Friday, June 18, 2010

Back to the drawing board for park domes

MYFOXNY.COM - An experiment with shiny steel climbing domes in a Brooklyn park has ended after a baby girl severely burned herself on one of them.

The shiny structures have caused problems since the playground at Brooklyn Bridge Park opened in the spring.

The metal domes baked in the sun in the park designed for young children. Parents started complaining almost immediately.

The first solution was to put up signs warning parents that the structures can be hot. The signs also said that they expected the trees canopy to eventually provide shade for the domes.

The Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corporation's next idea was to put tarps over the domes but that was problematic since they had to be moved all day.

The final straw was on Wednesday when a baby girl touched a dome and reportedly left her hands blistered. Another child was also burned but not as badly.

On Friday, white cloths covered the domes and barricades were set up around all of them.


Anonymous said...

this is what happens when playground equipment is designed by childless (and probably gay) "designers"

Anonymous said...

Someone heard the words "small fries" and well, you can guess the rest!

Anonymous said...

This would be so fucking funny if it weren't so fucking sad.

Anonymous said...

Why can't they cover them in burlap and plant moss or grass on them?

Joe said...

---Stainless Steel.
Turn them upside down add some pumps, nozzels, screening, low voltage LED lighting and make fountains ?

Barry said...

Is this a NYC park? If so, it's not suprising that dumbass Adrian Benepe would reject adult advise and charge ahead with yet another hare brained scheme.

Lino said...

Joe said...

---Stainless Steel.
Turn them upside down add some pumps, nozzels, screening, low voltage LED lighting and make fountains ?

You are on to something there, instead of flipping them install a small sprinkler head in the center. The water will cool the sides and provide something for the kids to slide on.

People are making -way- too big an issue out of this, as a kid in the 1960s slides, monkey bars ans metal swings became very hot during the summer so we played in the sprinkler instead.

All of this is due to too many lawyers with too little to do.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

I like Joe's idea, but that might be expensive and not in the budget LOL or you can coat them in a heavy duty rubber, Make it in funky neon colors. Put handles and knobs on them so kids can pull themselves up. Kids love climbing.

Dorothy said...

There's no place like dome.
There's no place like dome.
There's no place like dome.
There's no place like dome.

Anonymous said...

this is what happens when playground equipment is designed by childless (and probably gay) "designers"


stop designing stuff and continue tooling for anus.

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