"

Drill, baby, drill.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Anonymous said...

right on lino and George the Atheist is a buffoon . seriously, I don't care if he disagrees but he should based it on FACTS and not his biases and ideology. jeez.

Anonymous said...

right on lino and George the Atheist is a buffoon . seriously, I don't care if he disagrees but he should based it on FACTS and not his biases and ideology. jeez.

Anonymous said...

George the Atheist is a buffoon
I second that thought! It's easy to spot George in a crowd. Look for the red nose and huge shoes!

Lino said...

georgetheatheist said...

" ill-informed, IDEOLOGICAL idiot's approach."

"Ideology is the motor that drives the world."

--And idiots populate it.

Holding my nose and quoting further:

"Little Lino Horner sat in his corner
Eating his Christmas pie,
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum,
And said "What a good boy am I!"

Drill, baby, drill.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge."

Ladies and gents, here we have "George" -who has claimed to be a former teacher.....Catholic school I hope.

georgetheatheist said...

As Mencken said, "It's fun, FUN, to go into the barn at night and scare the animals."

Anonymous said...

someone please tell me what energy source we should go with:

wood=it destroys trees

whale oil=it kills whales

oil=we risk platform spills if we produce at home/ we're too reliant on other nations if we import it/ we risk tanker spills if we ship it from elsewhere

nuclear=we risk radiation leaks if something goes wrong/ nuclear waste storage is a problem/ nobody wants one in their backyard

wind=it's impractical and undependable/ it kills birds/ millionaires don't want windmills spoiling the view offshore

solar=the technology isn't there/ panels costs too much/ utilities won't have the ability to gouge consumers if they're not connected to the grid

coal=it's dirty/ strip mining destroys the land and causes massive pollution/ the deeper we go the more dangerous it gets

natural gas=it's a greenhouse gas

i guess we're shit out of luck

Helen said...

Have family in Alaska and they are pro-drilling in ANWR which was closed off for exploration by (until now) the worst president in U.S. history ~ James Earl Carter.
The dividends paid to all citizens in Alaska didn't start with Gov. Sarah Palin.
To the last Anonymous poster: Who will "defend" us from the junk scientists of EPA and the DEP? Windmills tend to freeze in Minnesota winters.
People, please keep your eyes on Indian Point. The liberals in NY state took a movie (starring Hanoi Jane Fonda) to be the truth.

Kudos to georgetheatheist!

Helen said...

To Mr. QC~ That photo of "Bloomie" reminds me of the billboard from a movie - The Forty Year Old Virgin. Thanks for the laugh!

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